View Full Version : Colored Xvalve status

08-04-2003, 06:56 PM
First of all I would like to start out by thanking Airgun Designs for bringing us these new quality products and having patience for all the bickering some of us make. You guys could have taking the easy way out and lowered the standards, but obviously that has not happened and I feel you guys deserve a BIG thanks for all you have done.

Now for my question, how are the Xvalves coming along? Will we be able to have any input on the new look? Or is it going to be a special suprise?

Not trying to pressure, I'm just curious.


08-04-2003, 07:52 PM
This was discussed at the IAO. Right now, agd has a ton of valves that are all the same, but are labeled differently for different guns. In x-valves alone. There are Emax, RTPro, and Xvalve.

Tom said something about going to a single logo for all AIR valves. So they aren't committed to putting a certian valve in a certian gun.

Mind that all AIR valves are the same as for how they are mounted... an emax valve will fit in anything AGD makes right now. and even every gun they have made. (except for two models that is ;-))

one of these days, we will get our colored x valves :-)

08-04-2003, 08:18 PM
adn i suppose if i want a colored one i would have to buy a whoel new xvalve:( :mad:

08-04-2003, 08:42 PM
why not just get it anoed? or will that mess with the tolerances and whatnot?

08-04-2003, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by nerobro
This was discussed at the IAO. Right now, agd has a ton of valves that are all the same, but are labeled differently for different guns. In x-valves alone. There are Emax, RTPro, and Xvalve.

Tom said something about going to a single logo for all AIR valves. So they aren't committed to putting a certian valve in a certian gun.

Mind that all AIR valves are the same as for how they are mounted... an emax valve will fit in anything AGD makes right now. and even every gun they have made. (except for two models that is ;-))

one of these days, we will get our colored x valves :-)

Cool man thanks for the info. Anyone have an ETA?

08-09-2003, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by ß.C.

Cool man thanks for the info. Anyone have an ETA?

this was my question too. i am going to rebuild my mag from the ground up but i dont want to wait 6 months just to have a red valve. ill just buy a black one now and anno it later if i get that anal.

08-09-2003, 07:24 PM
from what i hear...a buddy fo mine went to a Tom Kaye tech conference last week...and Tom said the Colored X-Valves are being annoed...and will be out soon

08-09-2003, 11:51 PM
Tom also said that it is HIGHLY dissaproved to anno a current black xvalve.

08-10-2003, 02:11 AM
anyone know how much more they will be?

08-10-2003, 03:18 PM
i think it would cost the same... i mean think about it.. ano something one solid color.. it should be the same... cuz all solid xmags cost the same right?

08-10-2003, 03:27 PM
They'll be released next year in batches of 3.


hehehe... Oooh I'm just kidding!