View Full Version : !Need Help! Calling all computer geniuses!

08-04-2003, 11:42 PM
Well magically all of a sudden when i hold my "Up Arrow key" and my "Left Arrow key" it makes the well-known computer beep sound.

But when i do Right Arrow key + Up Arrow it does't beep.

Why is it on?

How do I get it off, and if i can't turn if off im going to blow up my computer.

Also when i hold more than 2 keys like "Letter Keys" at the same time it does it also.

I want it off!

I already tried looking in Accessibility Settings and nothing in there is related to my problem. I also tried in my Keyboard Settings, as well as my BIOS settings.

Please help...

PS: If your wondering why, when i want to play games the buttons off-set each other and per instance a 1st person shooter the guy cant straife and move foward at the same time.

08-04-2003, 11:46 PM
I'm no computer whiz-
but did you try restarting your computer?

what about unpluging your keyboard and plugging it back in?

heh just a wild guess

08-05-2003, 12:18 AM
it's b/c non-usb keyboards limit how many keys you can hit at once...get a usb keyboard if you don't want the limit..chances are you're hitting something else at the same time w/ the arrows...maybe.

08-05-2003, 02:46 AM
Coffey and im not idiot :(

I tried both of those... duh.

and impostal22 ... its not like its a prolonged problem, its just recent. Like all of a sudden...magically... and its pissin me off too.

08-05-2003, 04:42 AM
Heres a solution:
Use W S A D to move! lol
The only time I can ever use the arrow keys in a game is if its like a racing game or if its THPS 3
Seriousally though, W(forward)S(back)A(strafe left)D(strafe right) is a much better configuration IMO, you should give it a try.

08-05-2003, 08:52 AM
well unfortuneately imposta is right...if you do it on my keyboard it bleeps just the same. Just buy a new keyboard cause yers prolly sucks to begin with like mine, so thats about all I can do for you.

08-05-2003, 10:37 AM
Heres a solution:
Use W S A D to move! lol
The only time I can ever use the arrow keys in a game is if its like a racing game or if its THPS 3
Seriousally though, W(forward)S(back)A(strafe left)D(strafe right) is a much better configuration IMO, you should give it a try.

I used to use WASD, but now I have converted to DEAF. Man, it is sooooo much more comfortable. Plus, it keeps others off my system at LAN parties. hehe

08-05-2003, 10:44 AM
Postal was right. A Nonusb keyboard will only allow a certain amount of keys to be pressed at once. Any 3 key combination or sometimes 2 key combos held down will cause a beep.

08-05-2003, 10:49 AM
Well its fixed... for now.

But what you guys weren't understanding is that its just recent. Although umm i did kinda spill water on my keyboard last night so possibly its dry now :).

Its a Logictech wireless btw.