View Full Version : signs your kid might be goth

08-05-2003, 11:16 AM
i found this on a different forums

This is really funny


08-05-2003, 11:43 AM
some of them are funny because they're stupid. some of them are funny because they are so extreme. some of them piss me off.

08-05-2003, 12:15 PM
Goths don't have tattoos...I have never seen a goth with a tattoo. and 95% of them look like they havent seen the sun in 10 years.

Wears rock t-shirts...eh?!

I'm on the computer 24/7 am I a goth?
My grandma uses the internet....is she a goth?

:p lol

08-05-2003, 12:46 PM
"Kills people for fun"

"Watches cable"

"Pursues dangerous cult religions such as WICCA, SATANISM, HINDUISM and BUDDHISM."

"Dances to music"


08-05-2003, 01:06 PM
never seen a goth with tattoos? you must only know the under 16 hot topic goths then.

08-05-2003, 01:14 PM
that has to be the dumbest thing I have read.

even if it is satirrical..

half of the things in there apply to what would be considered a "normal" person.

christ, I have tattoos and a piercing, I stay up late, I sleep very little, sometimes ill sleep an entire day.., I write angry and sometimes voilet poetry (i.e Diary), I dont exactly mock authority, but I question it.. im a little secretive.. i like my privacy..

seriously, **** like this pisses me off.. this is ****ing rediculous!

08-05-2003, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by joey d

half of the things in there apply to what would be considered a "normal" person.

I believe that is the point.

08-05-2003, 01:32 PM
Oh good, I have only one "cast iron culdron".....I must not be goth, lol. That is pretty funny....

08-05-2003, 03:08 PM

That was great.

08-05-2003, 03:13 PM
Says "I'm a Goth" :p If it couldn't be any clearer

08-05-2003, 03:16 PM
I'm offended by this.... I'm tired of hearing crap like this about goths...we aren't that bad.

08-05-2003, 03:19 PM
Holy cow! I must have been pretty close to a goth. Dang! Thats totally funny.

I think over 90% of that applies to the average/normal teenager!
accuse their parents of spying on them
Sleeps too much or too little
Eats too much or too little
shows interest in sex
Demands an unusual amount of privacy
Watches cable
Spends large amounts of time alone
Spends large amounts of time with people you don’t know
and my favorite one: Misbehaves in school


i like tictacs
08-05-2003, 03:37 PM
Eats GOTH-related foods such as Count Chocula breakfast cereal.


08-05-2003, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by KornKamp02
I'm offended by this.... I'm tired of hearing crap like this about goths...we aren't that bad.

I hope you aren't serious.

08-05-2003, 04:53 PM
I wear clothes from hot topic, but wouldnt even slightly consider myself goth.

08-05-2003, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by i like tictacs
Eats GOTH-related foods such as Count Chocula breakfast cereal.

young kids these days and there serial

Uses the blood of Christian babies to inscribe pentagrams or other symbols on churches and schools.

Has paranoid fantasies (many GOTHS accuse their parents of spying on them).

Owns more than one cast-iron cauldron.

this has got to be the biggest load of b/s i have ever heard

08-05-2003, 07:34 PM
I think people have mistaken what a 'goth' actually is. A goth is an artist.... example- middle age church arcitechts (sp). A common charataristic of a gothic built church was a flying butress... it was a bow shaped thing that supported the top part of a church enabling it to be built higher enabling more spike-like looking things.

A goth now is..... those damn newmetal kids.

too kornkamp- are you an artist? do you make 'far out' paintings that many people think that nobody could ever possibly think of? Or are you just another newmetal poser that listens to korn and wears a trenchcoat to intimidate people. I'm tired of this kind of crap.

08-05-2003, 07:39 PM
Signs that people in this world don't realize when people are joking:


08-05-2003, 07:52 PM

but... korn kamp wasnt joking...

08-05-2003, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by KornKamp02
I'm offended by this.... I'm tired of hearing crap like this about goths...we aren't that bad.

Go secretively eat some Count Chocula out of your multiple cauldrons you crazy goth! ;) :D

08-05-2003, 11:00 PM
I think this why trying to say that all teenagers are goths now a days. It was a joke...:rolleyes:

08-06-2003, 12:33 AM
Originally posted by irbodden
The best part about satire is 1/2 of the population doesn't even know what it is.

08-06-2003, 12:37 AM
Originally posted by HoboJudge

Go secretively eat some Count Chocula out of your multiple cauldrons you crazy goth! ;) :D lol

08-06-2003, 02:07 AM


Parody. Get it. Humor. Satire. Ha-ha-ha....



08-06-2003, 02:11 AM
Originally posted by -Carnifex-

I hope you aren't serious. Good, because I'm not. This is funny, anyone who takes this seriously needs to be put in the mad house.

08-06-2003, 04:42 AM
Goths are just wierd. I mean, to each their own, but they look just weird. Of course they can do what they want with themselves, just don't expect ppl to treat you like normal ppl if you don't look like normal ppl.

That said, I'm big time into piercings and count chocula....

08-06-2003, 08:27 AM
Originally posted by KornKamp02
Good, because I'm not.
oh.. hehe

your ALWAYS talking about this in other threads as well.. so I assumed you were serious.. :0

08-06-2003, 08:30 AM
wow this was ment as a joke, its crazy how uptight people get when you start talking about "groups" of people heh, its really kinda funny

for those of you that did get the <b>JOKE</b> good for you

for all you others, lighten up a bit sheesh

08-06-2003, 09:41 AM