View Full Version : Viking questions..

08-05-2003, 01:09 PM
I only have a few questions about Vikings, I'm trading for one to shoot something different but I dont know much about them other than what people say.

What all can you do in the way of Upgrades?
What thread feednecks are they? AKA or Angel or something
Are there any different trigger frames?
Are triggers easily set?
Do I need a special tool to adjust the LPR like Angels?

Thats all.. someone please help me out.

08-05-2003, 01:19 PM
since this is a dominantly mag community, your question may be better answered elsewhere.

such as the AKA forum on PBN. I scroll there from time to time to pickup useful information.

ask the guys there, im sure they will be more than helpful. there are a few AKA techs that post there.

clicky for more (http://pbnation.com/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=149)

08-05-2003, 01:52 PM
vikings are awesome they are better than cockers :p

id recomend a razor trigger

08-05-2003, 02:25 PM
Not much for upgrades - and nothing can help the fact that they are HEAVY! They are great markers out of the box.

They are AKA propritary threads - much stronger then Angel.

2 frames - single or double trigger, only from AKA

Trigger are easily set - but one screw requires you to removed frame to get to it - if I remember correctly. (I sold mine becasue AKA sucks as a company and I couldn't deal with the intolerable waits for things like: LPR kits, warp cables, new software, data cables to be produced.)

Yes you need a special kit for LPR adjustment- good luck getting one - I called them almost every week for 7 months and they never had any. Some claim you can do it without the tool - but I can't figure out how they knew when it was at the right pressure.

Basically back when I owned a Viking AKA was crap for having ANYTHING on hand or producing anything new. That might be better now - plus they've gotten some coool stuff out like the SCM.

Personally, I loved the marker - but was really pissed at the company at the time.


08-05-2003, 02:45 PM
What all can you do in the way of Upgrades?
--not much, but thats a good thing! upgrades I can think of are scm,all the was products, and stuff like barrels and grips

What thread feednecks are they? AKA or Angel or something
--not sure

Are there any different trigger frames?
--you can convert matrix and angel frames to fit it. Puddlegum of pbnation converts to the matrix frame for a pretty good price

Are triggers easily set?
--I didnt have any problems setting one

Do I need a special tool to adjust the LPR like Angels?
--yes, and there easy to find. Just look around

Not much for upgrades - and nothing can help the fact that they are HEAVY! They are great markers out of the box.
ummm. the x-mag is 2.7lb and an unmilled viking is 3lb not much different. If you get a jmj, immortal, steamline they are around 2.5 pounds

2 frames - single or double trigger, only from AKA
nope matrix and angel are easily converted.

Yes you need a special kit for LPR adjustment- good luck getting one - I called them almost every week for 7 months and they never had any. Some claim you can do it without the tool - but I can't figure out how they knew when it was at the right pressure.

It only took me about 5min to get one. You just have to search.

(edit) I just relized cledford bought his a while ago. Back then it was kinda hard to find some stuff for it, but now AKA is getting back in the game

08-05-2003, 04:01 PM
Wow.. thanks guys! I think I might get a trix 90* frame converted if I run out of junk to do.. as of now I'm gonna get destructive customs to tap holes for eyes and install them. That should run me out of money getting WAS board, eyes, and the holes tapped. I will then make eye covers out of duct tape!

Thanks everyone!

08-05-2003, 04:27 PM
Actually there are some upgrades to look into:

WAS Wicked Switch (makes the microswitch activation as light as a Matrix)
WAS Eyes
Various feedtubes (CCM Clamping, and some no rises by AuctionJunkie)
PBX did make a magnetic frame, but I think it is no longer available

Then of course the standard grips, barrels, etc. BTW, I think JMJ makes eye covers now.

08-05-2003, 05:00 PM
I'm gonna make some bobo covers until I can afford nice ones.. I mgiht ask Doc Nickel for some lady ones or something.

08-05-2003, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by Ryknow
I only have a few questions about Vikings, I'm trading for one to shoot something different but I dont know much about them other than what people say.

What all can you do in the way of Upgrades?
What thread feednecks are they? AKA or Angel or something
Are there any different trigger frames?
Are triggers easily set?
Do I need a special tool to adjust the LPR like Angels?

Thats all.. someone please help me out.

grip frame
Soda Can Mod(the Lpr, abriviated as SCM)
micro switch

don't know about feedneck, i know CCM makes an adj. feedneck for them though.

triggers is easy to set, but you have to take the whole gun apart to make it really nice, i could set it to what you like before i ship it out if you want.

you can buy a tool kit to adj. the lpr and crap

the only trigger frame that i know of that isn't from AKA is the PBX magnetic trigger frame, but then you can also convert a matrix frame to fit it,

08-05-2003, 07:33 PM
Before you trade, you might want to think about the upgrades you need to put into an older one. The older ones had nelson boards, which arent terrible, but the WAS boards are far superior, and support the eyes, which at $20 is a no-brainer option. THe was board is a $140 purchase. WAS has said his board can run the old solenoids fine, and you wouldnt need the new solenoids. The old solenoids do not work well with the nelson board.

IF its an older one, you'll need to get it drilled for the eyes. Thats another $40.

Some other good upgrades are a Razor blade trigger, DYE stickies, SCM, and a CCM no rise feed neck. Might as well tack on the price of a Halo, as you'll be needing one.

Trust me on this: You will not regret getting a Viking. Mine looked like crap this past weekend, what with the black body and the tape on the eyes, but it kept up with every timmy and matrix out there.

08-05-2003, 08:06 PM
Heres a tip, stick with the timmy.

08-05-2003, 08:16 PM
Just my opinion, but the SCM is a waste of money. As far as I know all it does is compensate pressure changes in your inline reg, so if you change your pressure your cocking pressure will stay the same. Honestly though, I'd just rather adjust the LPR a bit if I need to adjust the inline reg. To me the SCM just looks ugly, adds weight, and the benefits aren't too huge.

SlipknotX556, why's that? He can get a gun with far better efficiency, less maintanence, lower kick, a tougher ano, a faster rate of fire, and the best inline reg in the world.

08-05-2003, 08:22 PM
Heres a tip, stick with the timmy.

lets not turn this into a timmy vs. viking thread!:D :p

besides, we all know the viking would win.;)

08-05-2003, 09:45 PM
Spork.. if you can set the trigger pull to pretty light, make it hit the microswitch early in the pull, and make it about | | to | | long that would be awsome... So far it looks like I'm gonna get a was board, humphrey noid (later), WAS eyes, and get a good trix frame converted. woot woot.. my viking is gonna be awsome. Halo.. hmmm interesting.. I could use another one I guess.

EDIT: oo Slippy.. the timmy is gone to Oz, I'm trading a cocker for my Viking.

08-05-2003, 09:54 PM
Halo is a must, I was literally outrunning everything else.

08-05-2003, 10:01 PM
wow... I gotta get a was and such next then.. is a humphrey 'noid a "must" with a WAS board?

08-05-2003, 11:52 PM
the humphreys are only NEEDED on excals, as they have a horrible problem with shooting at the high ROF that comes with the WAS board. for the viking you'll be fine with a murphy and WAS.

08-06-2003, 03:07 AM
You will NEED a HALO! My friend out shoots his Halo all the freaking time with he's viking.

08-06-2003, 12:11 PM
holy poop...

08-06-2003, 02:44 PM
there is a rumor about a bonebrake viking. If I where you I woulod wait and see what develops in the next 6 or so months.

08-06-2003, 05:29 PM
What all can you do in the way of Upgrades?

Get a barrel Kit thats all that is needed.

You can also upgrade the board
add Eyes, and eye covers(with a new board)
get diffrent feed necks

What thread feednecks are they? AKA or Angel or something

They Use cocker barrels as most of AKA guns do .

Are there any different trigger frames?

No, not currently, but JMJconcepts and a couple others are working on frames

Are triggers easily set?

Yep, its a 3 set screew triger, Forward stop, back stop, and Micro switch trip

Do I need a special tool to adjust the LPR like Angels?

Yes, you should use the guage kit, other then that its adjusted via a allemn wrench

08-06-2003, 05:33 PM
Get a "Dark Viking" from www.yeppers-llc.com

If you check on the AKA forum on PBNation they've got nothing but good things to say about em.

Theyre the new vikings (with WAS already) ... plus they have the RAZOR TRIGGER already installed and DYE3 stickies. I think you can get it Unmilled for like $740

My teamate owns www.darkviking.com and I've been using his DV for about 2 months and I have had nothing but good things happen and tons of people have been impressed by the ROF (i have stubby fingers, the razor trigger is a godsend)
