View Full Version : anyone have the quote from the end of Sunday Drivers??

08-05-2003, 01:19 PM
please, its awesome, but I forgot it.

08-05-2003, 08:15 PM
no one?

08-05-2003, 09:05 PM
"It happens on a random monday, coming back from an event, or late on a sunday night right before you get on the plane and you're about to be frisked for the third time. You're driving, you're flying, you're sitting in a airport seat with boys from the team. you're drinking stale coffee trying to stay awake, you're explaining the fat welt on the side of your neck to a confused stranger or a best friend. You're running through the sidewalks of LAX trying to catch a plane. You're coming back to the other life, the one without paintball, where no one understands why you do it. You're tired, you're working off little sleep, the question creeps up and you try to ignore it. Why do I do this? Why the travel why the losses and the missed work the missed school hours of practice and the complaining girlfriend. Because the lure of living a paintball life is just too potent, and the products of the road and the travel are memories forever and trips and strange lands with stranger people. At tournaments, it feels like, for once, you actually get to live as loud as you want. It's worth the sacrafices it's worth all the bull****, because if you work hard enough a sunday will roll around and you'll be in the huddle, screaming, with your hand in, one among ten playing for the world title. and suddenly, all those cliches you ever heard make sense, and you are defined. You say it to yourself and it means everything. I am a paintball player, and this moment, right here, is my life." -Matt Marshall, Los Angeles Ironmen

That it?

08-05-2003, 09:07 PM
dats no quote tahts a freakin childrens book

08-05-2003, 09:07 PM
i havent watched that video in a long time, but isnt htat quote from the beginning? or is it both the beginning and teh end the same?

08-05-2003, 09:19 PM
I just know its a quote from Sunday Drivers I dont know if its at the beginning or the end.

08-05-2003, 09:21 PM
ive got that one, its at the beginning, Im lookin for the one at the end.

08-05-2003, 11:26 PM
i love that quote/story. It all makes sense :)

08-05-2003, 11:45 PM
I play this game to blow peoples heads off. - Danny Love

I LOVE that quote, but its from Push no Sunday Drivers.


08-06-2003, 06:02 AM
I bought sunday drivers just to check it out (the guy at my local store told me I was wasting my money and it sucked) anyway I thought that was better than push, I think it is my fav paintball film and that quote is what it is all about.

08-06-2003, 06:16 AM
Hahahaha, I read the first quote and it felt so sincere and true (in a way a lot of us can relate to). Then I read this one and just fell out of my chair laughing:

Originally posted by RobAGD
I play this game to blow peoples heads off. - Danny Love

08-06-2003, 01:33 PM
I remember days spent in a life in witch nothing could shrink the time between tournaments
I remember kids becoming men on the side streets of america
and men becoming boys in parking lots and grass fields
I remember wanting to look closer

I wanted to see our story, because it is a story
its more than 15 minutes running off the clock, its more than fields filled with inflatable bunkers and colorful jerseys and 200 team tournaments

one thing i do know is what we dochanges every year and will continue to change
nobody is sure what paintball is going to settle into and thats alrightbecause its the ability to know the people who you rotate around thats important and to look at your friends, at your boys and remember when the time was yours

I watch the movment of all of these things all theses charecters and events coming in and out of my life and I tell myself take a deep breath hold it in open your eyes remember this remember all of it