View Full Version : anyone use plainviews/rechargables in a halo?

08-05-2003, 03:21 PM
I was thinking about trying these AA rechargables, but before i buy i was wondering if anyone has any experiance with them.


they are 2300mAh

I tried using plainview 9.6v 170 (9v) and they just dont work as well as a regular 9volt. Kinda funny cause they work far better in a warp then regular 9v's but not in the halo.

just curious

Evil Bob
08-05-2003, 03:38 PM
Those should work fine, the amperage is plenty high for the HALO's needs.

I ran NiMHs for a good 6 months before I got rid of the batteries all together, ran great with the rechargeables.

-Evil Bob

08-05-2003, 04:06 PM
I used to run my Halo B off of 1.2v NIMHs. It worked fine, but when I switched to 1.5v Alkalines for a day my Halo ran a bit faster. I couldn't notice a difference during play, ofcourse.

08-05-2003, 04:12 PM
Also sniper1fa (IIRC) makes a rechargable battery pack for the HALO. It rocks. Way lighter than 6AAs, and more than enough capacity.