View Full Version : SP and X-mag pre-orders

08-05-2003, 09:14 PM
I'm sorry if this was covered in one of the other SP threads, but does anyone know what effect the SP patent claim is going to have on X-Mag pre-orders? If SP forces the licensing fee and per-unit cost on the rest of the industry, is this cost going to be passed along to X-mag pre-orders? Are there going to be any effects to existing E-mag stock and their pricing?


08-05-2003, 09:19 PM
They have to win first...

08-05-2003, 09:21 PM
True, I was asking that under the assumption that SP won the patent suit.


08-05-2003, 09:30 PM
if SP wins..(i hope they dont)..what does that mean will happen to other guns? i am confussed :confused:

08-05-2003, 09:33 PM
If SP wins the suit, there is talk of them (SP) hitting every other electro-marker manufacturer with a 1 million $$$ licensing fee and a charge of $75/electro-marker made after that time. AGD would get hit with the E- and X-Mag, Angel with their entire line, etc.


08-05-2003, 09:37 PM
in a practical world...this kind of lawsuit will battle on for at least a year (especially when SP takes on someone their own size --cough cough brass eagle, national, kingman--) and thus your preorder will likely not be affected

08-05-2003, 09:40 PM
:mad: :mad: :mad: errr this makes me very mad.. i better start getting money for an x-mag soon before the price gets even more higher :mad:

08-05-2003, 09:50 PM
nighthawk...from what i can gather (and ive talked to a couple people about this from various companies) ...the SP thing is a very real problem in that it will cost companies a fortune to fight for themselves, however, it is highly unlikely that SP will win and be able to charge companies for making an electro marker

when you get down to it, SP's "dual solenoid, tri-stacked, popet valve operated, closed bolt, microswitch triggered low pressure" shocker is hardly anthing like AGD's "single tube, open bolt, HES operated, mechanically fired anti chop high pressure" emag. i thinkt hat WILL shine through in the end

08-05-2003, 10:00 PM
isnt SP doing this because ICDs bushmaster is about the same as the impulse?(thats what i have heard)
if so..i can see why SP would do this but why file a lawsuit on ALL elctros and not just ICDs bushmaster..this is why i am mad :mad:

08-05-2003, 10:28 PM
Smart parts already has a lawsuit against ICD.

08-06-2003, 08:19 AM
no, smart parts claims to have the patent on the "electric paintball marker" making the bushy, angel, timmy, emag, kingman sear trippers, pmi sear trippers, etc all in violation.

they're starting with the smaller comapnys and working their way up to bigger ones

08-06-2003, 09:33 AM
well if they win the law suit they will come to your house, take away any and every electronic marker in the home. take them to thier Hidden Fortress of Evil and melt the guns down in a huge Vat of molten lava. The president of SP then takes off the mask revealing his true identity, Tipper Gore! the one women who cant see anyone enjoying themselves without getting offended. (dunt dunt dahhhhh!) well I higly dought SP will win this suit if BE and National are both in the same boat.

08-06-2003, 09:49 AM
As far as i can tell, SP is only suing ICD for a direct paten/copyright infringement on something. I've seen no written proof anywhere its beyond that. Anyone have any? Most court papers are public record. Show me where the hell they say they're suing everybody. And no "well, I heard........" Written, documented, official proof.

08-06-2003, 10:20 AM
they're suing ICD over patent infringment....they hold the patent to the electronic paintball marker...or so they claim

yes, National Paintball, Brass Eagle, Worr Games, WDP, AGD, PMI and Kingman will ALL be in the same boat. Thats quite an army to fight

and no, they can not come in and take your current marker awy

08-06-2003, 11:08 AM
Since this whole SP thing is based purely on speculation and hearsay,here is what I have been told by someone inside SP.

SP does not intend to take down paintball as a industry.They are not trying to stop the production of all electro's regardless of patents.They have an issue with ICD over a very specific part of thier design that they feel was copied.They have a very similar issue with WDP over another very specific part of the design and have no intent on going after every electro manufacture in paintball.
Also,that this whole issue has been blown WAY out of proportion and that most of the romours floating around are not anywhere near the truth.

for what it's worth.....


08-06-2003, 11:56 AM
Brass Eagle for example, who made th Rainmaker and now makes a couple sear trippers -- nothing remotely close to an impy or shocker there --, has had multiple letters telling thme to cease manufacturing or they will be sued. the guns continue to roll of the lines, but no lawsuit as of yet

08-06-2003, 12:18 PM
The best weapon in a court situation is an example of a case exactly like the one you're in where the person who was in the same shoes you are in won. So if Smartparts goes after a smaller, less-renowned, weaker company and wins, it gives them "legal ammo" to use when they're going after companies like Brass Eagle and Kingman who have the finances, size, and reputation, to be a serious opponent. The fact ICD's product is so similar could be a factor as it helps Smartparts' chances because the design of one of their markers would be more clearly infringed upon.

If they lose against ICD, they're probably done and won't win anymore because other companies can use the case against Smartparts. If they win, their case would become much stronger and then things will get really interesting.

Kevmaster, did BE really get contacted by them telling them to stop making E-markers and that they'll get sued if they don't? Wow.

08-06-2003, 12:47 PM
i cant state specifically who told me that, but it was a knowledgeable person at BE

08-06-2003, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by QUINCYMASSGUY

Kevmaster, did BE really get contacted by them telling them to stop making E-markers and that they'll get sued if they don't? Wow.

If true, that would be very suprising as they have no legal grounds to do so.