View Full Version : all pball related forums going to hell?

08-06-2003, 02:55 AM
of late i've been noticing a lot of tension and a lot of irritability...what's going on? is it just this situation where ppl are upset with shartley, or is there more i'm missing? ppl are getting real snippy with helping those in agd tech...if this forum continues its downward spiral, we're gonna start scaring away newcomers to the mag world...which ain't a good thing. so, uh...who's up for a group hug?

08-06-2003, 03:04 AM
WELL, we have... the freaking sp problem, then we have the occasional flamers and post whores... now we have this stupid moron jumping forums, posing as shartley, and posting hella long homosexual erotic stories!


We need someone to moderate the registering... god damn... now I really wish AO was still the old school AO...

08-06-2003, 06:08 AM
AO has seen better times, and I haven't even been around since the beginning. PBNation has been going downhill for awhile, so the IP ban isn't an issue. Overall I still think this site is above the rest though. If you feel the need to spam and flame head over to Argueit.com, it's a blast, just keep it off of the informative/quality forums such as this one.

08-06-2003, 08:13 AM
Haven't noticed it to tell you the truth. Just ignore all the posts you aren't interested in and they tend to go away. Works for me.....:D

08-06-2003, 08:41 AM
Myself? I am more disgusted by the moderators here on AO. Almost everyone of them have opted to go to blackcells dumb crapzor forums and post a bunch of crap about people on AO. All the are doing, in my eyes, have avverted peoples attention from AGD and into there own more childish antics.

EDIT: May as well say goodbye now, as they are banning all who oppose them lately.

08-06-2003, 09:41 AM
Well the world is going to Hell in a handbasket so it seems the paintball forums and other things should follow suit.:(

08-06-2003, 09:54 AM
wheres my hug!?

well i havent noticed all the irritability maybe im just blind?:rolleyes: show me an example

08-06-2003, 10:24 AM
http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=96169 this is a small example of how unfriendly ppl are becoming....this morning around 4am there was a big erotic story (was really graphic, too) made by someone who posed as shartley. it's all becoming really stupid, especially with what's been going on at the black cell forums. i don't wanna turn this thread into a debate over who's right or anything, i want it to be more of an attention getter, and see if it's just me that thinks ppl are becoming real ****s lately.

08-06-2003, 12:34 PM
I rarely come here anymore.

After being a member for over two years, I would say AO has gone downhill compared to the other forums I visit. On top of that there isn't that much interesting stuff going on here, and I feel little need to discuss non-current event issues (since current events always turn into immature flame-fests) with most of the members here (although there are some I truely miss). I also don't like to put up with the total immaturity of some members. Other forums ban those members, or they get flammed by popular and useful members until they leave. Neither happens here. I don't like seeing fake accounts opened up because some 14 year old can't deal with shartley telling him they're wrong. I don't like flipping through page after page of totally immature and ignorant responses by younger members who have nothing to contribute but their post count. I'm tired of children who think their opinions mean something simply because they said it, or think they own the forums simply because they live here.

I wont continue, because chances are most people reading this wont agree. So I'll just pop in every few weeks or so and see if anything has changed. Oh well.

08-06-2003, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by impostal22
all pball related forums going to hell?

08-06-2003, 08:49 PM
I attribute the slide to boards being inundated with know-nothing teenage punks, much like myself.

08-06-2003, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by Zumina
I attribute the slide to boards being inundated with know-nothing teenage punks, much like myself.
I agree somewhat, there have been a lot more younger kids joining.

BTW, what up fellow UT baller. We should get a little mini-AO UT meet together. I know Powday lives here too, among some other members that don't post often.

08-06-2003, 09:02 PM
I'd be down for an AO UT get-together, as long as it doesn't take place at a Peg Leg facility.

08-06-2003, 09:05 PM
I'll make a thread in the "Meet & Greet" forum so as not to clutter this one.