View Full Version : Swords

08-07-2003, 01:37 AM
Anyone else here collect swords? I have 7 and 1 mace. If you do post some pics. I'll post some tomarrow.

08-09-2003, 08:52 PM
my friend has a sword but its not sharp.we have sword fights it still hurts though

08-09-2003, 08:55 PM
SWORD! I have a retractable tai chi practice sword and a flexy non sharp sword.

08-09-2003, 09:22 PM
dude paintballer 20 doesnt have any real swords they all cost 20 bucks and are plastic :rolleyes:

the mace is about the size of a coke can and I think its a keychain :rolleyes:


j/k dude im making your swords look better than they actually are, I diddnt think you wanted me to mention they were made out of liquid turds

08-09-2003, 09:40 PM
sorry I haven't gotten any pics of them. Im going away for a week to sand destin right before school starts so, I should have them either tomarrow or in a week.

08-10-2003, 06:07 AM
I have one or two swords, and about 15 different knives that I got from friends that went overseas in the military. I love swords, but I like knives more right now. Well, that's mainly cuz I'm broke and can't afford cool looking swords and I really can't see my friends bringing back a sword through the airport now.