View Full Version : Whens AGD gonna get its act together

08-07-2003, 03:26 AM
As of right now AGD has really made leaps and bounds, but I think they really need to get more on the scene, same deal as always.

I didnt see any hype for the ULT in this months Facefull or PGI, think I saw an Xmag add once in some magazine, but thats about it.

AGD really has alot of great products out there which few people outside of the Automag comunity have any idea exist.

Also it would be nice if a series of fully upgraded mechanical mags reared their face. Something along the lines of, ULE Body, Xvalve, ULT, Intelliframe all in one pacakage.

Lastly what happened to the cheap electro frame AGD was thinking of making.

08-07-2003, 03:59 AM
Or they could put all that off and fix their current line. Such as having replacment regulator seats for the 45k Flatlines so when mine breaks I don't have a $400 paper weight and a reason for everyone to make fun of me for being an "old schooler" and supporting Airgun Designs once again...

08-07-2003, 05:30 AM
This months PB2Xtreme has the ULE bodies this month...the other magsazines do not even know the ULE or the ULT even exist yet

08-07-2003, 06:06 AM
Also it would be nice if a series of fully upgraded mechanical mags reared their face. Something along the lines of, ULE Body, Xvalve, ULT, Intelliframe all in one pacakage.
Um.... thats what they plan on doing with the RTP, they already come with the x-valve and i-frame. They plan on including ULT and ULE bldies soon iirc.

Lastly what happened to the cheap electro frame AGD was thinking of making.
So far that has been purley speculation. I don't think AGD has made any official announcements on that.

look, before you make a thread liek this, look around. I KNOW there have been a few others with the EXACT same questions/complaints.

08-07-2003, 06:27 AM
I agree with longduckdong:

I had a bad reg seat, but TK himself replaced at the WI AO meet (thank you Tom)

BUT... I NEED to have spares for any part that can break under normal wear and tear. They have never offered a 4500 rebuild kit through the store (at least the numorous times that I looked) To add insult to injury, I still have not found a way to make my marker PSP tourney legal :( Where are the new on/assys that TK was touting a year ago that would eliminate the RT effect????

I think AirGun would be better suited to support their customers a little better than worrying about new ones. I know that I for one no longer have a lovie-lovie relationship with my AGD products, and I am very vocal about that. I think that I have sold (via my recommendation) 6 emags, I know of 2 for sure. Those will be the last ones UNTIL AGD FIXES ITS CURENT PROBLEMS, and supports the needs of us tourney guys.

Lead, follow, or get left behind.. I am sorry to say that AGD appears to be taking the last option, and WDP is taking the first. I am now singing the praise of WDPs products and joining the increasing number of AGD bashers. And yes, I have a RIGHT TO considering how we, as customers, are being treated in the upgrade, options, and support departments

08-07-2003, 09:04 AM
Because magazines have a 30-90 day lead time and the ULT was just released, it is doubtful you will see it in a magazine for at least another issue. That also assumes someone at any particular magazine did a write-up for it.

You could always do one yourself and submit it to APG or Paintball. Just make sure you own the thing so you don't come off like a fanboy.:D

08-07-2003, 09:11 AM
Go count how many pages AGD stuff is on in the new PB2X and then come back here and tell us. By they way don't stop until you get to NINE!


08-07-2003, 09:20 AM
APG just did a 4-5 page spread on the Xmag.

08-07-2003, 10:04 AM
Why would you advertise the xmag for 4-6 pages if it takes 4-6 months to get one.....I would think you'd advertise the rt pro, and ule emags....

08-07-2003, 10:29 AM
I have seen both the e-mag and the extreme body X-mag reviewed in PGI. The level 10 was reviewed in PGI. The ULE body was reviewed in PGI.

Where have you been?

Oh and Tom....when we were in Toulouse and Amsterdam, Dynasty showed a huge interest in the X-mags we were sporting and commented that with the warps, we were getting unfeasably tight to the baracades. We explained that with the level 10 plus the ACE we hadn't had a chop in over two tournies!! They couldn't believe we didn't take squeegees out with us.......

08-07-2003, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by Bolter
Oh and Tom....when we were in Toulouse and Amsterdam, Dynasty showed a huge interest in the X-mags we were sporting and commented that with the warps, we were getting unfeasably tight to the baracades. We explained that with the level 10 plus the ACE we hadn't had a chop in over two tournies!! They couldn't believe we didn't take squeegees out with us.......


08-07-2003, 11:17 AM
I hate you all. I dont want to hear any whining about how TK runs his company. Thats right HIS Company. He does not have to defend his bussiness practices to you, me or the pizza boy. If you want to pay for AGD ads, then im sure tom would allow you some input into the design. Other than that, you need to shut your mouths long enough to understand its not your call.

Lamby- Stop your whining. I took out my Rod at IAO and got no whining from anyone. If they yell at you, call them on it, as cphil has already said, its not a rule, which makes it a non-issue. I am so tired of you thinking that AGD really needs YOU to sell their products.


08-07-2003, 11:26 AM
Yea I am with Beefstew on this one....you guys are just acting totally ridiculous. How about customer service for 68/45 maxflows? took me 2 months to get an on-0ff o-ring and 2 weeks to talk to someone real. So if you think AGD is being left behind...well...it sounds to me when the intelligence train took off from teh station you got "...left behind"

Evil Bob
08-07-2003, 11:27 AM
Robbo, the editor of PGI, has an affinity for Mags and is good friends with Jon of AGDE. Basicly any developement that AGD/E is working on, PGI is usually right on top of it. Robbo's team at one point had signed a deal to use warp fed C&C Xmags when they first came out.

It was the review of the Emag in PGI by Jack Woods that sold me on the Emag, I bought one to replace a pair of Angels. Jack has always done a thorough and fair review of everything that was handed to him, the guy is a technical wizard when it comes to markers. For those who dont know who he is, he's the guy behind the beautiful look and feel of the Eclipse series from Paintball Planet in the UK.

-Evil Bob

08-07-2003, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by speedyejl

Lastly what happened to the cheap electro frame AGD was thinking of making.

get out from under the rock... sp has the patent remember? so they are making the ults in my opinion

and i have seen a few other magazines with ule bodies and stuff

08-07-2003, 12:17 PM
A few things.

The ULT doesn't need to be advertised right now since it's more or less a Beta project that needs to be tested by people that know where to get information about it (AO) before it starts getting shipped to dealers.

I don't think anybody would be looking at producing any type of electronic frame or gun in the current tide of events.

I wonder if AGD could make a hollow plunger for the solenoid that would allow the use of the ULT so the bounce issues in Hybrid could be eliminated...

08-07-2003, 12:53 PM
The September issue of crossfire has the ule mainbody in the new products section, an article on the AGD tech conference at the IAO with a pic of the e-mag and AGD cougar, along with an article on the AGD items added to the museum at EMR. I'd say that's pretty good coverage there. There was also an AGD article last month, but I forget what it was.

08-07-2003, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by Bolter
We explained that with the level 10 plus the ACE we hadn't had a chop in over two tournies!! They couldn't believe we didn't take squeegees out with us.......

Same here :) Maybe it's the climate over here.

Last two tournys I've played I've not even broken a ball, let alone chopped. I'm sure I've got a squeegee somewhere.... ;)

Talking of the popularity of AGD products, at Dragon's Lair this weekend there were LOADS of people using X-Mags, I couldn't believe it. Kool Runnings had about 3 or 4 C&C X-Mags on their team and I saw at least two others during the day - plus we had two E-Mags and a .68 on our B team, my E-Mag on our team and I saw 5 or 6 other classics floating around.

08-08-2003, 07:34 AM
Thats cool!! Glad to here it. :)

08-08-2003, 07:58 AM
Originally posted by Bolter
Thats cool!! Glad to here it. :)

Good to see the English are using the language properly ;)

08-08-2003, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by manike

Good to see the English are using the language properly ;)

It's also good to see the English use proper punctuation. You're missing something at the end of your sentence, Simon. It's called a period. :p

08-08-2003, 10:28 AM
You can keep the period's to yourself... I ended the line with a smiley face. It's circular... what more do you want?

08-08-2003, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by manike
You can keep the period's to yourself... I ended the line with a smiley face. It's circular... what more do you want?

The Queen's proper English!! Oh wait...we kicked the English Royalty back across the pond. Nevermind. :P

08-08-2003, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by lamby

I think AirGun would be better suited to support their customers a little better than worrying about new ones. I know that I for one no longer have a lovie-lovie relationship with my AGD products, and I am very vocal about that. I think that I have sold (via my recommendation) 6 emags, I know of 2 for sure. Those will be the last ones UNTIL AGD FIXES ITS CURENT PROBLEMS, and supports the needs of us tourney guys.

I think that first sentence is a little greedy and selfish of you to say. Just because something happened to you doesn't mean AGD has to hold everything till your happy. If they don't get new customers, well then you'll never be happy as they won't be around to help as they won't survive as a business.

I've seen plenty of AGD ads of past and current items. Seen the RTP numerous times in older magazines, seen the Xmag, and I've seen articles and blurbs on other items such as Level 10 and Intelliframe, etc. If Tom and AGD do or don't want to advertise, that's their call. Their call, their money.

08-08-2003, 01:53 PM
Well, in crossfire magazine, volume 5 number 7, there's a product review on the xmag, a "prodigal gun" story on the xmag, and an interview of Tom. For a second I almost thought that AGD was making the magazine.

EDIT-I just noticed that the interview was done by Josh Silverman of PB2X, thought it was kind of interesting.

08-08-2003, 02:05 PM
Yes...Josh has been a well known Mag fan...we just have to get him to swap out those Powerlyte frames he consistenly puts on his mags for Intelli's..but that's a small consideration..

08-08-2003, 04:10 PM
Josh Also have a VERY nice Black to Blue Fade X-Mag. Josh Siverman is probably one of the nicest guys you wann meet on the paintball field and as others have said he is a very AVID mag fan

08-08-2003, 07:10 PM
if they put the ULT and ule bodies on an RTP, would the prices on them increase?if they stay around the same price, i think i may pick one of those up. and make my main mag my backup mag(witch i will prob never need, sense we are talkin bout mags)

08-11-2003, 01:57 AM
Originally posted by BlackVCG
I wonder if AGD could make a hollow plunger for the solenoid that would allow the use of the ULT so the bounce issues in Hybrid could be eliminated...

HHmmmm...care to expand on your idea a little, Black?

08-11-2003, 03:10 AM
i rarely ever see an AGD ad..... for anything...

i want agd stickers waaaa

08-11-2003, 04:58 AM
yup.....er.....sorry about the lack of proper and grammatical use of English.

That'll learn me. :D

08-11-2003, 10:09 AM
Then buy them from the store. :)

Originally posted by dinger
i rarely ever see an AGD ad..... for anything...

i want agd stickers waaaa

08-11-2003, 10:58 AM
Sorry...I can't hold myself back anymore....[pimp mode] I've noticed in a couple of responses here that there are complaints about reviews and coverage of AGD's activities and products being lagged several months due to the vagaries of magazine publishing...as the owner of a website I GOTTA pimp the fact that our coverage/reviews/commentary can be had quite a bit faster than the magazines...and that's true for all of the websites, not just mine. PBReview.com is a good one for user-level comment and review of product, and there are several other like it out there. And obviously none of us out in the cyberworld are going to complain about having trick gear arriving on our doorstep with a note asking for an honest review...[/pimp mode]

As for the rest, this is the first complaint I've ever heard concerning AGD's customer service...normally their customer service is favorably compared to Tippmann's.