View Full Version : 4500 Flatline Reg Seats

08-07-2003, 10:39 AM
er - I didnt realize we have members who have regs doubling as paper weights for lack of a reg seat.

I THINK I have three in my parts box. I just traded my only 4500K system the other day (and I guess it will be awhile before the new one I have on order comes in)

Soo... while I love having spare parts on hand - I dont NEED them as bad as some of you do right now.

So - I think I paid like $5 for them - so the first three people who email me with an offer of $6 get them. Not looking to make a fortune -just cover costs.

Like I said - I THINK I have three - if I have 2 or 4, I will sell them accordingly. First come, first serve.

[email protected]

08-07-2003, 10:45 AM
Well Webby the problem is I too had three in my tool box. I sent them to AGD for some tanks to help some guys out. But soon as they got there they were pronounced no good. So there went three brand new reg seats that I thought I was helping some folks out with. Seems mine were bad from the get go. And now I too have none. Good luck!

08-07-2003, 12:21 PM
I sent six back to AGD with Roman after the IAO. Last I heard Dave Zupan got them and that was weeks ago. Still no sign that the PBX guys are getting their tanks that they have already paid for. I doubt they will install them backwards, which works better than the existing design. They'll probably say those were bad too and throw $2400 in sales in the garbage can. I should have just kept the damn things...