View Full Version : what do you think

08-07-2003, 08:36 PM
I have a classic mag, I frame, gas thru, steel braded hoses, nitro. The barrel I have is not very accurate. It's also a 12 and I don't want one that long. As I was looking for an 8 inch barrel for a mag I realized there aren't many. Also I realized I am content with my valve, as I probably can't even shoot 10 bps. So here are my two options.

I put an X valve that comes with lvl 10 on my gun. Then I will throw a random barrel price ($100) for an 8 inch IF I can find one. Rawr.

This ends up being $325.

Really nice valve
No chopping

Unneeded valve performance
Powerfeed instead of my preferred vertical feed

I go with a ULE mainbody and an 8 inch cocker barrel(estimate $100 again). Also of course I need a lvl 10 bolt kit.

This ends up being...$335

Damn fine looking marker
Simpler barrel and definately easier to find.
No chopping

no awesome triggerpull
I guess more expensive

I guess the real question here is do I really need the X valve? Could my money be put to better use giving me vertical feed and cocker threads? Also, if you know of a 8 inch or smaller mag barrel, please let me know. THat's another reason I posted this. Also, sweet spotting with any kind of retro valve has been banned at my local field. They said electros and cockers can shoot as fast as they want, but mags can't. THat's messed up man...


Does anyone know about the accuracy and whatever else for that barrel? If I hear something bad about it I am going to buy a stock minimag barrel as I hear those are actually pretty accurate. Any other 8 inch barrels ya'll know of out there?

(Yes, I know I already posted this in a different forumn)

08-07-2003, 08:49 PM
i would say get the xvavle first then, Comes with lx.

08-07-2003, 09:01 PM
i would get the bolt kit, the UL trigger, and take an add out in the classifieds for a barrel.
if you dont think you need a new valve then you probably dont, but the bolt kit is real important, and who wouldnt wanna drop 2 lbs. off thier trigger pull?

08-07-2003, 10:44 PM
how does a bolt drop two pounds off the trigger pull?

08-07-2003, 10:56 PM
The bolt kit doesn't drop anything off the pull.

He was talking about the ULE Trigger which is a new on/off assembly that decreases the weight of the trigger pull. Available in the store now I think.

Get the X-valve and a barrel kit( I would reccomend the J and J edge or the Empire kit). If you just buy one barrel you are still going to have problems with accuracy.

08-07-2003, 11:16 PM
how much for a barrel kit?

08-08-2003, 11:35 AM
I bought an xvalve, i saw no difference in proformance. If you have co2 or a non adjustable tank, there is no point in buying the xvalve in my eyes. All you need is an LX. In order to shoot more than 10bps...you will need to play with an adjustable tank, or play with the pin. Maybe i got a defective valve, who knows

08-08-2003, 08:56 PM
any other's not like x valves?