View Full Version : Bunker Bumping

08-07-2003, 09:43 PM
I know most of you probably know this, but I just say the most hilarious thing today. On one team, there was one guy left, and on the other there was 3 left. A person I know on the team of 3 charged and bunker bumped a guy out almost 5-6 feet back and bunkered him, its just so funny. BTW please dont post any of those pictures =(

08-07-2003, 10:33 PM

Did that at the USPL 2000 tournement. It was allowed, you see.

So picture me, 250 pounds, 6'4" of "Mass at speed", slamming a bunker where some kid, 15 or so, barely 5'4", barely an ounce of fat on him, was hiding behind. "Hello, meet Mr. Irresistable Force."

Depepnding who you believe, I flung him backwards 5-15 feet. But even I saw the TOTAL "garage sale", gun one eay, hopper another, he went straight backwards, pods, all flying everywhere. He didn't lose his goggles, thankfully, but I'll forever rememeber that moment. Wish I had it on tape, it WAS priceless!

I guess someone did lose their goggles on this kind of a move, so it was not allowed soon after that. But I love Newton's law. Don't you?

Related, last year's IAO someone tried to do it to me in the 50 on field 8 in the 7-man. Unfortunatley for the guy who slammed me, I weigh 250 pounds and I'm also "Mr. Immovable Object". I guess from the sidelines it looked like he hit a rubber wall, and staggered back a few steps. That was just before I bunkered him. hee hee hee... Worlds LARGEST front guy, that's me.
