View Full Version : How Fast Can you Shoot?

08-07-2003, 10:01 PM
How fast can u all shoot. Im just wondering if any of you all shoot at un-godly speeds

08-07-2003, 10:02 PM
i can def do over 3bps

08-07-2003, 10:07 PM
Your sig rocks.

BTW, I've clocked in at 56 BPS, lets see someone beat that.

08-07-2003, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by Ov3rmind
Your sig rocks.

BTW, I've clocked in at 56 BPS, lets see someone beat that. no way!

08-07-2003, 10:11 PM
You're obviously itching for a ban with that sig. Long enough?

Most I've shot is 14 bps, but that's on that trigger pull game online :) I can say I can probably do 12-14bps on my matrix consistently (when I had it of course!)

08-07-2003, 10:15 PM
ya sorry bout the sig i changed it i screwed up and pasted the wrong thing but itsa good now ive hit 10-12 bps and i doubt you hit 56bps what are yoou a robot thats sounds virtually inpossiable with ouit chopping a ball, on top of that is it possiable for a bolt to do that?

08-07-2003, 10:18 PM
thats BS man its physically impossible to pull the trigger that many times let alone for the gun to cycle that many times... besides BPS is overated

08-07-2003, 10:19 PM
i can do 7 with my classic, 11+ with my E-mag...SO much more dangerous with my classic though.

08-07-2003, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by SKIRAT
ya sorry bout the sig i changed it i screwed up and pasted the wrong thing but itsa good now ive hit 10-12 bps and i doubt you hit 56bps what are yoou a robot thats sounds virtually inpossiable with ouit chopping a ball, on top of that is it possiable for a bolt to do that?
Obviously he was jokeing... i can do 20 on my hypermag on F/A:D But seriously I can prolly hit 15 on my Z-RT.

08-07-2003, 10:20 PM
Some of you guys are so gullible.:D

Here are some truthful numbers:

My Cocker with an Eclipse Blade: 11-12 BPS
My fastest ever was trying out a guy's Trix: It was probably in the 15 or 16 range

08-07-2003, 10:37 PM
10-11 on my tippmann. Not that great but it works.

08-07-2003, 10:37 PM
I can do alittle over 9 on my Angel, with some adrenaline possibly 10-11

I am slow :(

08-07-2003, 10:40 PM
I've hit say.. 15 on my OTB framed imp.. I quickly chopped a ball after that string over the chrono though. I had to turn the ROF on my board down cause i chopped too much.. it was fun while it lasted.

And taylor is right.. speed is overrated.. its about how the shots are placed... (i should know.. i went from mech to electro to mech again...)

08-07-2003, 10:44 PM
My mommy says that I shoot 20bps :)

nah, bursts I can hit 15, strings are around 11

E==Mag MAN
08-07-2003, 10:47 PM
Clocked at 16 over a chrono with the emag and 15 with the lcd.:)

08-07-2003, 11:01 PM
my buddy's timmy board said i raked 24bps.

I can shoot about 14-16 consistantly with a nice trigger though. my trix is fast as hell but it doesnt really work yet...soon...soon :)

08-07-2003, 11:28 PM
13.71 according to Jack and Coke. Although that was the first time pulling after i had totally tweaked my trigger. I'm sure that i'm faster now.

08-07-2003, 11:33 PM
Oh and about the whole speed is over rated thing. It is true sometimes.

As a frontman i don't ever really need to shoot strings like that. Snap shooting, and well placed shots are what it's all about.

On the break i want my backmen flooding the lanes with paint. It gets me to my bunker and keeps me alive. I want my backmen shooting 15 BPS, when someone is gonna try to bunker you, there is nothing better than a fast shooting backman to stop him in his tracks.

08-07-2003, 11:35 PM
9.8 on trigger pull and I'm gonna say that I can shoot 10 balls in about 2 seconds.

08-08-2003, 12:22 AM
well, considering its only the beginning of august, and i have been playing for almost 3 months i think. i can probably shoot somewhere in the field of 7-9 bps, and thats not even with an electric loader.

i have a piranha core g3, and its really crappy. therefore i consider that pretty fast for someone of my experience and §hÌttygun-ness. if my friend let me use his ule-emag for about 1 minute, id probably rip that thing at like 13 bps :x


08-08-2003, 02:03 AM
Originally posted by AlabamaMan
Oh and about the whole speed is over rated thing. It is true sometimes.

As a frontman i don't ever really need to shoot strings like that. Snap shooting, and well placed shots are what it's all about.

On the break i want my backmen flooding the lanes with paint. It gets me to my bunker and keeps me alive. I want my backmen shooting 15 BPS, when someone is gonna try to bunker you, there is nothing better than a fast shooting backman to stop him in his tracks.

Well said.... I have 2 Backmen that keep me alive and well when I hit the 50, they both shoot Timmys and have seen the 18-20 BPS fly by me when I run to the 50 off the break. :)

08-08-2003, 02:17 AM
I shoot steady 14 bps , no BS my ir3 counts it.

i dont consider that ungodly , just "light em up" effective

08-08-2003, 02:47 AM
Originally posted by *ArKfEaR*
Im not sure what i can get, but im making a vid of me walkin my bushy tommorow so we can see how i do.
Get that up man! I have yet to see a vid of a Sonic and my expectations are high.:cool:

08-08-2003, 06:04 AM
O ya I can't wait to see that vid. The sonic can RIP.;)

08-08-2003, 06:10 AM
I'm slow as the NYTA on my Emag. I can get going maybe 10/sec if i'm doing the right blend of drugs :)

08-08-2003, 08:01 AM
walking the trigger probably 14-18 bps depending on adrenaline and who we are playing!!! But this is breakout only for me as I am a front man and I need accuracy when I'm in a bunker.

Normal trigger pulling probably 14 or 15 bps. Accuratly.


08-08-2003, 08:40 AM
I have a 68 Automag (orginal) w/all orginal parts, running on CO2 w/6-stage X-chamber. I've had it for 6 months and I bought it used, from someone who bought it used. Gotta love the large SS hose loops above the gun. :)

I haven't been able to time my BPS accurately, but I did get someone to try and count how many BPS per second over 5 seconds. He said I was doing "around" 8 BPS on my single trigger. That's with no shootdown btw. :cool:

But BPS don't matter to me much anyway. I can see how they're needed for back players to fire streams, but when I'm playing insert I only need to fire streams about 5 BPS.

08-08-2003, 10:26 AM
my first time on a trixy I got 14 on the e-mag 12 on my x-valved mag I got it to 10-11 but that was long time ago so i CAN GO faster now. with my friends custum trigger timmy I got 22 (could have gone faster but that is what the sob maxes at his trigger is cool he made a ring for your finger that has 4 notches in it then he mad a trigger that has=d one bump that fit perfectly into the notches so one up down for rolling gets you 8 shots. on a bko I got 13 but on the trigger pull game I got 10.2

08-08-2003, 10:37 AM
i max my guns chip with 13 bps thats a spyder clone but ive walked a hyper frame and i got around 18 or 20

08-08-2003, 10:42 AM
speed without skill is worthless.

08-08-2003, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by Oregon_pb_
speed without skill is worthless.
You're forgetting speed is a skill.;)

08-08-2003, 11:11 AM
i have hit 17 sweet spotting my rtp

08-08-2003, 11:52 AM
I have no idea how fast I shoot..nor do I really care...just ask No Skillz and Bad_Knees..I can fire fast enough..

08-08-2003, 01:12 PM
I think i could shoot about 14bps, But i get 19.2cps(clicks per second on my mouse:D)

08-08-2003, 02:10 PM
Well, I shoot about 60 BPM. In fact, it could be less then that considering everyone else likes to shoot 15bps at me.

I do make every shot count though and all my paintballs have a purpose when I shoot them. They aren't just for "cannon fodder" so some guy behind a bunker can look at the rainbow of pretty colors go by. I am definately not a sprayer.

When I goofed around with a Timmy and checked how many BPS i could shoot, I think I got around 9 BPS. Slow? Yes of course, but who the hell likes to be excessive in paintball?

Ha ha

08-08-2003, 02:33 PM
15 bps with one finger, and something like 18 or 19 when i walk it. on an ir3 that is.

08-08-2003, 02:35 PM
9bps doesn't sound slow to me! I can do maybe 7. But I only play rec, and usually then with a pump. One shot = one splat.

Best I've seen was Manike. In LI last May, the refs were coming over to check if he was going full auto. Later (with no paint) he walked the trigger at 22bps.

08-08-2003, 03:32 PM
What's the fastest anyone can shoot (non-runaway, semi only)? What's the fastest humanly possible? :)

Anyhow, I get around 10 to 12 on my X-valved 'Mag.

08-08-2003, 03:57 PM
i can briefly walk at 14bps on my LCD ... consistently only about 10-12

08-08-2003, 04:00 PM
hey fcpchop ...thats a realllly cool sig

do you think u could let me use it ( the flag ).... my dad is from portugal , i visited there last year.

what soccer team is that on your sig ... porto ?

08-08-2003, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by Ov3rmind
I've clocked in at 56 BPS, lets see someone beat that.

I've been clocked at 60 BPS over a 3 second string that only took 12 seconds to complete.:D

Don't hurt yourself thinking about that one to long.


08-08-2003, 05:11 PM
-Around 6-7bps on my stock 98c when I had it.
-15-17 bps on my basically stock Impy w/ trigger job (outshooting a perfectly working eggy2 with brand new batteries)
-Around 7bps on my ygripped xvalved mag (gimme a break I've only shot it with air once, and thats going from an electro pull:p )

RT pRo AuToMaG
08-08-2003, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by RRfireblade

I've been clocked at 60 BPS over a 3 second string that only took 12 seconds to complete.:D

Don't hurt yourself thinking about that one to long.


That's 15bps, no?

I can shoot around 20 on a gun20 matrix with aardvark trigger.

08-09-2003, 12:01 AM
Over a red chrono i've hit 15 on a burst, but if i were to guess (based on that string and my prior experiences) i'd say that i can walk around 12-13 bps on a nicely tuned electro trigger (matrix or a NDZ blade on a impulse)

for those people claiming to shoot 20 bps, PROOVE IT! i wanna see a or sound clip of them shooting a gun with AIR AND PAINT then a sound analysis, cuz i dont believe u can do it!

08-09-2003, 12:51 AM
I can do a 2 shot walking burst at like 26, but only 2 shots =(. I cant walk when playing though, I need to learn the hand positions. Usually I pull at a steady 14 or so on my viking /w was board.

08-09-2003, 01:07 AM
On my mag, I can outshoot my revy with very little effort, so at least 13 bps. I know I can shoot faster, tho, I've just never clocked myself. I was messin with a timmi at the last AOTX day, and got 17 by walking, and 20 by raking.

08-11-2003, 12:01 PM
nastymag sure be my guest, u can use the flag, spread it on to more portugese people, lol. ya it is porto my favorite team, hents the name fcpchop,fcp= futebol clube porto, and chop is a name for portugese people

08-11-2003, 01:06 PM
just wondering, does anyone know how fast a 12vlt intellifed will feed. I just bought one and im going to hook it up. I was using a 9vlt before not intellifed or anything and i would regularlly outshoot it when i was shooting strings.

08-11-2003, 01:21 PM
12volt revys go at about 12bps.... intellifeeding it, i don't know any numbers, but not too much of a difference, rather just a more consistent/reliable 12bps... without "hickups"

I hit 8-9 on my carbon fiber single trigger, but 7 max during games
I've hit 11-12bps on my Intelliframe but i never shoot that fast in a game.

That's all with a classic valve, i have audio files of me on my single trigger and on my iframe.
I play front and can honestly say that i never shoot that fast during a game, i rarely pod up as is.

And my back guys can shoot as fast as they want, but if they still can't hit anything, then the rest of us are in trouble.

08-11-2003, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by SaS
And my back guys can shoot as fast as they want, but if they still can't hit anything, then the rest of us are in trouble.

if you're back guys are keeping the other team in so that YOU (assuming you play front) can make the kills and get all the glory then they did THEIR jobs!

the back guys jobs is to open up angles so the front guys can move and shoot out the other team.

If a back guys can shut down a lane or two and shoot out guys on the break then he has done part of his job and needs to keep up the flow of paint to allow his front guys to mug the rest of the other team

08-11-2003, 07:16 PM
atleast 18... i outshot my egg2... no upgrades:D :D :D

No sKiLLz
08-11-2003, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
I have no idea how fast I shoot..nor do I really care...just ask No Skillz and Bad_Knees..I can fire fast enough..

As long as Warbucks duzn't flake again on the next AO day we'll have a vid cam out there and hopefully have my GF to do some filming. Then you'll know fer sure.

I vouch for Dirty, he's definitely over 16 in bursts. With my NYX. :D

Seems to be something about people with high bps counts and Trixes. Must be coincidence. :eek: Don't know what mine is yet, but Alex Lundquist did a 30.6 burst over a chrono (that means with paint) on the NYX at Chicago a couple of months ago. That's about the fastest I've heard of.

Don't let Warbucks fool you. He is buying either a Lasoya or Ironmen Timmy and has an X-mag on order.:p

08-14-2003, 04:41 PM
I can pull a slide cocker disturbingly fast. Not going to get any numbers, cuz i dont like to guess, but i would bet over 12. I shot my timmy with was board 35, with more bounce than i have ever seen. 17 walking with no bounce, 20 or so raking. My eblade orracle i could max out at 17.53bps.

08-14-2003, 04:50 PM
I can make all the pretty little leds light up on a speed.

08-14-2003, 04:53 PM
The fastest I got up to was 24 bps on my RT PRO. I had 5000 psi though and it drops a lot to about 16 pbs when im lower then 3k psi. I know these numbers are correct because I filled my Hopper to the max (200) and it took about 12 secs be fore I was totally out. I know it doesn't add up but you are wrong . Member that a H.A.L.O (which I borrowed) couldn't keep up so it would ski[p and when I skip it doesn't "bounce" that well. Then I had to find the "sweet spot again".

So 24bps @ 5k psi
16bps @ 3k or lower psi

Speed is only good when YOU WANT TO HURT someone. Or just want to show off all those rentals/pumps (HA PUMPS that makes me laugh/ never used a pump in a game never will unless my mag depends on it )

08-14-2003, 05:36 PM
16 on a friends Ironmen Timmy, 15 on mine I think. about 13 or 14 on a Race Cocker, 6 bps on an E Spyder, 7 bps with a mechanical Cocker with Hinge...
0,5 with a pump.

08-14-2003, 05:48 PM
I'm not sure what speed I shoot at, but I'm definitely slower than most of you:


Jack & Coke
08-14-2003, 06:12 PM

Why is it that the majority of the fastest ROF expiriences come from people shooting Timmies and Matrices?

I recently got to shoot my friend's Matrix... ohhhhhh yeah! Not only was it VERY FAST, it was VERY EASY to shoot fast!

So far, in my experience, the EASIEST guns to shoot fast (my method = walking and raking the trigger) are:

1. Intimidator
2. Matrix (very close to a tie with the timmy)
3. M98 RT (sweet-spotting)
4. Automag RT (sweet-spotting)

Note: I ranked these as the EASIEST to shoot fast, not the fastest gun.

08-14-2003, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by Jeffy-CanCon
Best I've seen was Manike. In LI last May, the refs were coming over to check if he was going full auto. Later (with no paint) he walked the trigger at 22bps.

22bps. Doesn't Manike use a Timmy? I thought he did.

On No Skillz NYX i still probably clock around 9 or 10. I am just a pathetic slow trigger puller... ha ha.

08-14-2003, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by No sKiLLz

As long as Warbucks duzn't flake again on the next AO day we'll have a vid cam out there and hopefully have my GF to do some filming. Then you'll know fer sure.

I vouch for Dirty, he's definitely over 16 in bursts. With my NYX. :D

Seems to be something about people with high bps counts and Trixes. Must be coincidence. :eek: Don't know what mine is yet, but Alex Lundquist did a 30.6 burst over a chrono (that means with paint) on the NYX at Chicago a couple of months ago. That's about the fastest I've heard of.

Don't let Warbucks fool you. He is buying either a Lasoya or Ironmen Timmy and has an X-mag on order.:p

Yes, I am going the next AO day here in So Cali and I don't foresee any problems ahead!

08-14-2003, 06:23 PM
J/coke switch #4 and #3 cause a tippmann can't stand up to an RT, come on its the guns name "RT" its patented :D, also because I have one.

08-14-2003, 06:25 PM
I'm glad im not in california, cause if i voted i would have to deal with a yellow pages full of names of the people running for gov. Arnold will "PUMP YOU SISSYz UP!" omg (oh my god) he is a robot.

Jack & Coke
08-14-2003, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by SomebodySomeoneRTPcf
J/coke switch #4 and #3 cause a tippmann can't stand up to an RT

You misunderstand...

I said EASIEST to shoot fast. Not which is faster.

It is much easier to sweet-spot the M98 RT than to find the sweet-spot on the Automag RT.

Trust me, I have both, and have extensive tinkering and experience with both. Certain conditions must exist and be fine tuned in order to sweet-spot the Automag RT (i.e. on/off pin mod, quad oring, high input pressure, etc.)

With the M98RT, ANYONE can easily sweet-spot it out of the box. It's designed that way => easy to shoot extremely fast!

08-14-2003, 07:40 PM
Personally i find it easier to shoot a Speed fast than a timmy. I just cant pull fast on either of the timmy's i've tried (lasoya, dragon). Both of those had the WAS boards in them. On the other hand the first time i touched a speed i was ripping on it.

No sKiLLz
08-14-2003, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by SomebodySomeoneRTPcf
I'm glad im not in california, cause if i voted i would have to deal with a yellow pages full of names of the people running for gov. Arnold will "PUMP YOU SISSYz UP!" omg (oh my god) he is a robot.

That would be sad if that's the only reason you're glad you don't live here.

Jack, what type of Matrix and how was it set up? I have an NYX and the best Timmy I tried was a Shocktech, and I would put #2 over #1. The guy with the Timmy agreed, but made more comments about the trigger job than the actual marker. The major difference I have with most Matrix triggers is I carved the hell out of mine with a dremel to make it light (something that was recommended to me) to reduce trigger bounce and allow me to set the debounce to the lowest setting.

08-15-2003, 12:07 AM
IDK i thought mine it rather ez. I tried a lot of tippman with the rt trigger and 9 out of 10 think my feels better. Its just you have to know the gun. I hit the spot all the time. I know he ment not the fastest. It was probably that he got the spot quick that time. IDK (i dont know) and Idc i still think agd guns have the best feel and will only get better with time.

Jack & Coke
08-15-2003, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by No sKiLLz

That would be sad if that's the only reason you're glad you don't live here.

Jack, what type of Matrix and how was it set up? I have an NYX and the best Timmy I tried was a Shocktech, and I would put #2 over #1. The guy with the Timmy agreed, but made more comments about the trigger job than the actual marker. The major difference I have with most Matrix triggers is I carved the hell out of mine with a dremel to make it light (something that was recommended to me) to reduce trigger bounce and allow me to set the debounce to the lowest setting.

It was a stock LCD exactly like the red one here:


The only thing the guy did was remove the trigger spring. Since the trigger did not have a spring (he's looking for just the right one), the trigger had a lot of sloppy forward/back play. It didn't matter, as I was able to rip nice long and fast effortless strings. Since the Matrix has next to no kick (due to the spool valve and it's massive weight), trigger bounce was not present!

I must admit, ranking the timmy number one (as far as easy walking) might not be fair since my timmy does have a very good trigger job... whereas the matrix I shot was stock sans spring.

I have not shot a SPEED yet, but I can say every IR3 I've fired comes nowhere close to the speed and ease of maintaining a good rythm of a Timmy and Matrix.

08-15-2003, 08:18 AM
I´d love to hear what manike could report about shooting / walking his X .

08-15-2003, 08:43 AM
I just got my bushy back and no lie its anywhere between 16-18 without tying.

What happens is in slow ****s there is no bounce but when im going faster it kicks in so its awsome.

And the reason timmies and trixes are easier is because of the bounce and the 25mg Microswitches which pick up more shots( I have on on the bushy )

08-15-2003, 09:39 AM
like 100 with my 98....ok well that is a lie, i can shoot 13 for and it is just getting higher ever day that is with my emag

No sKiLLz
08-15-2003, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by Jack & Coke

It was a stock LCD exactly like the red one here:
The only thing the guy did was remove the trigger spring. Since the trigger did not have a spring (he's looking for just the right one), the trigger had a lot of sloppy forward/back play. It didn't matter, as I was able to rip nice long and fast effortless strings. Since the Matrix has next to no kick (due to the spool valve and it's massive weight), trigger bounce was not present!

I must admit, ranking the timmy number one (as far as easy walking) might not be fair since my timmy does have a very good trigger job... whereas the matrix I shot was stock sans spring.

If he didn't adjust the set screws or put some aluminum tape to take out some of the play in the trigger, you really have been missing out. Try to make it to the next AO day out at SC. Nobody seems to believe me when I say what this marker is capable of.:)