View Full Version : West Coast AOers of the world UNITE!!!

08-08-2003, 07:47 PM
west coast aoers... we have a mission.

we need to get airgun design products into the shops on the west coast.

i went to a new paintball shop today in san rafael. (north of san francisco)

the shop is called "kapp extreme sports"


835 4th st. Unit D
San Rafael, CA 94901


go to this shop... or any in your area and see what AGD products they are selling... if they dont sell any... ask why.

if enough people start going to these shops and asking for AGD products, the shop owners will listen.

even if its as simple as wanting to get the new AGD baseball cap... go to the nearest shop and ask them to order you one.

if we continue to purchase everything straight from AGD then shop owners will have no need to stock their shelves with the products...

so get out there... order AGD products throught local shops... and if your in the northern bay area... go to this kapp shop and ask why they have every other gun on the wall except a mag.

peace from nor-cal

i want to hear some stories of how your mission is coming along.

08-08-2003, 07:53 PM
Well I've done this a couple of places and the replies I get are: #1 from General Joes- We stopped dealing with them due to the fact they neglected mag owners and dealers for far to long while they did "other" contracts. #2: Paintbll Players Club- Mags are outdated and there just isn't the demand for them out here. #3 up in WVC Utah- Ha... you own a mag! We'll never carry anything but WGP and Kingman here.

So all in all I just go through Rogue due to the fact he get's me what I want when I want it. No having to worry about someone else buying it.

08-08-2003, 08:00 PM
thats why you ask them to order small stuff (like a hat or a warp)... it puts the company on the shop owners minds... still get your guns straight from AGD.

08-08-2003, 08:03 PM
KAPP is the Shiz !

i love that store ...

hey skirts i didint know there was a player from AGD pride around my area...

what feilds you play at ?

08-08-2003, 08:05 PM
actaully ..there Store in Santa Rosa had some mags and other such things .. its been a year since i was there . so i dont know if the still do carry AGD stuff

08-08-2003, 08:28 PM
Well...the reason being is because AGD has absolutely no presence out here...most of us SoCal AOers have already discussed this among ourselves...why fight the tide of ignorance in shops when you can prove the naysayers on the field.

08-08-2003, 08:32 PM
good call dirt bunny... however

i went to that shop and it made me sick to see absolutly no AGD products... not even an old mag

so all i can say is we all need to keep trying...

... the fight continues ...

by the way... im leaving back to michigan for about 4 months and will be returning permanantly in january... so if anyone wants to get out and ball from january on... let me know...

08-08-2003, 08:37 PM
I don't disagree with you Skirts...but it takes a lot more to change people's minds out here...and we're doing it hand fulls at a time. We've got one store out here in San Diego that sells Mag gear (to be specific it's actually in Escondido) called Action Paintball. Most of the stuff is just parts kits even though they do have a couple of RT Z-grips and a few old field rental mags.

I'm personally sick of trying to educate people who are just ignorant...flat-out ignorant. They think that the laws of physics don't apply to what they want to push onto their customers and I'm an educated person that just doesn't buy it. All we can do out here is keep the faith and just go our own way and hope that the rest of the world wil come around. Call me a fanatic, a freak or a koolaid drinker but I just don't feel like I need to debate anyone about their own lack of brain power. Everytime I post up in a back stand-up and let loose a rope of paint to me that just shows the fact that the mag can hang with every other gun out there. It is the people like us that are going to make the changes.

08-08-2003, 09:41 PM
i've gone to get my lvl 10 installed at my local shop, JJ's Paintball Supplies, and the owner said that he loved double trigger automags but its a personal thing that he doesnt carry agd products, he has had bad luck with them i guess, nor-cal AOers need to meet at like SCP (www.santaclarapaintball.com) again in the fall.

SG Avenger
08-08-2003, 09:44 PM
I'm definatly going to miss the small mag community that has sprouted up at our field. The owner/tech and some other workers there still have, or have had in the past a mag. While there isnt a big demand for them here, they are more than happy to work on or order parts for any AGD product.

Its going to be a rude awakening going to the non-paintball park having central coast of CA... grrr.

08-08-2003, 09:58 PM
Well I know JJ's is a nice place (some of them come out to T.A.G.). Another small place in Moss landing some of you may know is J&S Surplus. They have always had a nice selection of AGD guns. Everything from used classic Mags to Emags including a range of amtermarket parts. Ozzy the crays long haired guy who is the main man there is smart about his hardware and used to use an RT (actually the one I bought and anod in my sig :) Prices are pretty high but at least they have a good selection.

I think that the end user representing the product is better than a store or the company as it says that "I chose this over everythign else." I am one of the few Mags out there, but everyone sees and knows me and my RT's.

USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
08-08-2003, 10:58 PM
Hey Skirts....

I was just wondering...since you are going to be in California, are you going to still be active on the AGD Pride roster? If so, how do you guys organize practices? What about in the case of Capo...isn't she in TX? Just wondering because I've been offered a position on a team that isn't local either and was just curious to how you guys did it...

08-08-2003, 11:04 PM
Cool Cool...I'm just getting to the place where I want to play some tourney ball myself...

08-08-2003, 11:10 PM

i will be playing with pride the entire 2004 season.

i will be driving and meeting my team when they fly out to events out here but i will be flying and meeting the team when they will mostly be driving... capo has pretty much taken my place for this season since ive been out here all summer. usually we play the 7 guys that can make an event... all i know is i plan on playing all of the nppl 7 man events while still practicing with whatever decent norcal teams i can play with... ive been chit chatting with a guy named will from twisted factory and might get out and practice with them if i can...


08-08-2003, 11:33 PM
skirts, where in michigan are you going to be?

08-08-2003, 11:40 PM
My shop cousins paintball on long island,yes i know its not where you all talking about but there reason was. They use to store mags too..

They had lot of mags come in and had leaks and such... too many problems, thats bs, all i see is cockers and other markers in there asking for repair.

08-09-2003, 12:00 AM
skirts, are you playing on sunday? if so where?

08-09-2003, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by skirts

i will be playing with pride the entire 2004 season.

i will be driving and meeting my team when they fly out to events out here but i will be flying and meeting the team when they will mostly be driving... capo has pretty much taken my place for this season since ive been out here all summer. usually we play the 7 guys that can make an event... all i know is i plan on playing all of the nppl 7 man events while still practicing with whatever decent norcal teams i can play with... ive been chit chatting with a guy named will from twisted factory and might get out and practice with them if i can...


If you want good practices then find out where teams like kapp and mommas boys are playing. I know for example that mommas boys will be scrimming with syn on sunday out at wap. That would be a good time to get some good practice.

08-09-2003, 12:45 AM
The KAPP in Santa Rosa has a mag. Its a crappy classic mag, with the teflon body, single trigger, and no barrel. Who the hell is going to buy that thing when theres stuff that looks 50X better on the wall for the same price.

I complained about this in a previous thread. Basic AGD guns can be good guns, but who the heck is going to buy one to find out with them looking like that. Plus, if they shot that basic one, they might very well be disappointed with its performance, what with no level 10 and such. No wonder the new KAPP doesnt have em, I bet this one has been sitting on the wall of their Santa Rosa store since it opened.

Wanna generate a change? I'm betting the bread and butter of gun sales for these stores is in the lower end guns. If AGD can't make a low end gun thats gonna sell for em, why the heck would they bother to sink money into a high end gun that might also sit on their wall. We can preach about their virtues all we want, what matters to the store (and rightly so) is the bottom line.

BTW the one in Santa Rosa also carries mag accessiories, barrels, o ring kits, and other mag stuff. SO theyre definately giving mags a try. They didnt put the mag stuff in their new store? I can guess why...

08-09-2003, 01:04 AM
i think the only mag part that delta has is a crappy 32 degrees parts kit. for some reason, im not really worried that the local stores dont carry mag parts. i know they would simply jack prices up, and i would still buy my stuff online.

08-09-2003, 02:19 AM
Well i got ditto's just 5 minutes away and they have loads of AGD stuff.

Other then that Rogue is the man. I got my mag from him and one of his hats too. Both very nice!

08-09-2003, 05:37 AM
i'm not going to pay some store owner 20% over what i could order stuff online for.

The sad fact is alot of ppl are in the paintball business to *make* money. 8 years ago ppl were in the paintball business to provide products locally and cheaply so everyone can play. Online is cheaper, and owning your own business is even cheaper than that!!

For grps around the country.... Just organize your OWN business, buy BULK and give everyone in your party at cost. You have like 30 people buying consistantly.... figure the rest out ur self. :D

08-09-2003, 07:15 AM
my field/store has like nuthin 4 mags...
the other day when i was reffin and 2 kids had mags. so i turned to the head airsmith and said "wow more than 1 mag here, is that even legal?"... it was funny at the time

08-09-2003, 11:39 AM
Kinda on topic : Yeah if youre in Nor Cal you need to play at WAP, they have the best field set up around and a Syn vs Momma's Boys practice would be a very very nice place to get some practice in.

On topic : I work at Tracer PAintball here in NorCal and we have mag rebuild kits, and a few mag barrels and that is it. Why? No one asks for them or to see them. WAP uses mags as their rentals due to reliability but other than that Mag users in our area are few and far between, Afew guys have emags, i had never seen an emag in good condition till i went to IAO and had never gotten close to an Xmag till IAO......here everyone wants an Intimidator or an Angel. Bob's shop is 30 min down the road so everyone is carrying a Timmy.

The bread and butter of our store recently hasnt been the lower end guns, it has been the Angel Speed, they are selling faster than we can keep them in stock, often we have prepaid Speeds taking a majority seat in our incoming orders.

Now that ive seen the xmag in person id like to see more of them out here and begin carrying them, but we have to have people wanting them before we can stock them. And id like us to stock one so i can mess with it.

Offtopic : Jimmy B and Oj is a great way to start the day.

08-09-2003, 12:52 PM
Havok: Were you out at wap with a leaking timmy last sunday?

08-09-2003, 12:54 PM
nor cal AOers, see the thread "Z-Mans heading to T.A.G." in meet and greet if you hev not already.

08-09-2003, 05:18 PM
SoCal's got it's act together..we never thought any different..

USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
08-10-2003, 01:44 AM
Skirts and AO....
Took the X-Mag out to Velocity Paintball (store) and did some AGD preaching. One of the store employees was actually in the process of building a mag. Another said he is going back to a mag. One other said he's interested in getting a mag now after playing around with my X-Mag. It attracted a lot of attention from the customers in the shop. :D

08-10-2003, 04:38 AM
well i am going to be representing the mag love tomorrow at Sherwood forest. my LCD is crapped out , so its Mini mag time.

their is a decent number of mags around here ..all classics though , ive only seen one emag in person.

08-10-2003, 10:41 AM
yes, i was

both my timmy and angel went down that day i wanted to sell them both and get a m98, flatline barrel, ghillie suit and a gigantic bushnell scope. Ill save money on paint because 1 shot one kill

08-11-2003, 01:19 AM
I was the guy with the lasoya timmy that was trying to help you out.

08-11-2003, 02:19 AM
we got a mini ao thing going on this sat at santa clara:

08-11-2003, 04:28 AM
cool thanks for the help man. found the problem once i got home, then made it even worse.

08-11-2003, 08:27 AM
Was it Rich you talked to behind the counter? I know I have been in there with DirtyBunny a couple of times preaching the goodness. Rich has a old Minimag that he was thinking of upgrading, I have been meaning to go back and show him that I can take my level 10 part out of my gun and put it into his.


USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
08-11-2003, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by Bad_Knees
Was it Rich you talked to behind the counter? I know I have been in there with DirtyBunny a couple of times preaching the goodness. Rich has a old Minimag that he was thinking of upgrading, I have been meaning to go back and show him that I can take my level 10 part out of my gun and put it into his.


Nah I was at velocity in Bonita. It was Frank and Mike that I was talking too mainly. I don't know the other guys name because I've never seen him before.

08-11-2003, 01:22 PM

I thought you were up in our neck of the woods and didn't even holler...it's all good! The wife is pushing to get a date set to play...so we can find someone to watch the kids!


08-11-2003, 01:38 PM
I don't really have much problems when it comes to buying mags stuff, because there are some shops by the name of Predator Paintball and they even carried X-mags for a bit..till they ran out of them of course. The one on Watt Ave. has the most mag stuff. Bought my Lvl 10 there, and it's owned my Oh Pawlak. And he's good friends with TK from what I am told. TK even went there on the tour of his awhile back. I couldn't go though. Anyways, the best field for tourny practice is Extreme Paintball (http://extremepaintballfield.com/) in Modesto. It is owned by Rich Telford of the Ironmen who plays out there some times and the creator of the Alien plays out there too. It's a great field. And some of this stuff may sound untrue but it is. Ahh..it sure is nice to live in Sacramento :D .

-Ryan F.

USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
08-11-2003, 03:54 PM
Well speaking of being in your neck of the woods and not hollering...I am guilty...I played yesterday at Velocity =X As far as when you guys want to play just lemme know when. This coming weekend isn't going to be good for me because I just got assigned a 10 page paper to write for one of my classes.

08-11-2003, 04:37 PM
It's all good. I had family stay over the weekend so I wasn't able to play. How was that heat :(

We will hook up as soon as I can make some arangements for the kids.

08-11-2003, 05:10 PM
yes..and when I've got my X to shoot..

08-12-2003, 07:54 PM
I just had an RT-Pro ordered in through a local shop - my first AGD product.:D

The first place I went to to inquire about ordering one in flat out said "no".:confused: The next said "huh? I thought they stopped making the RT." The guy was nice though, and ordered it for me.

08-12-2003, 08:53 PM
Cool Sooky...you've been bitten by the bug...who wants to bet $10 US how long it's gonna take him to get on an X list?

08-12-2003, 09:02 PM
Mmm... X-Mag...

But sadly, after this investment I think a ULE body and ULT will be it for paintball equipment purchases for several years.;)

08-12-2003, 09:04 PM
that's fine..i started with a CenterFeed MiniMag and now just short of two years later I'm going to have an X...it takes time...but it can still happen..