View Full Version : and you thought you had girl problems

08-09-2003, 07:13 PM
check this out. Ive been dating this girl right. Only problem is this chick hangs out with some Bloods from Casa Blanca. (for you old folks bloods are a gang ya just learn not to mess with)

any ways, when she told me she runs with them I tried to back off the relationship but she had no intention of it. In the back of my mind I knew it wasnt a good idea to talk to her but I didnt think much of it untill last night.

I was commin back from a party and i was gettin tailed by a white caddy. My boy robbie who was in the passenger seat noticed it before I did. We pulled over to the side to see if they passed. They did. We continued to drive to his place to crash. We thought nothin of it and we grabbed a parking place on his block and was walkin up to his house and watta ya kno here comes the white caddy. They drove by and sprayed a clip or so at us. No Joke. It was insane. Luckily they missed us because I couldnt even think to duck right away. That was like the scardest ive ever been in my life.

Ive been making phone calls all day and it looks like it was gang vi. Mayb they got jealous I was kickin it with there girl. Anyways Ill keep you posted I just hope all this is over with I dont need bloods on my *** day in and day out.

ya and you thought you had girl problems...ha
o ya and any spiritual people wanna put in a good word for me with god it would be apreciated. lol

08-09-2003, 07:26 PM
Thats crazy dude. Makes my stories look like nothin...

08-09-2003, 07:47 PM
HOLY CRAP!!! That is terrible, dude if I was you I would get in contact with the FBI and go into that thing called the witness protection program

Oh, and you didnt duck because from paintball you dont run from fire you run to it.

08-09-2003, 07:52 PM
Dude, thats just like w0w, your lucky you didnt get hit, but I would be more careful on what girl you date next, you wouldnt want to get shot at again.

08-09-2003, 08:18 PM
Oh man, good thing you're ok.

Don't mean to make a joke out of this or anything, but if they really wanted to kill you, they wouldn't of just driven by...they would've gotten out of their caddy and made sure they hit you.

Once again, I'm really glad you weren't hit. I hope all of AO prays for your safety.


08-09-2003, 08:33 PM
jump town leave ur old life behind start a new one

08-09-2003, 08:46 PM
calling the cops gang division would be considered a good idea....but little thet can do...lol

just watch your back.....always

feel like fity cent yet?

08-09-2003, 09:11 PM
moral of the story is: don't get involved with people associated with a gang. you never know the girl could turn out to be a baby momma and you may be pointed out as the baby daddy, then it will be all over.

08-09-2003, 09:26 PM
this story is hard to believe without pictures, no offence

08-09-2003, 09:36 PM
Stop talking to her, that's the bottemline.

If they wanted to kill you, they would have. They just want you to be scared.

08-09-2003, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by LittleKrems
this story is hard to believe without pictures, no offence

If he woulda tried taking pictures of the Caddy, they WOULD have killed him ;)

08-09-2003, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by irbodden

If he woulda tried taking pictures of the Caddy, they WOULD have killed him ;)

LOL, but true.

08-09-2003, 09:39 PM
Wow thats just creepy, but like rdb said, I dont think they really wanted to kill you, just to scare you so you wouldnt go out with that girl anymore. Regardless, Ill pray for your safety man.

08-09-2003, 09:42 PM
Wow... interesting story... scary ****...... good thing those gangmembers have extremely bad aim!!! I mean they might be able to hit there target once in a while if they didn't hold there guns sideways and ****...

08-09-2003, 09:53 PM
Thats insane... take pictures of where the bullets hit

08-09-2003, 10:21 PM
That's why I wear my flak jacket to parties.

08-09-2003, 10:26 PM
screw pictures man. Distance yourself from anything to do with the shooting or the gang. Just make sure you don't get involved with them again. don't call the cop's unless you realy feel like going into whitness protection because it will just get them on your back again.

08-09-2003, 11:28 PM
Originally posted by irbodden

If he woulda tried taking pictures of the Caddy, they WOULD have killed him ;)

pictures of the bullet holes maybe, unless it was a cap gun! :rolleyes: jk

08-09-2003, 11:39 PM
Originally posted by -Carnifex-
That's why I wear my flak jacket to parties.

flack jackets cant stop a bullet, i think you meant bullet proof vest, sorry for being anal, thats just one of the things that erks me ;)

i leave for iraq tomorrow (sunday) wish me luck

08-09-2003, 11:59 PM
flak jackets can too stop a bullet but not much higher powered than a 9 though

08-10-2003, 01:02 AM
Originally posted by devildog

flack jackets cant stop a bullet, i think you meant bullet proof vest, sorry for being anal, thats just one of the things that erks me ;)

i leave for iraq tomorrow (sunday) wish me luck

Not if you throw the ceramic plate thing in them. Yeah, that's right, I watch Mail Call on The HIstory Channel.:D

08-10-2003, 01:25 AM
Holy crap, I would've pissed myself. My best advice would be to just distance yourself from the girl and everything related to her, this definitely is not something to take the slightest bit lightheartedly.

08-10-2003, 01:36 AM
Watch out now! :) The best Mail Call was the one when he blew away a group of watermelons with an assault rifle! But now back to the attempted assasination on you Wicked Wayze....yeahhh, you might wanna' move sometime soon. And for the guys saying "if they really wanted to kill you they would have got out and done it", ARE YOU CRAZY! You dont get out of your car to shoot someone in a drive by, that negates the whole advantage of shooting from a moving vehicle, quick escape with little possibility of being regognized. Thats what a drive by is, shooting from a car as it "drives by". Gangbangers arent known for their marksmanship wich is why innocent people often get caught in the crossfire. If this is true this is the most messed up story I've heard here on AO! Good luck man, zig n' zag baby.

08-10-2003, 03:11 AM
So orange county isn't full of rich spoiled white kids on the TV show? Well, I'll be darned:rolleyes: :p No but seriously I've never been there or knew anyone from there so I took that show as fact :eek: Oh well I'm an ignorant fool goodnight.

08-10-2003, 04:59 AM
flak jacket

hehehe made me giggle...

back in my days of Korea we were issued Flak Jackets...

Note this tag from the inside of the jacket.

08-10-2003, 07:19 AM
Originally posted by MagAl
good thing those gangmembers have extremely bad aim!!! I mean they might be able to hit there target once in a while if they didn't hold there guns sideways and ****...

Of course they have terrible aim. Who do you think really invented accuracy by volume?:p ;)

08-10-2003, 09:55 AM
Originally posted by Ov3rmind
My best advice would be to just distance yourself from the girl and everything related to her

Yes but you see if he dosent talk\do anything with her anymore, then she will be mad\sad then the gang will come after him again because he upset their girl. You see you cant win, unless you leave town and change your name ;).

08-10-2003, 01:21 PM
bro, that is freaking crazy. tell the girl exactly what happened. see if shell break off the realtyionship now. and as comforting as it would be to contact the police, they wont be able to do crap about it.

08-10-2003, 01:36 PM
my advice for you is to become friends wiht the ground incase you have dive down onto it again;) o yea and i would get a gun if i were if they come back ur gonna need something to try and draw them away

08-10-2003, 03:31 PM
I've been shot at before, scary stuff, yo.

08-10-2003, 04:14 PM
theres really nothing I can do. Trust me.

If I go to court and testify, they will come after me again. Its not worth it.

I do have connections with gangs around here my older brother is in one. I could try to retalliate but thats and even worse idea. I dont wanna get into that.

I could let it go. Not make a big legal deal about it. Try and avoid that girl, and hope it blows over. Thats what ill do I think.

O and hide under my bed. LOL jk

Someone asked for pics. I cant afford a digi cam but the cops took pictures im going to ask for those or maybe I can find a friend that has one.

08-10-2003, 04:17 PM
you have enough guts to go to the girl and tell her that her boys shot at you?

08-10-2003, 04:22 PM
I already did that. I yelled at that ho and then I apologized cuz I dont want her getting mad at me. She claims that she didnt tell them she has been seeing me. So either:
a) shes lying
b) shes not telling the truth
c) shes not being totally honest with me
d) both a and c


But my older brother is so mad. Its kind of scary. I already hid his gun in my closet. If he gets mad theres no telling whats going to go down. I dont want him to get shot.

08-10-2003, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by edweird

hehehe made me giggle...

back in my days of Korea we were issued Flak Jackets...

Note this tag from the inside of the jacket.

Haha, atleast you don't have to worry about leaves.

08-10-2003, 04:43 PM
id a flak jacket a bullet proof vest. If so. They always work in the movies.

08-10-2003, 07:35 PM

08-10-2003, 08:08 PM
damn man, ur real lucky...stay away from that **** and the grl...of course they had bad aim!! ....DUCK!!! y didnt you duck i mean come on this isnt paintball where u 1st c where its coming...maybe they wanted your car, what kind was it;) :p

08-10-2003, 08:35 PM
well its wierd. I did duck. Just a little late. Its one of those things like you think that you would duck. But when it has never happened to you before your first reaction isnt duck. Like at first I didnt know what was happening I was totally shocked. I wasnt thinking "hey those guys are shooting at me" I saw the caddy and I was thinking o God theres gunna be trouble. Then before I could even think or say anything I heard...crack, crack,......pause......crack,crack,crack,crack,cra ck.etc" It was at the beginning of the second string of shots that I hit the deck.

anyways im still sorting this out ill give a full report later.

08-10-2003, 08:38 PM
what did the bullets hit, not the car hopefully, what kind of car do you have?

08-11-2003, 12:03 AM
Haha sucks to be you. All I can say is get out of that town/state if possible. But, don't come to NJ, we have over 250 gags in Camden. Latin Kings, Crypts, Bloods (the big 3). Anywhere you go, the Bloods will most likely find you if you are on thier s**t list. Maybe try Montana.

08-11-2003, 12:21 AM
I drive a blue lifted Chevy that Im proud to say make payments on without help from mommy. :) see picture below.

O and I do plan on getting out of here. I wanna go back to Orange County where I only have to worry about getting stabbed or hit with a bat instead of shot at. haha

No but really OC is a mellow place to live. It has its share of gangs and violence but you pretty much have to go looking for it. O ya and you dont see near as much gunplay. But ever since ive been up here around LA ive seen more bad ish than ide like to remember. And its like everywhere.

Like a couple months back I was trying to have a romantic walk with this girl and there was this beaten up bloody guy laying in the park. My conscense(sp?) got to me and I had to abandon my romantic walk to help him out. I hate LA.

Any ways there has been no news of another problem tonight. Its only 10:30 here though. But this is good. One day at a time.

08-11-2003, 12:29 AM
o ya the pic. This is my little brother standing by the truck at my uncles place in OC. Where I plan on going someday.

EDIT: o and no lucky for those guys they didnt hit my truck. Bloods or not thats grounds for murder.:p :D ;)

They did hit though the garage door, front door, my friends girlfriends Honda twice (its ok only a ricer),and took a chuck out of the mailbox holder upper post.

Thats all we have been able to find so far but we are finding more by the day.

08-11-2003, 09:14 AM
hmmm....thats interesting, they hit alot but not you...thats lucky

08-11-2003, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by WicKeD_WaYz

This from a person with a pair of handguns in his signature?

Ok seems that things are calming down now and thank god I don't have to deal with the crap you do in your area but then we don't have the gun culture you guys do...yes there are guns here but nowhere near the quantitys you have...and all of them here (pretty much) are illegally held...many films have the punk on the tramcar whatever who pulls the gun and all the passengers pull one back...ok I know it is the films but it is possible...though certainly not where I live though.

08-11-2003, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by lgavin
hmmm....thats interesting, they hit alot but not you...thats lucky

lol thats how it usually is with gangs... they usually hit the old lady sitting across the seat on her porch rather then there target and the little girl playing on her front lawn.....

and if you want to get away from ALL trouble I'd say Alaska.. I mean how many gangs do you think are over there... how about Massachussets... Ohio?

08-11-2003, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by WicKeD_WaYz
...when she told me she runs with them I tried to back off the relationship but she had no intention of it...

I guess my first question would be, how did you try to break it off? How did that conversation go and did you express your concerns about being involved with someone who was hanging with those kind of guys. Did you go crazy on her and ignore her without explaning, or did you tell her calmly and say it'd be best if you two just laid low?

It really all depends because if you made her upset, and she really didn't understand why, of course she's going to mouth off to her boys which will give them the wrong impression of you.

In my opinion, total avoidance isn't the thing to do. It's called trying to talk to her and make her understand that it's not her that has you worried but the other boys she hangs with. Give her something to think about or else her emotions will take over and you won't be so lucky next time.

Whatever you decide to do...good luck.

08-11-2003, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by MarkM

This from a person with a pair of handguns in his signature?

Ok seems that things are calming down now and thank god I don't have to deal with the crap you do in your area but then we don't have the gun culture you guys do...yes there are guns here but nowhere near the quantitys you have...and all of them here (pretty much) are illegally held...many films have the punk on the tramcar whatever who pulls the gun and all the passengers pull one back...ok I know it is the films but it is possible...though certainly not where I live though.

Well Im a hypocrite because I too carry a gun. Not because I want to. Not because I think its cool. Its because I wanna be protected. That has a whole new meaning now though. Because I dont know if I SHOULD have even shot back at those guys, even if I COULD have. I couldnt think that quick. But if I DID shoot at them in self defense the situation could have escalated. So I dont know how much use that gun under the seat of my truck serves.

But your right out here guns are a big problem. Your almost the minority now a days if you dont have one. Its getting scary.

08-11-2003, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by MagAl
and if you want to get away from ALL trouble I'd say Alaska.. I mean how many gangs do you think are over there... how about Massachussets... Ohio?
Ohio isn't totally gang free, take Cleveland for example.

08-11-2003, 08:57 PM
and uhh Cincinatti for sure. Theres a little spot called "Over the Rine" or something like that, that reminds me of LA. I didnt see as many reds and blues though. But I was only there once, I could be wrong.

08-11-2003, 10:14 PM
History Channel Rules!

08-11-2003, 11:51 PM
Originally posted by Spazzmav13
History Channel Rules!


08-12-2003, 12:49 PM
Well cleveland seemed like a pretty decent place in the Drew Carey show...

08-12-2003, 01:13 PM


ok ok...only the part i work in ;)

Yeah...the only gangs around here are the Bone Thugs ~n~ Harmony :D :D :p :p

08-12-2003, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by FiRe


ok ok...only the part i work in ;)

Yeah...the only gangs around here are the Bone Thugs ~n~ Harmony :D :D :p :p

I thought you lived in Parma......

08-12-2003, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by FiRe


ok ok...only the part i work in ;)

Yeah...the only gangs around here are the Bone Thugs ~n~ Harmony :D :D :p :p
I wasn't bashing Cleveland, I even have relatives over there (we visit them about once every one to two years). if you want to come to a realy calm place, come to Utah.

08-12-2003, 03:56 PM
I was kiding about the bashing thing

RICK===i live in parma...but i work in cleveland (and i consider myself a clevelander becaseu parma sucks)

08-12-2003, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by Ov3rmind

Ohio isn't totally gang free, take Cleveland for example.

Cleveland isn't bad at all, anymore. Fifteen years ago it was a different story, but now there are families and balloons and little kids all over the place, in a large part of the downtown area. Okay, I watched a cop get shot in the face last year right in front of the Terminal, but that was definitley an isolated incident. It's not so much gangs as random drug-related violence, so it's really nothing bad. Kinda similar to Pittsburg, even though Pittsburg is an even bigger craphole and I like it even more. Plenty of drugs and crime to go around, but the majority of people don't have much to worry about since there aren't too many gangs. I walk the worst parts of both cities with just a knife and I've never felt that I had to worry about anything.

California is a whole different ballgame. I don't understand all that garbage and I don't want to. If I ever move there I plan to stay the hell out of it.

08-12-2003, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by FiRe
I was kiding about the bashing thing

RICK===i live in parma...but i work in cleveland (and i consider myself a clevelander becaseu parma sucks)

I grew up in Parma and so did Drew Carrey, don't bash it!

08-12-2003, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by Flamebo

California is a whole different ballgame. I don't understand all that garbage and I don't want to. If I ever move there I plan to stay the hell out of it.

California is alright in some places then again other places are filled with gangs drugs and guns. Same with everywhere you go...

08-12-2003, 06:49 PM
Wow, that is insane man. Lucky ur alive.

08-12-2003, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by MagAl

California is alright in some places then again other places are filled with gangs drugs and guns. Same with everywhere you go...

ya, cali is pretty mellow as long as you stay out of some inner city LA(where I currently and hopefully temporarily live), longbeach, englewood, compton, some parts of santa anna, casa blanca, and a few more key areas. But there are great parts of cali. From Orange county all the way south through san diego is nice, there is no more gangs in OC than anywhere else in the world. And anywhere far north of LA is pretty Mellow as well.

08-13-2003, 10:59 AM
yeah down were I live is nice... problem is there are so many of these kids that think they are tuff cuz there italian, cuz there arab... whatever

Funny story here...

I was walkin on 86th and 5th which are were all the stores are at.. clothes stores cellphone stores restaurants and stuff... and while I was walking I saw this Arab kid ( not trying to be racist here) with a dewrag(sp?) cap tilted to the side, baggy clothes... assaulting this old man cursing him out and disrespecting him and all that and the old mans son came and he was wth are doing the the hell outta you punk before I hurt you stuff like that and the kid thinking he was so tuff kept cussin at them pissing them off disrespecting them and the guy was really gettin pissed off... the kid (16-19 I'm guessin) keeps cussin at them saying thinbgs like P---y hit me you f----- b---- suck my.... so the guy outta no where RoCkEd the Kid right in the kids nose, broke his nose, blood was everywhere!!! The kid got knocked onto the floor and started crying!!! All I could do was laugh my a-- off while the kid was lying on the floor crying.

And a lesson was learned you may think your tough cuz you are this your that, you grew up IN a perfectly fine neighborhood nowhere near like places in cali, thinkin your a gangsta, well your not

the end...

08-13-2003, 11:22 AM
haha nice.

dont you love those punches that just come out of no where. i think its the funniest **** when that happens.

08-13-2003, 09:22 PM
You say you got a gun?? We'll you should get a vest to :D ..

And if you want away from gangs move up here to Canada.. BC or Alberta.. I don't know if there's 1 gun in the town I live in.. And in the city that's 15 min's away there's prolly only like 5 if that.. You rarelly hear about murders especially ones involving guns.. Although there are alot of 'wannabe' thugs around here but if you carry a knife blah.. Thats all you'd need.

You say your brothers in a gang?? By the way you say it.. It sounds like a different one then the one that tried to shoot you up.. Well hell that could be a reason right there.

Personally.. I say kill the beotch ;)

Oh and wear a blue shirt and red pants :D

Or another alternitive.. Buy an ak and if you see another white cadilac following you just happen to stumble upon the trigger.. We'll just say your finger got stuck..

They can try to kill you all they want.. But by the sounds of it with there aim it would take them 8+clips so with your paintball experiencay you should be able to nock of anyone even threatining you in a matter of seconds :D

g'luck, play safe

08-13-2003, 10:45 PM
yeah getting shot at is no joke ....

its happend to me before ..scariest thing ever...

i use to live in Texas ..and my neighbor two houses down got mowed down in a drive by ( i was at a freinds house that night ) .. lucky for the fool that the vatos where only using 22.'s , the hit him twice in the chest. all he got was an extended stay at the hospital.

dude.. you are really friggen lucky.
does your girl know that your bro is another gang ?.. cuz that coulda been why they tried hittin at ya

08-13-2003, 11:07 PM
Hey well I'm glad your ok and all but ya know i would find out where the gang hides out and then do a GTA vice city on em and steal a car and roll up in there wid a bazooka and blow the **** out of em and then run like hell. lol

COPS are good even if they are fried bacon bits they could help. -Eddie :cool:

08-17-2003, 05:38 AM
Looks like you do have girl problems now....

08-17-2003, 05:13 PM
the idea of any of this is completely and utterly scary to me. i live in suburbian ny...no gangs, plenty of wannabe thugs, etc. i've heard of a few bloods coming up from nyc to go to school here, but that's it...guh. i hate the idea of gangs lol. cuz gangmembers have the power to bully others cuz they have a gang backing them up...if you stand up against them, you're screwed. (much like in the movie american history x). seriously though...does this whole situation strike anyone else as scary as hell and foreign to boot?