View Full Version : NPPL Super 7 taking a step back.....

08-09-2003, 09:01 PM
Today I went to Englishtown to check out NPPL Super 7 event number 4. I was really disappointed when I got there, and from just speaking to a few people I wasn't the only one that felt that way. It totally reminded me of NPPL venues before the split last year, it was in the middle of nowhere, and totally a step back from the direction NPPL was going so far this year. Parking was weird, if you were allowed to park next to the field/vendor area it looked like you were parking at a field for a scenario, or you had to park across the road next to the racetracks.

The humidity wasn't a real comfort either, since it also brought on the bugs. Two of the fields didn't have general access since it was in the players area. Vendor selection wasn't that bad but most of them were enclosed in small ez-up tents. I heard the reffing wasn't so great either, and I actually witnessed it during the Dynasty and I think Bad Company game.

Its like what the heck happened NPPL was doing so well with the venues up until this point. Now I'm really looking forward to PSP next week and do the comparison.

Kaiser Bob
08-09-2003, 09:28 PM
Well, Dynasty and Bad Company didnt play each other, but I am curious as to what bad reffing you had seen take place and at what field.

As far as the weather, thats something you really cant blame on an event, blame it on the armpit of the nation :) And yes the parking is iffy and the mud dosent help things, but I think they are doing a good job, considering its in NJ.

Added an example, comparing HB to most anywhere is Jersey is like comparing paradise to well, hell i.e. Jersey :)

08-09-2003, 09:42 PM
The Dynasty game that I saw was on the Chronic field, like I said before I think it was against BC but I guess I was wrong.

08-09-2003, 11:30 PM
Umm...I don't know what you're talking about, you could get to all of the fields. You just had to go all the way around (around the NPPL field) to get from one side to the other.

08-09-2003, 11:44 PM
The Chronic field was at the far corner facing the road.

08-09-2003, 11:47 PM
So what happened with the bad reffing?

08-09-2003, 11:57 PM
I think this was a bad venue even without the rain/humidity.

They should have gotten something in New York state like 20 min north of the city or something. If your gonna have something in Jersey have it near one of the decent shore points...


08-10-2003, 12:03 AM
All I'm going to say is that a Dynasty player really needed a paintcheck before he rolled it into the dirt.

08-10-2003, 02:26 AM
Originally posted by graycie
All I'm going to say is that a Dynasty player really needed a paintcheck before he rolled it into the dirt.

Welcome to competition paintball...

08-10-2003, 02:39 AM
Originally posted by Curly

Welcome to competition paintball...

Well, you may want to ask Graycie..but I think she's been playing competitive paintball for quite a few years...most people wouldn't have even noticed that..

08-10-2003, 09:19 AM
I know that. My point, which I should have explained, is that unless you start treating the refs real good (IE good pay, breaks, etc) there is still going to be a lot of cheating. Yes it sucks, but thats the reality of the sport.

08-10-2003, 10:37 AM
I totally agree, the event was horrible. The location was worse than Egg Harbor last year- the NPPL should stop taking money from people and pick out their own locations next time. Also, the reffing was ridiculously biased towards many (ie, JT flagship) teams. I mean, I watched VL and Lockout players wiping on the show wire side of the NPPL field, with refs in full view...

It smelled like crap, was muddy as hell, and was, for all intents and purposes, in a cow pasture in the middle of nowhere...

So much for bringing PB into the mainstream:rolleyes:

I'm gonna go play PSP, thank you.

08-10-2003, 03:05 PM
I guess all the sandy-ness of the 4H club was replaced by the poopy smelling mud of the raceway grounds.

The only decent venue was the old racetrack in 2001, but after they booked it for the next year it was sold to someone else so they had to find a new venue which led to the 4H club. Everyone knew it sucked, so it baffles me why they would book a similar type of venue for this year.

IMHO, NPPL and PSP should just stay away from Jersey when looking for venues.

As for the reffing, I'll be the first to admit reffing sucks major donkey especially with the conditions present at this event but it shouldn't be an excuse to overlook obvious penalties. Seems like the crowds were calling out more hits than the refs were, but those calls don't count for diddly.

08-10-2003, 03:53 PM
I was excited that the event was in NJ, but when I got there I felt like I was let down. The weather in NJ has been absolutely crappy the last week. I thought the Venue absolutely sucked. Hopefully next year it will be somewhere that's nice.

How were the crowds on sat/sun? I went on Friday around 1 and it seemed absolutely dead.

08-10-2003, 03:57 PM
I went on saturday and there was a good amount of people there.

08-10-2003, 04:11 PM
I just got back and I would completely agree that the choice of location was pretty sad. While the rain couldn't be avoided they should have chosen a venue which could deal with the rain at some level. I watcehd them rip apart bails of hay and lay them down on the feild for players to play on. Thats sad. If the weather was better the event probably would have also been 10x better.

08-10-2003, 04:20 PM
I think you're right. The smeel didn't bother me too much (then again I live in NJ) but I bet if it hadn't rained so much there wouldn't have so much smelly mud.

08-10-2003, 08:50 PM
Thats too bad. I like the fact that the NPPL was held in Jersey. Like Upstate or PA would be any better with all the rain we had and the humidity and heat. The reffing did suck. Players were getting in the refs faces and intimidating them more often that not. You guys are right the crowd called more people out from the stands than the refs on the field did. It is too bad you all didn't go today. You missed the Ton Ton/ Naughty Dog fight. I think I will stick to Pro Hockey, at least that is man to man. Not like these sissy Baseball style brawls.

08-10-2003, 09:11 PM
Actually another location would have been much better even with the rain. Some places are designed to keep the rain from saturating on the surface. For example I was at Randal's Island on Sat while it was raining for Warped and massive puddles/ditches of mud were not an issuse since the feilds at Randal's Island are built ontop of sand pits to drain the water.

I caught the Ton Ton fight, pretty funny, poor frenchies.

Kaiser Bob
08-10-2003, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by Kaiser Bob

There wouldent have been any mud, the whole area was grass when we got there, but the sheer number of people walking back and forth over wet ground turned everything to crap... stupid jersey weather.


Originally posted by speedyejl
Actually another location would have been much better even with the rain. Some places are designed to keep the rain from saturating on the surface. For example I was at Randal's Island on Sat while it was raining for Warped and massive puddles/ditches of mud were not an issuse since the feilds at Randal's Island are built ontop of sand pits to drain the water.

I caught the Ton Ton fight, pretty funny, poor frenchies.

that would have been nice too

08-10-2003, 10:09 PM
Why does everyone say that jersey sucks? I don't think it's that bad and the weather isn't always like that. We've just been having bad weather for a week. It's not usually like that.

08-10-2003, 10:21 PM
Yeah Woogie. Whats wrong with us?

Yeah but where are you gonna find that on the East Coast? Specially designed fields are a little hard to come by here. The NPPL tried to put down hay to keep the mud out, but the number of people kinda killed that.

One thing about the Ton Tons though. If they were running France during the war the French would have been waiting for us in Baghdad. The have earned my respect.

08-10-2003, 10:28 PM
I didn't see the fight, what happened and who won?

08-10-2003, 10:43 PM
Nothing much the Ton Tons began to scuffle after the Dogs owned them and they basically got booed off the feild. They bonus balled plenty of times and nobody besides their fans wanted them to win. The announcer also sort of got them wanting to fight lol.

Theres plenty of feilds which are capable of running off rain water quicker near NYC. I'm suprised it wasn't held in a park somwhere in Long Island Esienhower would have been great for this. Also a nice air conditioned indoor location would have been nice to. Rumor is the Javits center was being considered but the NPPL didnt have the $$ to back it up.

08-10-2003, 10:45 PM
I had a chat with the guy that actually owns that place. I was describing the entire point of the game, how everything goes, about the refs, the game, what have you. Then asked about the fields, and apparently there's a drainage path that flows RIGHT THROUGH both the NPPL and Angel field. It's at an angle, and from the VIP tent area you could actually see the path it made.
Which of course explains why those 2 fields specifically were nothing but mud. Go figure!

Thankfully it wasn't strong, but yes that smell of **** was everywhere. ESPECIALLY in the players staging area!

The reffing. Well, I don't want to get into it. Or the last day of play either. Not too much nice to say 'bout either so I'm not about to post that rant (God knows everybody else will enough as it is, don't need me to add to it).

Though I'm thankful I had that energy drink. Gave me the energy to run up the stairs and get a good view to the Dog/Tons little dispute. Wonder what the penalty for the team(s) will be? And if both or just one.

I think honestly, there's 1 main thing they need. Announcers that don't suck! Game play-by-play guys have no clue, just kept saying "Ooooooh" and "Wear it" over and over and over again. I've heard better for a British Open tournament!

08-10-2003, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by Woogie12
Why does everyone say that jersey sucks?

Because IT DOES! I've been there 2 years ago, got pissed. I figured maybe it'll be better this time, I'll give Jersey another chance. Nope, even worse this time, and this time I actually got paid to go there! The people on the road are *******s, and the roads themselves are a damn maze! You have to get a perfect combination of U-turns and exits just to go 5 miles in 25 minutes. I've completed a rubix cube faster than it took me to get from the Ramada hotel to venue!

Know what you guys need? Another one way street!

Damn construction workers had no clue what they were doing when building a road. I seriously think Jersey had the first roads in the nation, they are all the prototypes! And they just haven't recalled them yet or replaced them with something that actually works to a drivers' convenience.

08-10-2003, 10:59 PM
I will admit that the englishtown roads are confusing. My friend and I had been to raceway park 3 times and we still missed our U turn everytime. It's not like that in all of jersey though.

08-11-2003, 12:52 AM
Originally posted by Woogie12
Why does everyone say that jersey sucks?

Its kinda like how people all ways make fun of Canada, so Jersey is like Canada when it comes to jokes and ridicule. In my past exeperience it also seems that people in Jersey either indentify themselves as New Yorkers or Philadelphians not Jersey-ites. Jersey smells too, and its not of roses.

Oh, and those darn U-turn/jug handles they are spreading to PA and I'm very frightened.

08-11-2003, 01:52 AM
eh...well...it can't be worse than california...

08-11-2003, 03:18 AM
uhhhh i would like to be informed on this... in several places i have seen that paintball is ILLEGAL :O in New Jersey. i took a hint and figured it was the same one right on the atlantic ocean. i have also seen on several paintball websites that they cant ship to NJ because pb is illegal there :o

im el confuso :confused:

08-11-2003, 04:27 AM
bleh, its Jersey you pretty much have pastures that smell of cow poo or ocean side polluted by New Yorks Sewage.Not alot of choice there.

08-11-2003, 07:08 AM
Originally posted by dinger
uhhhh i would like to be informed on this... in several places i have seen that paintball is ILLEGAL :O in New Jersey. i took a hint and figured it was the same one right on the atlantic ocean. i have also seen on several paintball websites that they cant ship to NJ because pb is illegal there :o

im el confuso :confused:

Paintball has been legal in Jersey for years.

Originally posted by graycie
In my past exeperience it also seems that people in Jersey either indentify themselves as New Yorkers or Philadelphians not Jersey-ites

So true... I've been saying for years we should give south Jersey to PA, combine North Jersey and NYC area + LI to form a new state, and then seperate upstate NY into their own state since they don't like the City people anyway.

08-11-2003, 08:30 AM
This is only in response to the thinking paintball is illegal in NJ.

Paintball is perfectly legal in NJ and has been since May 2, 1988. You can read the story here if you like http://www.topgunpaintball.com/History_of_Paintball.html

As for the advertisments saying companies will not ship to NJ, read them more closely. They refer to AIRSOFT nearly 100% of the time. Apprently though, AIRSOFT is legal in NJ as well. Paintball Depot here is now carrying a small line of the pistols.