View Full Version : A Frenchman wiping

08-11-2003, 03:09 PM
Well not quite but no way is he gonna wipe those hits ;)


08-11-2003, 03:16 PM
That seems a little too close for me. It looks like the barrel tip is on the guy. If you want him out just shoot him, no need to jam a barrel up his nose.

Nick O time
08-11-2003, 03:17 PM
that is a sweet picture man.

08-11-2003, 03:17 PM
That is such a tight picture!

08-11-2003, 03:18 PM
i know there is some anti-french stuff going around but thats just mean...
Couldnt you just gog him or hit him in the torso? his gun is about to fall as well.

08-11-2003, 03:19 PM
The background is that the Nexus player was already at the end of the snake as the Ton Ton player came around it so hence the closeness of it all ;)

08-11-2003, 03:22 PM
Oh come on.. if his hand wasn't there it would have hit him in the head.

That's pretty damn close... I know I know.. part of the game and all.. but damn thats a bit much.

08-11-2003, 03:35 PM
HE JUST GOT SMITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hehehe, im surprized the french make it off the break with out surrendering. ;)

no but serriously, the TON TONs are a bunch of really nice french guys, not like normal french ;)

laurent is the man!

that pic tho.. WOW! he got freekin Smited

that is a little too close for comefort

08-11-2003, 03:47 PM
That's my new desktop background.

08-11-2003, 03:55 PM
Oh man ...

Look close enough, it looks like his barrel is behind his hand ... and you can see what looks like a bounch also ...

I see what looks like at least three hits ...

1 -- Hand
2 -- Marker
3 -- Looks to be in between the hand and marker ...


08-11-2003, 04:15 PM
lol hows that, an eblade in your brain.

08-11-2003, 04:39 PM
Dude, its one hit for an elimination. If hes that close, why the hell did he light him up?

That player is offically a dumbass.

08-11-2003, 04:53 PM
That would be so painful, but its a great picture :)

08-11-2003, 05:20 PM
I'm counting about 5-6 on him as it was, before that barrel got shoved in there.

I'd have pulled the shooter if I were the ref. But then again, I'm not the ref at that game so it doesn't matter what I think.

08-11-2003, 05:27 PM
in terms of the number of hits, thats nothing. I watched a Nexus player put easily 10-15 (no exaggeration) on a dude from Driven who slid past his bunker

08-11-2003, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by personman
Dude, its one hit for an elimination. If hes that close, why the hell did he light him up?

That player is offically a dumbass.

Yeah but how many times have you bunkered someone and had the first couple shots bounce? Happens to me a lot. Unless I obviously get goggles or mask I pull 3-4 times.

Sweet pic though. Ouch.

08-11-2003, 05:33 PM
Thats great. Its always fun to see the French lose.

08-11-2003, 05:37 PM
That'll teach the French to never rise up against the British again..

SG Avenger
08-11-2003, 05:52 PM
I don't think that qualifies as an "Owned" picture.. its more like "RUINED!"

08-11-2003, 06:18 PM
That is one of the best (non Facefull) paintball photos I have seen in a long time. I would love to know who took it. That is the classic, take many pictures and hope you get a good one.

08-11-2003, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by SG Avenger
I don't think that qualifies as an "Owned" picture.. its more like "RUINED!"


08-11-2003, 06:29 PM
Hey, I don't play tourneys. Why would I want to seeing a picture like that?

That is so excessive it is in no way funny.

Pointing your marker at someones faces from 2 inches??? this is good play???

08-11-2003, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by ShooterJM

Yeah but how many times have you bunkered someone and had the first couple shots bounce? Happens to me a lot.

That's why you use Evil paint.

Sure I have bunkered and had them bounce, and I only pull once if I am on top of someone, and if it bounces.. that is the fault of my gear, not the other poor bastard at the wrong end of my barrel.

No one has any honor in this game anymore... this is why I stopped playing for 6 years, crap like this was going on and the final straw was when someone pulled a knife out on someone else at the Bay City Open. I can tolerate crap like this.. but if there is ANYTHING that will give the sport of paintball a bad name, it's not stupid movies or Wal-Mart.. it's stuff like this.

Accidents happen or sometimes you just get caught up in the game, I really hope this guy apologized afterwards. not like some jerks such as Laysoya that said "if you can't take it go play golf". If someone did that to me and said that afterwards.. forget paintball, it's gonna be a boxing match.

I felt bad for lighting up 3 guys in a game once. I was the last one left, they thought I was on the other side of the field, so 1 of them dropped their gun and runs for it with the flag, the two others run behind them and defend... I run along side the field to meet them head on (think, train wreck)... I was not point blank, but pretty close and I shot them all about 3 times each.. I saw 3 of them about to hang the flag and they didn't see me.. I was so excited I just unloaded. Afterwards I walked up to them and said I was so sorry for over shooting them. They shrugged and said I didn't over shoot them at all...

I guess it's just sportsmanship.. Paintball isn't about "owning" someone and inflicting pain, it's about strategically tagging your opponent out of the game. One of the reasons I felt so bad was everyone including the refs all yelled "OOOOHHH!!" and did those "my *****" motions where they slap the air in front of them (ya know, lol).

I have learned to "deal" with it which is why I got back into the sport, but damn we need to encourage sportsmanship, not "ownZoring dey punk azz" or whatever, lol

08-11-2003, 07:19 PM
man, thats a cool picture, but i feel really sorry for the guy that got lit up.

08-11-2003, 07:24 PM
Guys the two players ran into each other thats why they were so damned close panic obviously set in just the Nexus guy came out on top, unneeded shots happen, its when you have the player cold and you go for the pain that it isn't "correct". My neck was blistered for 4 weeks after Skyball from a kid who tried to tell me afterwards that I shouldn't play the game if I can't take the pain, 1st shot to the neck 2nd and 3rd in the middle of my back and two in my pack in that order and all from point blank and ...his team mates wisely took him away when they realised I was not exactly happy. The Ton Ton guy would have done the same to the Nexus player and none of you who have commented so far can have either played against or reffed Ton Ton...they may have changed their style of playing but that was the only way to be sure of the players plus they would always do a mad rush with 1 minute to go aswell and the playing on was unreal but in the confusion they would in general get at least a flag in transit.

08-11-2003, 08:17 PM
all those peeps who are b****ing about it being too many how many of you have bunkekred a dude with one ball and have him continue to shoot you and both of u get pulled. who cares if he gets shot 6 times close its part of a bunker move and i can guarantee that guy didnt turn and shoot him after that

08-11-2003, 08:25 PM
omg!!!!thats my new wallpaper on my computer

08-11-2003, 08:39 PM
the final straw was when someone pulled a knife out on someone else at the Bay City Open.

If someone did that to me and said that afterwards.. forget paintball, it's gonna be a boxing match.

Its an issue when someone pulls a knife out on someone but when u start a fist fight its ok.


Sure I have bunkered and had them bounce, and I only pull once if I am on top of someone, and if it bounces.. that is the fault of my gear, not the other poor bastard at the wrong end of my barrel.

So if you bunker someone and it does not break after the first shot you stop shooting and just call yourself out?

08-11-2003, 08:51 PM
if you look closly slightly above the victims marker you can acctually see a ball bouncing away. so out of about 25 rounds i see 1 bouncer. he was probably trained to shoot for the gogs as to get less bouncers. It worked but i think he needs to work on his confidence in his shooting.

08-11-2003, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by magman007
hehehe, im surprized the french make it off the break with out surrendering. ;)


Ohlala! Zat did Smart! I surrender mis ami!:D

08-11-2003, 09:12 PM
-To the people who are saying the Nexus guy overshot.

How do you know it is just that dude's paint on him? It could be a combination of the back guy paint and this dude's paint(the ball about to hit frenchie's gun is not from either player in the pic). Without being there or seeing a video it is imposible to tell if this is overshooting.

As fas as the Nexus guy having his barrel right in the other dude's face, well maybe, he shouldn't have ran right into it.

08-11-2003, 09:28 PM
Holy out of context batman! :D

Originally posted by 845

Its an issue when someone pulls a knife out on someone but when u start a fist fight its ok.

The player pulled a knife on another player because of a bad call. They both started arguing and it escalated to a pocket knife being pulled. It was broken up before anything serious happened but to me that was the final straw because there were so many fights on the field and no one was having fun. Paintball is about having fun.

If someone inflicts pain on me I WILL inflict pain on them. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. But I wouldn't inflict or attempt to inflict pain on someone because of a bad call in a game. That is part of the game, causing pain to your opponent is NOT. Once someone assaults another player it is no longer paintball, it is assault and battery. In Hockey when someone checks another player they go to the penalty box, when someone bashes another players head in with a stick the police are called and the player is arrested for assault and battery. It has happened before.

If someone bunkers you.. it's part of the game.. when someone shoots you in the head 20 times at point blank range, that is no different than using a hockey stick and beating someone with it.

The player in the above pic didn't do that, but damn I would have apologized to the other guy and try to not do the same thing again. Who knows... maybe he did do that. I'm talking about pieces of crap like Laysoya that nails someone in the back of the head 30 times and knocks them out and his only apology is "Go play golf if you can't take the pain".

Originally posted by 845

So if you bunker someone and it does not break after the first shot you stop shooting and just call yourself out?

I guess so, because I consider that a TECHNICAL ISSUE, if my paint bounced on someone at point blank range traveling at 280fps... yeah, that's MY problem, not the other players. If it is in a tournament I use Evil paint and that stuff breaks on anything, if it is a rec game I don't worry about one elimination.

Keyword: "Sportsmanship"

The whole point of my post was Paintball is taking a bad turn with all this "owning" crap. It's good to see sportsmanship on the field and I do see it today and it should be encouraged. Assaulting someone shouldn't be rewarded by having a gun named after you.

08-11-2003, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by Troy

As fas as the Nexus guy having his barrel right in the other dude's face, well maybe, he shouldn't have ran right into it.

That argument goes both ways fella.

"Well he shouldn't have ran his forehead into my carbon fiber wrapped tank 11 times. :D "

50 cal
08-11-2003, 09:38 PM
Stickin' your barrel that close to someones face is waaaay outta line.
All the "heat of the moment" players will chime in, I know. But still that's uncalled for. And we wonder why fights break out at p-ball games?

08-11-2003, 09:46 PM
Bad things happen when u use SP

08-11-2003, 09:47 PM
Exactly 50 cal, and it does happen.. maybe I will do it someday on accident, and if I do you can bet I will make sure the guy is ok and fall over my self apologizing to him/her. That's just good sportsmanship.

My most cherished trophies are my sportsmanship trophies. Two reasons, only 1 person gets it and it says out of everyone, I played the most honorably. I love paintball.. I have played it since it first started here in Northern California with my Nel-Spot 007. If I saw other people playing like they do today I don't think I would still be playing. I am 25 now and was very young when I first started playing, what kept me coming back for more was everyone had fun.

Seriously... isn't that why we all play? I know we aren't playing for the "huge" cash prizes, lol

Maybe it's because back then we were all such a small and close group... to everyone else we were a bunch of wackos dressed in camo shooting "fake guns" at eachother in the woods, hehe. I don't know how many times we had the police called on us when we would all meet in front of the local McDonalds for breakfast before a game.

08-11-2003, 09:54 PM
from that angle it kinda looks like the barrel was against the tank

08-11-2003, 10:01 PM
from that angle it kinda looks like the barrel was against the tank Looks that way to me too, he may have taken one or two in the head but I think most of the paint hit the tank, hence him dropping the gun.

08-11-2003, 10:46 PM
here is my Perry mason response.....It looks to me like the player from the Ton Tons was coming to do the Nexus player and got pounded on by a back player as well as the guy he going to do....if you look in the background you can see an upright beer can that has loads of paint on it, if you have played enough sup air than you know that its tough to get paint to break on the curved parts of the bunker and easier on the side that is facing you (now note the paint on the bunker), Also the Ton Ton player is standing (falling into the bunker)and the Nexus player is on a knee (this points towards the ton ton coming to do the other guy)...also noticed that alot of the paint is on the left side of the guys head and body...from the position of the laydown beer can and the ton ton in the pic he (the ton ton) would have had to run at the nexus guy basically sideway which also points to the theory of a Nexus back (or mid) player chewing him up just before he got nailed by the Nexus guy who is kneeling.
In my opinion....they are called high risk moves for a reason.

Great picture.
Perry "goat" Mason

08-11-2003, 11:14 PM
dude that;s not cool.. once i got hit in the back of the head from 2 feet and i was out.... had a headache for 5 days...

08-12-2003, 12:28 AM
Yeah i think the Ton Ton got hit coming in and a prolly caught one or two from the guy he came to do. maybe didnt think hed be on that side.

the brit's gun is on the frenchie's tank, the shot that just exploded on the hand is probably from a back player either that or he moved his hand to cover his head and the splatter is from the brits shots to the tank

08-12-2003, 01:17 AM
Originally posted by Troy
-To the people who are saying the Nexus guy overshot.

How do you know it is just that dude's paint on him? It could be a combination of the back guy paint and this dude's paint(the ball about to hit frenchie's gun is not from either player in the pic). Without being there or seeing a video it is imposible to tell if this is overshooting.

This is exactley what i've been thinking the whole time. It's not like this was a one on one game. I know my backmen won't let up on a guy thats trying to bunker me until he stops and turns around. One of my teammates put 8 on me from less than 2 feet away in practice. It hurt, but whateve. It's the way the game is played.

08-12-2003, 02:28 AM
complete and total ownage


08-12-2003, 02:29 AM
sig pic for me :eek:

08-12-2003, 07:43 AM
That picture is great. I would guess that the firer got a little suprised by this guy showing up there very close and very fast, but maybe next time a little more control is in order.

08-12-2003, 08:08 AM
You guys are so gay. Why is everything a moral issue... Or a dramatic arguement. The dude got shot. End of story. Nice picture. :rolleyes:

08-12-2003, 08:17 AM
Right lads. 1st this is a still shot. How can any of us tell what is going on?
2nd I have played the Ton Tons this year twice already and Ton Ton Acyd once. Except for Acyd (they seem ok) THEY PLAY ON AND ON AND ON AND ON.

This is the only way they can be shot out. Its not neccessary at all!! Of course not but when they blatently run down the field with hits on and doing double , triple muggings to confuse the refs big style. Its just not on. They are such a good team, but man the cheating sux butt. So this picture makes me smile, plus the guy is English and thats nice to see.

I'm sure no offence is meant by Nexus, but if someone ran into your barrel would you

a) say "oh hold on chap......you may have your eye out there"

b) call your Mum and claim "this game is awfully close quarters, I'm rather scared"

c) drill the guy till he goes away

Didn't the Americans coine the phrases "extra love" and "bonus ball" ??

:D :D :D

08-12-2003, 08:58 AM
Why does everything turn into a moral issue? I think that is because you have so many people looking at this picture of a guy getting pounded (by the front man or back.. I am not debating this picture...), anyway they see these pics and start cheering, making sigs and desktops, thinking this is the coolest thing in the sport.

Then there are others (like me) who do agree that bunkering is a part of the sport, and that over shooting does happen and is sometimes unavoidable... BUT IT IS NOT COOL TO HURT SOMEONE. Then we see others posting all sorts of comments like "complete ownage" and "awesome" and this upsets us because most of us seem to be old schoolers who played agaisnt friends, even at big games we all partied together afterwards and made friends... so this was a friendly game.. hurting someone had to be apologised for.. not only out of desency but out of friendship.

rant done

08-12-2003, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by LongDuckDong
The player in the above pic didn't do that, but damn I would have apologized to the other guy and try to not do the same thing again. Who knows... maybe he did do that. I'm talking about pieces of crap like Laysoya that nails someone in the back of the head 30 times and knocks them out and his only apology is "Go play golf if you can't take the pain".

Ah the colorado incident.... So you were there then? Talked to the people involved? Know both parties?

Of course I think it's pretty funny that the guy talking about "honor" in the game but also says if it hurts he'll inflict pain on someone else.... Pull your head out. 3-4 rounds isn't overshooting. Especially when your in a tournament at that level. Maybe you should take up golf:rolleyes:

08-12-2003, 10:10 AM
I never said that, and getting shot "stings" everytime, but if someones goal is to cause pain and not just tag me out of a game... yeah it will be throw down time. I consider that assualt and I will fight back, being overshot and being assualted and then gloating about it are two different things. It is the same as bashing someone with a hockey stick in the back of the head at a hockey game, they will call the police for that because it is assualt, if someone drills me in the head with a paintball gun over and over and gloats about it.. again, I will beat the living crap out of him. You really have no idea what "honor" is do you? It's pretty sad for paintball since a lot of you have no idea what it is..

You guys are totaly missing the point. And this Laysoya thing, he has been banned in certain tournaments and many people repoprted that he did what he did... I will take that over you fan boys protecting your idol. Why else would they ban him FOR LIFE? He smells funny? Again.. I am taking the word of the many people that reported he shot someone in the head 30 times in the head, his e-mail saying go play golf and the officals banning him for life over you fan boys protecting your idol. I am saying this twice because some of you can't read to well.

08-12-2003, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by Quickling
Why does everything turn into a moral issue? I think that is because you have so many people looking at this picture of a guy getting pounded (by the front man or back.. I am not debating this picture...), anyway they see these pics and start cheering, making sigs and desktops, thinking this is the coolest thing in the sport.

Then there are others (like me) who do agree that bunkering is a part of the sport, and that over shooting does happen and is sometimes unavoidable... BUT IT IS NOT COOL TO HURT SOMEONE. Then we see others posting all sorts of comments like "complete ownage" and "awesome" and this upsets us because most of us seem to be old schoolers who played agaisnt friends, even at big games we all partied together afterwards and made friends... so this was a friendly game.. hurting someone had to be apologised for.. not only out of desency but out of friendship.

rant done


And Bolter, I like the way you talk. It's like I'm watching the movie Snatch. hehehe

08-12-2003, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by 50 cal
Stickin' your barrel that close to someones face is waaaay outta line.
All the "heat of the moment" players will chime in, I know. But still that's uncalled for. And we wonder why fights break out at p-ball games?

To be fair, the Ton Ton player ran into it, he came running around the side of the snake, and the Nexus player was pimpin his lane, so he ran right into his barrel.

Both players looked really startled

08-12-2003, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by LongDuckDong
I never said that, and getting shot "stings" everytime, but if someones goal is to cause pain and not just tag me out of a game... yeah it will be throw down time. I consider that assualt and I will fight back, being overshot and being assualted and then gloating about it are two different things. It is the same as bashing someone with a hockey stick in the back of the head at a hockey game, they will call the police for that because it is assualt, if someone drills me in the head with a paintball gun over and over and gloats about it.. again, I will beat the living crap out of him. You really have no idea what "honor" is do you? It's pretty sad for paintball since a lot of you have no idea what it is..

You guys are totaly missing the point. And this Laysoya thing, he has been banned in certain tournaments and many people repoprted that he did what he did... I will take that over you fan boys protecting your idol. Why else would they ban him FOR LIFE? He smells funny? Again.. I am taking the word of the many people that reported he shot someone in the head 30 times in the head, his e-mail saying go play golf and the officals banning him for life over you fan boys protecting your idol. I am saying this twice because some of you can't read to well.

You never said that? Weird...I must have imagined this...

Originally posted by LongDuckDong
If someone inflicts pain on me I WILL inflict pain on them.

I'm not going to try to have a discussion with someone about honor who doesn't know me and who, quite frankly, I could care less about. I have always played with honor and will continue to do so. Doesn't matter to me if some ill informed person who has never played with me has another opinion.

Lol fanboy. :rolleyes:

08-12-2003, 11:07 AM
SyntaxError seems to be the only person who actually SAW what happend. I think the only way to figure out what trully happend is by video but using what syntax said along with Troy and Alabamaman oppinion, which i agree with, It looks like the nexxus guy got scared to death when the tonton fenchie came around the corner, the backman did his job and stopepd him in his tracks but the front man on nexxus whas scared to death and just unloaded on him. I doubt in the timeframe that the nexxus guy could think "hey this frenchies goin to get it" and pop him 15 times in the head, its just not goin to happen. He acted in the moment. But i do think he should appologize after the game since it was an accident, but i wonder if the tonton would eb in the mood for one...:confused:

08-12-2003, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by LongDuckDong

You guys are totaly missing the point. And this Laysoya thing, he has been banned in certain tournaments and many people repoprted that he did what he did... I will take that over you fan boys protecting your idol. Why else would they ban him FOR LIFE? He smells funny? Again.. I am taking the word of the many people that reported he shot someone in the head 30 times in the head, his e-mail saying go play golf and the officals banning him for life over you fan boys protecting your idol. I am saying this twice because some of you can't read to well.

well it was only like 17 and who banned him for life. certainly not lynch and considering that was lynches tourney i would think that would be the only one that made sence

08-12-2003, 11:59 AM
Yeah the yarddogs got pissed and it was somewhere between 6-12.

I think lasoya was banned from PSP though wasn't he? After some incident that happened in 99 playing braun's team?

08-12-2003, 12:15 PM
To everyone saying just use Evil paint ....

Ain't that Ultra Evil in the Eggy2 ??


08-12-2003, 01:42 PM
I don't see ANY problem.

Player comes around a bunker, other player happens to be right there.. What the hell are you going to do? Back up THEN shoot?

When I bunker people, it's pretty customary for them to get hit, then keep shooting, just incase it didn't break. :rolleyes:

In tourney ball I see NO problem in overshooting someone in that situation.

08-12-2003, 02:43 PM
wow guys, its not that big of a deal.... a ton tons guy went for a bunker, got shot by a back player, kept going and got shot by the guy he was gonna bunker. theres no reason to get in a big arguement over peoples opinions, your not gonna change what they think and believe so just stop.

08-12-2003, 06:38 PM
Muahahahhaa bonus balling to the extreme :D

Guys, stop complaining, this is tourney paintball and the TonTons and Nexus are flying around the world to compete for sponsorship and a lot of money.

And tell me, how fast can you shoot 3 paintballs ? Just takes a bit of a second...

08-12-2003, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by LongDuckDong
That's why you use Evil paint.

HAHA, I played two weeks ago, and Evil was bouncing off me left and right. :p

08-13-2003, 12:12 AM
Evil is one of the best paints ive ever bounced people with.

nuclear zombie
08-13-2003, 08:08 AM
you want to know why the ton ton got "owned "....two words:

his only chance in defense would have been using some J.B. Weld .... do they have JB Weld in France?

08-16-2003, 01:43 PM
Piz Owned.