View Full Version : Yet More X-Mag Ordering Questions

08-11-2003, 09:28 PM
OK I got the whole 6 months till till you can get one once I sign up part.

I also get the "choose your color when your number is up" part.

My question 3 fold:

-Who does the ano job?

-Besides this Royal Blue color that seems off limits what else won't they do?

-What if I asked for the gun non-anoed and took it off to PK Selective to have it done. I really liked their work and the one aspect that I am really keen on in ANY of my ano jobs is the transition of color. I personally do not want a fade that goes from a rich red to black in all of 2 inches and it looks like whoever is doing the ano jobs does it that way. If that is just something you specify then great but if its the nature of this company...

Any thoughts people? I am in a stupid Automag craze right now and have no good reason to get an X-mag other than I want one (besides the other 2 RT's I have). Sigh... so easily swayed by pretty pictures...

08-11-2003, 10:53 PM
pk actually did some of the x mags man, and they did some of those fades you dont like, also look at other guns, they do it as well, go look at the faded timmies, they are all very abrupt.

Aplus handles alot of the anno now, and might i say, their work is amazing, pk is put to shame compared to a plus

08-11-2003, 11:25 PM
pics of some plz?

08-11-2003, 11:42 PM
well I have no real loyalties to PK. My Classic RT that's shown on this site has a nice very gradual fade that was just what I wanted so it's obviously possible to do and if this other company is that much better then wonderful!

So it sounds then that this "abrupt" transition (good term for it) is just a more popular choice than a limitation on X-mag anodizing?

I too would like to see some if you have any.