View Full Version : Y-Grip Questions

08-12-2003, 08:02 PM
Hey, Can someone with a Y-Grip post a pic of someone gripping the gun? Is it comfortable? It looks like The grip would hurt your wrist after awhile. Does it?

Also, I noticed some Y-grips have the trigger at the same angle as the grip. It seems like this would be the best way to have the trigger. Which angle do you think the trigger is best at with a Y-Grip?

08-12-2003, 08:42 PM
The Y-grip is extremely comfortable. It is actually more comfortable than .45 grips because you don't have to cock your wrist (some people don't like it as well, they're just weird though).

Now as far as 2 different angle triggers, they are 2 different frames. There was originally the Z-grip a few years ago, but they didn't sell as well. They have a steeper angle than the Y-grip, so the trigger was angled as well. They were good frames for staying tight in a bunker, but the angle was so steep that many people don't like it. The new Y-grip has straightend the angle out alot, which makes it easier to use in all situations.

08-12-2003, 09:54 PM
well... as far as i have seen, the y-grip look comfy, except for that trigger. if the trigger is vertical like on a 45, that really does look like it would hurt your wrist a lot.

i too would like to see a pic of someone holding their y-grip

08-12-2003, 11:10 PM
Well I could take pics, but I lost the cord for the computer. I really haven't noticed the trigger angle, the grip isnt angled enough that its bad. I just pull like normal.