View Full Version : need help!

08-12-2003, 11:03 PM
ok guys i i got a couple ?'s . 1. i have a 68 powerfeed automag and i was wondering how many balls per second it can shot if i put the intellifram and the x-valve on it. 2. should i do what i said in ? number 1 or should i just buy an emag which would be better? thanks guys

08-13-2003, 08:33 PM
ok here we go.

1. The X-valve will alow you to fire as fast as you ever possibly could hope to fire and THEN some. it's rated to shoot somewhere arounf 28-30bps but none of us could ever hope to shoot that fast. So put it this way: how fast can YOU shoot it? :)

2. Well that depends on your taste. I will cost you approx. ($225+$115= 360 w/ shipping and tax) for your X-valve (with tradein) and intelli. Emags run $600+ so right there is almost 50% cheaper. If you like the mechanical pull of the Mag and RT then you should definatly go with that option. is many hundred$ less and you get a maarker that is the same valving of the RT/Emag/Xmag.

However. If you are someone who much prefers the electronic trigger feel and you want it along with some other bells and whistles, you may find that the Emag fits you better.

I can talk to you all day about why I like to stay with my mechanical RT and someone else can talk to you all day about how they won't ever leave their electro gun, but it makes little difference.

Best thing: TRY ONE. You want to find somethign that works for you (and your budget) not just because "DUDE, IT'S AN <insert coolest gun ever>!!!!!!"

If you are in the area of San Jose CA, swing on by Santa Clara Paintball. There will be a few of us out there this coming Sat (3 days from now) and I would be happy to let you try out my RTs if you wanted.

08-13-2003, 10:58 PM
how hard whould it be to make a regular automag into and RT i didnt have enought to by a RT to start but i really like them

08-13-2003, 11:41 PM
Not hard really. About the only difference is the valve. The RT/X-valve (one is steel on is aluminum) is a faster recharging, bouncey trigger, HPA ONLY valve that is found on the RT Pro, Emag and Xmag. Other than that, the differences are purely cosmetic. The Intelliframe is not required for use of the RT/Xvalve nore is the ULE body or ULTrigger.

You might check out the VERY long thread that was started but a fooling member who asked to see "Cool Mags." He touched off another thread of every single Mag guy here posting picts of his gun. Unless you have broadbad beware, you will be waiting.

Hoverver as you look though them (mine are on page 4 hint hint!!!) you will notice that a large number of them are highly upgraded Classic Mags.
