View Full Version : ULE Body Ball Detent Design = POOR???

Jack & Coke
08-13-2003, 03:19 PM
Has this happened to anyone else? :confused:

08-13-2003, 06:44 PM
Not for me yet. You are not the first I've seen with this problem thou. I keep mine only finger-tight.

08-13-2003, 10:38 PM
I think you had a pre redesign ball detent... the new ones are supersweet.

08-14-2003, 08:34 AM
That happened to my first detent on my xmag after about four months. The second one has been okay since (about seven months). Both of my detents were the bullet shaped black ones.

08-14-2003, 10:13 AM
The first time i shot my gun tat happened to me, Then i got a new one and the bolt ripped the ball out, and no it wasn't screwedin too far. So i just got a shock tech buildable ball detent and it works great. Yeah the design is definately poor.

Jack & Coke
08-14-2003, 10:50 AM
What do you guys think of this one?

magnetic ball detent by kilaueakid



Now this is something I would have expected from AGD. Not a cheapo plastic ball and spring... :(

08-14-2003, 02:29 PM
That is nice who makes it and where can i get one?

Jack & Coke
08-14-2003, 03:37 PM
click on the link silly! :p

08-14-2003, 04:30 PM
Yeah, I have had that happen to 3-count em-3 AGD detents. I called them and they sent replacements. No, they weren't in too tight. I have one of those magnetic Kila detents, and they rock. Well worth the money.

Jack & Coke
08-14-2003, 04:40 PM
Here's the reply I received from an email I sent to AGD customer support:

...The warranty period is 90 days. As the purchase was back in April, the warranty has expired. We could sell you a replacement detent or you can purchase an Angel threaded detent...

JJ Ontiveros
Airgun Designs
[email protected]

Bummer! Oh well, looks like I'm SOL. :(

08-14-2003, 05:53 PM
Jack, I've got 2 kila-detents on my SFL. THey are awesome. I actually am using them in that video of my SFL. ;)

Edit, on 3 regular angel detents ive used, the ball has come out on all of them after 2 months.

08-14-2003, 05:56 PM
The bullet shaped ones are NOT AGD detents. The ones that AGD makes have small milled grooves around the side, a flat top and a white ball. I have seen one shoot the ball out, but other than that, it seems like they're a pretty good detent. If the ones that you guys have been breaking are indeed AGD detents, contact AGD and tell them. If it's happening enough, they'll look at the design and see how they can fix it.

I would recommend the magnetic detent from Kila. Looks like a very solid and well designed detent.

Jack & Coke
08-14-2003, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by BlackVCG

I would recommend the magnetic detent from Kila. Looks like a very solid and well designed detent.

I'm leaning towards that direction...

08-14-2003, 08:53 PM
Duh, i didn't see the link man i am an @ss.

08-15-2003, 02:44 AM
Jack - I'm running one of Kila's magnetic detents in my ULE and it works great, very nicely put together.

Jack & Coke
08-15-2003, 09:13 AM

I dropped by my local pb store and picked up this:



Cobra Indestructdetent - iR3 / LCD / LED

We were the first to come out with a repairable ball detent for the Angels. With all of the changes in Angel bodies our old style would only fit the 2000 LCD bodies. However while reworking the shape we have now made the most durable detent ever. Almost indestructible (hence the name).

By using a piston assembly instead of a plastic ball that could wear out there is no way for the detent to break while playing, so you will never have to worry about it during a game.

This new model will fit any Angel iR3, LCD, or LED to date.

Black - $15.00
Blue - $15.00
Red - $15.00
Green - $15.00
Silver - $15.00

This detent is just like the magnetic detent in design (who copied who?) except it uses a very soft spring instead of a magnet.

So far, this detent appears to be better in the department of design, construction, and materials than the AGD one that comes with the ULE body.

I also had to add a Level 10 carrier o-ring just like before... Hmmm... did someone goof up on the dimensions of the ULE body during the design phase??? ;)

Too bad the ULE body didn't come with these better detents in the first place.

08-15-2003, 09:15 AM
that is wierd the detent in my body is by far the best detent i have ever had

08-15-2003, 11:38 PM
Jack and Coke,

Yep, mine only lasted 2000 rounds. It looked like the ball had hair line cracks in it when I received it. I even ask around on this forum and everyone said that they arent having any problems. I dont want a new one from AGD if they only last one case of paint. It really stinks when you start shooting 2 and sometimes 3 balls per shot.

I bought one of Kila's detents, 25 bucks to your door and 3 different size orings. I just installed it today so I havent tested it yet. Im sure it will last longer than the stock one.

I know that the loyal readers dont want to hear bad things about AGD product, but this one really is crappy.

Now if we can get Tom to produce blade triggers for our Emags. That would make up for detent IMO.
