View Full Version : for the electricly chalenged

adam shannon
08-13-2003, 09:16 PM
anybody hear about the team at the nj nppl that fielded at least 2 players with pumps? i almost forgot...and i havent seen a post on it here.
anyways...i didnt get te teams name, and im not sure how well they did overall...but the one dude sporting a pump had stones and a hella lot of skill. phantom with a vert bottle and a 10 rnd tube. one balzy front player.
the first game i saw them the one guy shot 10 shots and had 4 elims. he went head to head in a snap contest with a guy 10 feet away with a timmy. the timmy guy shot 2 hoppers and walked off after the pump guy took 2 shots. the next day i saw the same guy shoot 6 out in one game.
if anybody saw them and know the team name or the player lemme know..i wanna watch these guys again.

08-13-2003, 09:22 PM
dude that is freakin sweet:p
i'd love to get snap shooting lesson from him

Mag Master 04
08-13-2003, 09:27 PM
that would be hella crazy, goin up against all those timmies, angels, e blades and wh atnot with a PUMP...crazyness, but fun

08-13-2003, 09:31 PM
ah.. I hope this is someday the talk of my team too.. team suicide addiction, the not yet off the groud pump team to play local tournies in the CNY area

currently the team is only two members, and we both sport PGPs (modified slightly of course)

08-13-2003, 09:37 PM
Wow. I gotta hand it to those guys. What they did took some major balls. I can just imagine the faces of the people that got nailed by the pump...

08-14-2003, 12:18 AM
Something similar...a team we practice with was at a tourney, played a team, and it ended up 1vs5...the 1 guy left had a pump and took out ALL the other 5. :eek:

08-14-2003, 12:22 AM
if i had the money i would have a pump for sure... and i respect those guys that did that ALOT

08-14-2003, 12:33 AM
WOWZAS!! that takes some great and amazing skill :eek:

that guy with the timmy... thats almost sad that 2 hoppers cant beat out the other guys' 2 balls...


08-14-2003, 02:39 AM
Goes to show, it's the playa not the gun!!!!!!!!!

Get some skillz.......


I think I remember a team called Stockclass.com that made semi's in an nppl event last year using all pumps!!!!!(don't quote me though, I'm old and forgetfull)

08-14-2003, 06:44 AM
At one of the early Skyball tourneys (4yrs ago?) I saw Team Internet play with all pumps and stock-guns. They won the one game that I watched. I talked to them later, and these guys had never even met before! They organized the team through a forum like this, and all travelled to Toronto to meet for the tourney!

More proof that it's not the marker, it's the player.

08-14-2003, 09:03 AM
Man, if the pump playered fired only two shots, one being the elim, what was the timmy doing? Shooting the bunker for two hoppers? Sounds like a moron to me :( but still, that pump guy sounds awesome getting all those people.

08-14-2003, 09:26 AM
I always thought it would be fun if you sectioned the teams anyway. Like saying front guys could have the splatmaster pistol type markers, maybe even one in each hand, the mid guys could have like tripped cockers, and the back guys on X-mags or something. Would be interesting......for a game or two.