View Full Version : Put your hands up, and step away from the RT...

08-15-2003, 02:55 AM
I love my RT Pro, Don't get me wrong, but maybe it's time I step away from it.

A friend of mine asked me about how much it costs to play paintball. It's really not that much, but I made it a lot. I don't know how much I've spent on my RT, but it's quite a bit. I don't think I can justify keeping it, as I only play every other month or so. I keep pouring money into this gun and I honestly don't believe that I need it. I'm a recballer, and I think I want to stay that way. Maybe a small tourney here or there (which I 'still haven't done) but nothing too big.

Paintball simply isn't as big a part of my life as it was 3 years ago, when that's all I could think about.

With the invent of cheap electric blowbacks, I think I'm going to down-grade to an e-force pirhanna, a decent regulator, and a barrel kit. I'll keep my hopper and maybe swap out my tank for a cheaper preset, most likely a crossfire.

What do you guys think? Comment/Opinions either way? I kinda wish AGD made a cheap e-blowback now :)

08-15-2003, 03:01 AM
? Stop pouring money into it and just use it then!

Do what you want, but I'd personally prefer a nice RTP.

08-15-2003, 03:09 AM
Yeah, I keep trying to tell myself that :D

'thing is, I think I'd be just as happy with a cheaper gun. I think I'll see how much I can get for it first, and then make a decision.

08-15-2003, 03:15 AM
Trying to explain how much I've spent on paintball related stuff to my family and non-paintball friends is pointless. All they say is that I'm wasting my money.

The RTP is a great gun as it is stock. So yea, don't upgrade it anymore and just play. If you have all the gear already, then just keep it and don't waste anymore money.

Unless you don't like your gun, then that's a different story.

08-15-2003, 04:10 AM
Downgrading is a false economy - you won't get back the money you've spent on your existing marker by selling it and once you get your new cheaper marker, you WILL spend additional money on it.....despite your best intentions.

Keep your RT and just don't spend any further money on it - not reading the forums is always a good start - every time I try and save money I end up spotting some new gizmo on here and then kerching! Money spent. :)

08-15-2003, 04:31 AM
joey: if you're giving it up... I have dibs on certain things... lol

08-15-2003, 07:45 AM
Originally posted by joeyjoe367
Yeah, I keep trying to tell myself that :D

'thing is, I think I'd be just as happy with a cheaper gun. I think I'll see how much I can get for it first, and then make a decision.

your never going to get out of what you put into it so you'd be losing money no matter what "cheap" gun you get.I'd just keep it and play just don't put anymore into it.


08-15-2003, 07:51 AM
keep it, you'll only regret it.


08-15-2003, 07:53 AM
Tell you what, I'll buy you a brand new "e-force pirhanna" and trade straight across for the RT pro.....:D

08-15-2003, 08:14 AM
i've never played in a tournament and I have an emag :)

08-15-2003, 08:42 AM
I've got a e-force ext pro I'd trade for the RTP.

08-15-2003, 08:47 AM
i've never played in a tournament and I have an emag

sam here except i plan to get into tournies when i get a car and a real job
keep it just incase you decide to try tournies u wont have a crappy pirahna. You'll be much happier with your rt pro
trust me ;)

08-15-2003, 09:04 AM
I have played in a "real" tournie just a couple a friends and I won about $600 so far. Dont down grade, unless you plan on getting something else like a car or giving me some money :D. In all seriousness I think the RTP is a crazy gun and I like it beacause I have the same Initials as my gun.

"Put your hands down and step towards the gun, DO IT! DO IT NOW!"

08-15-2003, 09:06 AM
Playing once a month is much better than playing once a year. Keep the RT. You'll never be satisfied with the pirahna, it wont perform as well as an RT, and might even need more maintenance.

No matter what gun you have, you're going to need to spend money to play. Masks crack or get scratched, hoppers break, batteries run out, orings tear, tanks need hydroed, and thats before you even touch your marker.

Personally, i play once a week minimum, and i've got trophies on the shelf, so i feel justified in having my emag.

08-15-2003, 09:22 AM
Keep it lol, you will hate that pirahna lol.

08-15-2003, 09:33 AM
don't do it, you will never be happy, i think if oyu like your rt just keep, don'spend any more money on it but trust you will never get you money back it you down grade, in fact you will most like end up spending more moeny on your new gun, plus you really don't want to get a cheap e-gun that will break the sec you get it

08-15-2003, 10:19 AM
JoeyJoe, ask yourself this question before moving on. Do you NEED to downgrade, or do you simply WANT a new gun? I've thought the same thing before, but after a few days, I realize that it's just my greedyness taking over, and I just want a NEW gun to have. Thats about it. I just like having new things, even if they arent new to the world, they are new to me. Yes, just stop pouring money into your RT, and keep it. Just buy paint when you need. Other than that, stick with it.

08-15-2003, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
JoeyJoe, ask yourself this question before moving on. Do you NEED to downgrade, or do you simply WANT a new gun? I've thought the same thing before, but after a few days, I realize that it's just my greedyness taking over, and I just want a NEW gun to have. Thats about it. I just like having new things, even if they arent new to the world, they are new to me. Yes, just stop pouring money into your RT, and keep it. Just buy paint when you need. Other than that, stick with it.
What he and almost everyone else said. :D

Creative Mayhem
08-15-2003, 12:54 PM
JoeyJoe... just do what your title says... "take a step back" meaning, just set the stuff aside and take a break, don't even look at it for a while. I did that a while ago, and now I'm happy to say that A)I have recharged my PB batteries, and B) don't have to go out and buy all new gear cause I didn't sell off my old stuff. Besides, you have AO to give you a quick PB fix when you are having withdrawls ;) I say keep the RTP as is, put it away for a while then when you least expect it, you will be out playing and loving it just as you did 3 years ago. Trust me, you dont have to play ALL the time to be into paintball. :D Hope this helps.


08-15-2003, 02:19 PM
Joe, whatever you do DON'T DO IT!!!!! Your gun is done man. There's nothing else that it needs to make it better and you're never going to get what you put into it. Now you just gotta play. You'll regret it the day you ship that gun if you decide to sell it.:) And think about it, do you really wanna have to put up with all the people talking crap about an e-force pirahna:eek: Plus you then wouldn't be apart of the big mag revival that is going to happen in Washington(I know hard to believe) but just last weekend alone there's 3 more people that want to get mags thanks to me and Blaze and I think there's gonna be more.

Sorry for the rant but I just can't believe the biggest AGD fanatic could be possibly getting rid of his RTP. Hope you make the right decision man.

08-15-2003, 03:07 PM
I know exactly what your talking about.

I mean I use to be in the paintball scene so bad it was disgusting. New guns every 3 months, upgrades here an there, dropping $400 dollars a month. That was like 3-4 years ago, than i got my car and I was like.

Ummm... f-paintball.

I sold everying but my equipment (mask, pods, pack, jersey)

I never had any time to play either or had the money, i dropped alot of money into my car and insurance too. All really did was go out and **** with my friends (18 = clubs!)instead... and i had so much more money it was ridiculous. Just recentl a couple of my old paintball friends gave me a call and we decided to play again (they got out of the whole paintball scene too because they felt the same way) I picked up an awesome bushy for $475 , got a couple things to go with it and now we are going to start our 3-man team back up.

I am only planning to play about 2 times a month (not every month but about) and we are going to do at least 2 novice tourneys this year. I can afford it too because I can get some mad good discounts at alot of different fields because my friends made some connections. So instead of like; 100 for paint, 20 for entry, 5 for air im doing... free air, free entry, and 60 for 2 cases!

So I went maybe from fully done angels and cockers to a bushy but im happy with it. It never breaks paint, shoots mad fast, and is very consistent so im happy.

Not playing paintball was one of the best things i did, downgrade you will be happy. But then again i dont see how you could downgrade from an RTP ... look for a good bko (with like vapor mods and SP V2 mod) you will be happy.

08-15-2003, 03:34 PM
I would have to say that im in the same boat, but maybe a little worse. I hardly EVER have time to play, yet I still find the need to be a total gun whore. I have gone through every major type of marker in the last 6-7 years, one if not twice over. I am now on a ULE mag, which I HOPE too keep for a good long while. My first tourny marker was a mag, and now I am back to a mag...kinda ironic. huh?

08-15-2003, 04:04 PM
Hmm... I'm really thinking hard about this one now that I've got your opinions.

I was going to get the ULT, but when I heard you needed an x-valve, I was kinda PO'ed that' I'd have to spend so much more to get that light trigger.

I've just had a bad run of luck with my equipment; not just paintball. My camera, which I love, died on me and is now worthless. My dynaflow's railmount is busted and is going to run me another $80 to have it fixed. It also needs a hydro.

I just saw all these expenses and I just really didn't want paintball to cost me that much more.

Thanks for the input though.

08-15-2003, 04:22 PM
in the early/mid 90's i was super heavy into pb. i played twice a week and was on a 10 man team and all that goes with that. at some point in time, i suffered a complete and total burnout. i sold everything and forgot the game existed. a good friend of mine sparked my intrested again and i bought a mag last november. i dont play much because i fear the return of the burnout, plus i have tons more going on now. i took the step back and i am glad i did, but i wished i had not sold all my stuff, espically my old f1 illustrator, but life goes on regardless of your decision. i think you would be happier accepting less playing time but keeping what you have.

08-15-2003, 05:25 PM
i was in the same spot in the beginning of hte year except i wanted to upgrade to an electro. well i sold my mag and got a matrix that never worked properly. then got a gz and htat just got stolen. so now im sitting here with no gun wishing i still had my beautiful mag:( . dont do it joey, you will regret it.

08-15-2003, 06:05 PM
Ok, here is my two cents:
The Rt/Pro is a great mechcanical marker. I wouldn't get rid of mine for anything. The biggest thing is that it has never failed me. And, I doubt that it ever will. You may want an E-Force now, but think about all the thing that it would entail: last I heard was the they were capped at like 9 balls a second, I might be wrong, but that is what I heard. Second, does Pirhanna have a customer service even in the same ball park as AGD? Can you expect to count on that company the way that you know that if anything goes wrong with you RT/Pro you can just box it up and send it in with the knowledge that it will get fixed for free or a reasonable price? Think about it, when you buy an AGD product, you get much more than a Marker, you get a company that is dedicated to its customers and will help you in any way they can, you have a huge online community that can help you with any problem that might arise, etc. Does Pirhanna have these, probably not.
All in all, you already have a great marker. Why would you want to down grade? I use my RT/Pro in recball all the time, and it works better than a Pirhanna. My advice is just keep what you have.

08-15-2003, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by breg
Ok, here is my two cents:
The Rt/Pro is a great mechcanical marker. I wouldn't get rid of mine for anything. The biggest thing is that it has never failed me. And, I doubt that it ever will. You may want an E-Force now, but think about all the thing that it would entail: last I heard was the they were capped at like 9 balls a second, I might be wrong, but that is what I heard. Second, does Pirhanna have a customer service even in the same ball park as AGD? Can you expect to count on that company the way that you know that if anything goes wrong with you RT/Pro you can just box it up and send it in with the knowledge that it will get fixed for free or a reasonable price? Think about it, when you buy an AGD product, you get much more than a Marker, you get a company that is dedicated to its customers and will help you in any way they can, you have a huge online community that can help you with any problem that might arise, etc. Does Pirhanna have these, probably not.
All in all, you already have a great marker. Why would you want to down grade? I use my RT/Pro in recball all the time, and it works better than a Pirhanna. My advice is just keep what you have.

Just to bust chops.....

Pro E capped @12+

Customer service in MY experience has been the best by far.They have sent parts overnight w/ extras no return of the old parts and no sending the marker back for repair.(unless you don't know how to fix it.)Tech guys on the forum all the time and will make the call to you to help.

So I did like my Pro Ts G3 a bunch.

However,as I stated,Keep the Mag,it rocks.Just don't bash another to prove a Mag is good.


08-15-2003, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by heftylefty
i was in the same spot in the beginning of hte year except i wanted to upgrade to an electro. well i sold my mag and got a matrix that never worked properly. then got a gz and htat just got stolen. so now im sitting here with no gun wishing i still had my beautiful mag:( . dont do it joey, you will regret it.

Not to get off topic but, you still haven't gotton your gz back from andy, you need to do something about that dude??? At least that's what joe said.

08-15-2003, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by RRfireblade

Just to bust chops.....

Pro E capped @12+

Customer service in MY experience has been the best by far.They have sent parts overnight w/ extras no return of the old parts and no sending the marker back for repair.(unless you don't know how to fix it.)Tech guys on the forum all the time and will make the call to you to help.

So I did like my Pro Ts G3 a bunch.

However,as I stated,Keep the Mag,it rocks.Just don't bash another to prove a Mag is good.


Cool, the I I got to look at was capped at 9, but no one is counting.
Right on, if they have the best then they do. I've never had a problem with my mag though...

*EDIT* No bashing intended bro, I like those Markers too. It's just that AGD has the best customer servise I've ever delt with period. Sorry for any misunderstanding.

08-15-2003, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by RetroEclipseMan

Not to get off topic but, you still haven't gotton your gz back from andy, you need to do something about that dude??? At least that's what joe said.

well what can i do? if i call the cops, they are going to tell me to show evidence that he has my gun when i dont have anything on him. plus on top of that, he moved somewhere so i dont have his phone number.