View Full Version : i've had enough

08-15-2003, 01:01 PM
i've been noticing alot lately that everyone has been trying to boycott smart parts and have been making smartparts symbols that change into swastikas (nazi symbol for the daft) and i've frankly had enough, the only thing u people are doing is taking up space in the forum, no body cares what you have to say and all your doing is making yourself look stupid, if u wanna make a difference actually DO something, dont just hide behind ur keyboard and point fingers, unless ur trying to be a coward, well thats all i have to say. :) leave ur thoughts

08-15-2003, 01:12 PM

You aren't any better.


08-15-2003, 01:46 PM
yea, nice job buddy, listen up, we are expresing our selves. ANd by wxpressing our selves, we can effect others, which is apparently what we did.

I boycott smartparts, first off for their shoddy products, and 2nd off for the law suit. i think they are a bad influence to the market.

Ever since the boycott, i havnt bought any thing SP, hell before the boycot, the onely thing i ever bought sp was a freak it, and it was poor quailty and missaligned.

so cody, suck it up, people are still going to do it, still going to reffer to SP as nazis etc. really, i think they are like an evil empire......

08-15-2003, 01:47 PM
i dont believe he ever said he was.
but it has gotten to a point of annoyance to me too. i'm not into the whole boycot thing, some people are so be it. but if they make a good product thats worth it, i'll buy it and use it.

08-15-2003, 01:55 PM
Ya, nobody cares what we have to say...except nearly everybody on the forum. They never made good products, in my oppinnion, the impulse may be nice for the money, but I had nothing but problems, from the anno rubbing off to the trigger crapping out on me. Ya were cowards...lol, what do you want us to do? Write emails and call the company is about all you can do. Spreading the word, and showing how you feel can only help.

As a company, wouldnt you be affected if half of your business turned your back, by means of swastika logos? It makes as big a difference as any.

08-15-2003, 02:01 PM
i agree but unfortunatally a lot of people feel different and like them. hence all the freaks i see around, for sale and being bought. personally after the other systems i wouldn't buy the freak. the onyl SP product i own is 2 of their barrels

08-15-2003, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by rikkter
i agree but unfortunatally a lot of people feel different and like them. hence all the freaks i see around, for sale and being bought. personally after the other systems i wouldn't buy the freak. the onyl SP product i own is 2 of their barrels

Ya, I have a freak, and am trying to trade it for a pipe (angel threaded, if you want to know, PM me) but have only had one offer, of a grey pipe system, but I still havent heard back from him :(

No sKiLLz
08-15-2003, 02:05 PM
For the record, I've been playing since 94 and have NEVER bought anything from Smart Parts.

All of you who say you are sick of hearing people "whine" about Smart Parts and their lawsuit, find a new sport. Patent holders and companies have been foregoing profits for years to grow this sport for the sake of the players and the game. If having Smart Parts come in and try to capitalize on companies and people who have been paying their dues and struggling financially strikes you as inconsequential, I don't want to be on a playing field with you, and neither does any other player with a true love for the game.

08-15-2003, 02:10 PM
Amen! A direct quote from smart parts was, "I dont see why people care so much, if you had an idea and other people were making money off of it, you would be upset too, but we arent doing this for the money."

"I dont see why people care so much" -- mabe because they dont want to lose there favorite gun manufactures so much!!

"if you had an idea and other people were making money from it, you would be upset too" -- of course, but this is entirely different. AGD has sacrificed several things they could have pattented, and made more money, but they are more worried about the sport.

"we arent doing this for the money" -- What a load of crap! Why else would they do it!?!!?!!?

No sKiLLz
08-15-2003, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
"we arent doing this for the money" -- What a load of crap! Why else would they do it!?!!?!!? [/B]

I asked Smrt Parts in an E-mail, if not for the money, than what are you doing it for? So far no response.

08-15-2003, 02:24 PM
Blah, blah ,blah...i love my freak and im going to keep it. I got many responses from the vp of sp since I played a pb game with him over the internet.

08-15-2003, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by No sKiLLz

I asked Smrt Parts in an E-mail, if not for the money, than what are you doing it for? So far no response.

Ahahahah...typical, when cris called them and asked about the lawsuit, they said "no official word" and hung up on him.

08-15-2003, 02:31 PM
I think people should come up with their own ideas and pat. them. Cause I would like to steal ideas and make millions. If they made what they r pat. then fine dont *****. Its their choice to share it or not. If they didn't make what they r pat. then screw sp and the court that said they could pat. the idea. I don't know the whole story so...

08-15-2003, 03:22 PM
I am confused about the SP being like Nazis... I am sure the Nazis would take offense. They may have been cruel killers, but they were never money grubbing monopolistic fools...

08-15-2003, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by cody_wild
i've been noticing alot lately that everyone has been trying to boycott smart parts and have been making smartparts symbols that change into swastikas (nazi symbol for the daft) and i've frankly had enough, the only thing u people are doing is taking up space in the forum, no body cares what you have to say and all your doing is making yourself look stupid, if u wanna make a difference actually DO something, dont just hide behind ur keyboard and point fingers, unless ur trying to be a coward, well thats all i have to say. :) leave ur thoughts

kinda like you, behind you're keyboard, pointing finger....:D

lack of grace
08-15-2003, 03:39 PM
Blah blah blah blah blah......Forums arnt counsilers or diaries. Complain to someone who cares how you feel.

08-15-2003, 03:40 PM

08-15-2003, 05:41 PM
Cody, I like paintball, therefore, I do not like things that will hinder paintball. If you do the same, then stop talking

08-15-2003, 06:26 PM
Not to be a jerk about this:

1. Internet forums are for posting information and sharing ideas. If I want to post my anti-SP views and others want to agree or disagree, then that is our business, and if you don't want to read it... don't it's that simple.

2. We feel that by trying to patent the electro marker, SP is putting a serious hurting on more than just other companies, but paintball in general... if you don't agree then don't read the thread.

3. From what I've heard and saw, the momenet that we heard about this, several of our members hit up the Patent Office website and did a lot of research, and then posted the inforamtion. That seems like a little more than pointing fingers and hiding behind keyboards. Not to mention, when this all was going down, how many messages of support did we leave Tom, and the other manufacturers? Quite a bit. Trust me, it means a lot when you know that people care.

4. No one cares?

i've been noticing alot lately that everyone has been trying to boycott smart parts and have been making smartparts symbols that change into swastikas (nazi symbol for the daft)
I think you just shot yourself in the foot on that one. If no one cared, then why in the world do some many folks have those in in thier sig pics? No one cares? I think you are worng. If we wish to take a proactive stance, we will. Some people feel that the sig pics are the only way that they can. And, didn't I read "trying to boycott Smart Parts?" Isn't boycotting more than just "hiding behind a keyboard and pointing fingers?"

Those are my thoughts,


lack of grace
08-15-2003, 10:01 PM
I've noticed its easier to just tell people to shut up and go away. It's also just as effective

Mega Man
08-16-2003, 12:43 AM
lol well i like smart parts still, infact they're in my sig...

08-16-2003, 01:54 AM
Originally posted by cody_wild
i've been noticing alot lately that everyone has been trying to boycott smart parts and have been making smartparts symbols that change into swastikas (nazi symbol for the daft) and i've frankly had enough, the only thing u people are doing is taking up space in the forum, no body cares what you have to say and all your doing is making yourself look stupid, if u wanna make a difference actually DO something, dont just hide behind ur keyboard and point fingers, unless ur trying to be a coward, well thats all i have to say. :) leave ur thoughts I concur with this guy! Well, the brainless morons here on AO(not everyone, just some), will believe anything Jim Drew says.............and using a Nazi symbol to represent a pb company, is just f@$#ing stoo-pid. Nazi's killed 6 million jews! SP is just a company that produces stuff for a game!

08-16-2003, 02:09 AM
but you guys got it all wrong it's not about representation, it's about expectations.

We know nazi and smarts parts have little to do with each other, they represent eachother in no way. But we expect Smart Parts to suck as much as the Nazi's. I'm sure you've heard the term "the homework nazi" or "the Toilet paper nazi" ?

ok, now, everyone needs to reach up on their shoulders find a chips that should be setting about 3-4 inches aways from the neck. Pick it up and give it a good toss accrost the room

RT pRo AuToMaG
08-16-2003, 03:09 AM
Put yourself in Smart Parts shoes. They have declined sales, struggling company, and has a patent that's not being enforced. Well, appearently, they are in some kind of financial situation that's not good, so they decide to start enforcing the patent, thinking they will get what they want. Right now, I'd say the chances are about 15% sucess from SP. Now, if somehow they pull this off, one of the two things will happen: 1)Most companies will go bankrupt or stop manufacturing electronic markers and 2) the companies will pay up, all gun prices will raise, and smart parts will keep their prices the same, therefore being cheaper then everyone else. Personally, if I owned Smart Parts, I'd do it. Now, since I don't own smart parts, I don't like the idea that they are doing these lawsuits, but hey, it's buisness. They aren't working to make people happy, they are working for the money, to make a living. I hope that their lawsuit isn't sucessful, but you never know when you may be paying $600 for a Black dragun, or 2500 for an angel.]

(PS: 500th post!!)

08-16-2003, 04:42 AM
its just buisness just let them handle it nd go bak to ur donut eating tv watching lives nd leave it alone... i wuz just about to buy an impulse today.. but then got a better deal on an eclass.. but an impulse from sp witha full freak kit... te point is just leave it alone nd they cnt win its like 10 companies

08-16-2003, 11:49 AM
Hahaha, I bet the guy who started this thread is regretting it now.

SP pissed me off big time with that lawsuit. Then I saw that sp still copied some stuff in the 03 shocker. ugh, they need to learn how to be original

08-16-2003, 01:47 PM
jerks...there all a buncha JERKS (smart parts)
for some reason i thought of the simpsons when they get a horse and homers like if hes not good enough we're taking a trip to the glue factory...and he's not coming! :p

08-16-2003, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by Prairie

You aren't any better.


08-16-2003, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by Taco
its just buisness just let them handle it nd go bak to ur donut eating tv watching lives nd leave it alone... i wuz just about to buy an impulse today.. but then got a better deal on an eclass.. but an impulse from sp witha full freak kit... te point is just leave it alone nd they cnt win its like 10 companies

well the first part of that wasn't too smart considering i had to read your post twice to understand it, and its not 10 companys. its about ICD and their design thats similar to what the SP's guns are.

this whole SP hate thing is just getting old. of course i'm mad about the whole thing, but the whole SP nazi sign(someone said we sound like morons when we say nazi sign) thing is just getting old. relating to how the nazi party murderd jews, criples, gays, and more is just getting old and is totally uncalled for, theres no need to bring THAT into paintball. its just dumb.

i agree with most of you about both sides, its just dumb now. i think its wrong, and right on what they're doing. but like TK did, he could of patented the use of HPA, but he looked beyond that and looked for the greater of the sport. SP should do that also. my 2 cents.

08-16-2003, 02:55 PM
All of you Cry Me A River..... and cut it out before this thread ends up on Lock Down due to Flaming...

08-16-2003, 06:15 PM
yea, all of you cut the flaming back, now. The thing i find funny is that the SP patent is for controling the gun with a switch, power, micro hes or otherwise. So why are they suing ICD for their gun? The bushmaster/defiant was out before the Impy, so was the Timmy....

08-16-2003, 07:02 PM
I agree if Smart Parts wins it will totally cripple the paintball industry.

PS Hey rikkter who came out with the design first ICD or SP. Just Wonderin.

08-16-2003, 07:13 PM
SP patented the idea of a device of electrics shooting pellets or something like that, i'm not too sure of it.
http://airsoldier.com/~haveblue/tech/patents/US002845055.pdf to be exact i believe.

08-16-2003, 08:33 PM
Who the hell is Edward J. Collins and James Lee Collins.

08-16-2003, 08:35 PM
And what do they have to do w/ Smart Parts

08-16-2003, 08:53 PM

Paintchucker, Yes the Nazis were very money hungry. Hence the pulling of gold teeth, from concentration camp inmates, not to mention the high number of priceless works of art they stole. They were indeed, very money hungry.

But anyway, yeah, it's getting kind of dumb to still see the whole "I hate Smart Parts" thing. Every company in the world is out to make money. You have to accept it as one of the bad parts of business. I really don't care for Smart Parts products, but still, if I found a good one, I'd use it. Saying you hate Smart Parts for trying to make more money is like saying you hate someone for having differnet religious beliefs. Let them do what they want. In the end, you'll still be able to play.

It angers me when I see someone who has SFL Emag written in the sig, or some other high-end gun complaining about how gun prices will rise if Smart Parts gets this through. You spent the money on that gun, whats another $100 or so? When you go that high, another $100 isnt much.

08-16-2003, 09:00 PM
the thing is, it will be more than another 100 dollars, the companies gotta make up the one million dollar licencing fee. that makes my sfl e-mag(the one you seem to be complaining about) cost me about 2500(that is if i were to buy new) and just about every other high end gun. OK?

08-16-2003, 09:06 PM
actually it depends on the rareity(worD?) of the gun in how much the prices would go up. like Doc said in one of his posts, a layosa timmy would sky rocket because they most likely wouldn't be able to sell more thn 200 of them(limitied edition or whatever)
but the spyders would probably go up 30 at most since they make a new gun each 2 weeks.

08-16-2003, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~

Paintchucker, Yes the Nazis were very money hungry. Hence the pulling of gold teeth, from concentration camp inmates, not to mention the high number of priceless works of art they stole. They were indeed, very money hungry.

But anyway, yeah, it's getting kind of dumb to still see the whole "I hate Smart Parts" thing. Every company in the world is out to make money. You have to accept it as one of the bad parts of business. I really don't care for Smart Parts products, but still, if I found a good one, I'd use it. Saying you hate Smart Parts for trying to make more money is like saying you hate someone for having differnet religious beliefs. Let them do what they want. In the end, you'll still be able to play.

It angers me when I see someone who has SFL Emag written in the sig, or some other high-end gun complaining about how gun prices will rise if Smart Parts gets this through. You spent the money on that gun, whats another $100 or so? When you go that high, another $100 isnt much.

You don't get it do you? We don't mind that companies try to make money. We are just upset w/ SP's methods. Trying to monopolize an already established product is a really dirty thing. I mean, when every company has an electronic marker/kit and you patent it... 5 or so more years later, it's kinda cheap. It means you're set for recieving royalty fees, licensing fees, etc.

BTW: The prices will be relative to the product. Say the manikemag makes a production run of 50, they'd be around 4000 dollars. Lasoya Timmies would go up to somewhere in the 3000's. If they make another run of SFL's they'll hit around 3000 too. I mean a cheap marker like a spyder will get a 50-100 dollar added price. The high performance, rare markers is where all the price will go to since the production rate is lower, the production cost is higher, and they may be limited runs.

08-16-2003, 10:01 PM
Honestly i respect everyones opinions and yes I THINK that what smartparts did was wrong but i'm not going to dwell on it.. I play paintball to play paintball, not to wine over wat a factory did. (and i have no prob with ne ones opinions, thats just mine and i do think wat smartparts did was terribly wrong, but it aint my problem, so i wont make it mine..);)

08-16-2003, 10:47 PM
Sorry to say it, but the whole "dont use the swastika cause it represents the big bad nazis" thing is starting to really tick me off. Political correctness and censoring what one says and does really doesnt help anyone out. The nazis were REAL, and therefore anyone can make a reference to them if they really wasnt to. It isnt going to make things any worse. Its not as if a jewish person, or a handicapped person, or a gypsy doesnt know that people like them were killed in the past by the nazis.
I hardly see how someone making a reference to the nazi party hurts anyone.

And before anyone says "you dont know what its like, you didnt lose people you knew in the holocaust," I did. An entire side of my family tree was killed in WW2. My father's side of the family lost about 20 members during the war. However, even after this, I am not afraid to use the word nazi, or look at or (heaven forbid) draw a swastika.

The nazi party of ww2 infamy doesnt exist anymore. The most fittign use of their symbols that i can think of is to mock other elements of our society.

PS. I apologize that this has little to do with anything, but I got fed up with the political correctness showing up in this thread, and had to state my opinion.

08-17-2003, 01:59 AM
Well you are right, the definition of the word "Nazi" was a german soldier durring WW2.

Recon by Fire
08-17-2003, 09:25 AM
Originally posted by GhillieGuy
Well you are right, the definition of the word "Nazi" was a german soldier durring WW2.

Not so, regular German soldiers were of the Whermacht. The Nazis were a political group that also developed a military arm, the SS corps. SS troops were the elite of the Third Reich until late in the war when the SS units were being drummed up from the occupied countries, then they were no fifferent and sometimes worse than the level of the Whermacht (which was still an impressive military org.). Yes, the Nazis were very greedy and even looted the national gold deposits of conquered countries directly against international law, along with art treasures, etc... many of this loot was never recovered! Use what symbols floats your boat, but there is not much of a comparison between the Nazis and SP. Ask any Jew who was around in the 1930's and 1940's!

I don't care for the SP suit, but I also do not campaign against it. I own SP merchandise and I am quite pleased with the products and would buy again from SP if they produce what I want. This is not the first suit in the paintball industry, everybody acts like it is though. Paintball has not died yet from earlier suits, has it? I personly do not think the suit will stand on merits and the when challenged the broad patent will be revised.

08-17-2003, 07:40 PM
Good one Recon, schooled em.

Anyway, to those who replied to me, and my thoughts on electros, it must be unthinkable to go back to non-electro markers, huh? For Gods sake, just get a non-electro if you are so very worried about it. And yeah, if you already spend more than $1500 on a gun, you better not have a problem spending up to and more than $2k. If you can afford $1500, you obviously don't have trouble getting money to toss away.

And, foo, your right, I don't get it, point is, I don't care. I can always go back to using my old RT. No big deal. Business is business, and no one, that includes you, is going to stop things like this from happening. In the end, like I said, you will still be able to play.
It seems like if you take away electro triggers from the 15 year olds on the field, it's like they have lost all skill. Pouring paint isnt whats important.

08-17-2003, 07:47 PM
Give him a break guys, he just got back from the beach and there is a lot of sand in his diaper.

Seriously though, this is an AGD forum. When a company threatens our most liked of companies, we have something to say about it...simple as that. Don't like it? Join IOG