View Full Version : Nxl Is Officialy Bought By Dick Clark

08-15-2003, 05:22 PM
From Paintball.com

PSP Secures TV Production Deal

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
by Sara Duckwall

The year 2003 has been a season of many changes throughout the paintball industry. The PSP and NPPL went their separate ways, and even more profound, a new format of paintball has been developed. Out of Richmond Italia’s X-Ball creation, the National X-Ball League (NXL) comprised of eight franchised teams has been born. Playing amongst themselves alongside PSP events and the stand alone Mardi Gras tournament, this group has devised a season long schedule in which these teams compete. It all comes to a paintball crescendo at the 2003 World Cup tournament where a season winner will be determined and crowned.

Taking a leap of faith and not knowing where, when or if this new version of paintball will make the transition to TV, these elite players are finally getting a few of the answers and a direction in which they may head. On Thursday August 14, 2003 a meeting at the Adams Mark Hotel in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania took place and the leap was taken. Dick Clark Productions, Inc. has announced its acquisition of the NXL, which will be renamed the Professional League Paintball (PLP).

Nothing happens immediately and the NXL will continue as scheduled throughout the rest of the 2003 season, which is officially 12 games shorter. This game cut is due to the drop of the Toulouse tournament to the schedule. However, speculated by Jerry Braun, he feels everything will be concrete and in place by the start of the 2004 season. Whether the format be as currently played, or modified, is yet to be determined.

All that has been officially announced is that Dick Clark Productions, Inc has taken a serious interest in the NXL and the televising of paintball. They believe there is only room in Hollywood for one televised version of paintball and it is locked down on the NXL. With this lockdown, the fast track is put in place and a goal of 6 months to production time is set.

What does this mean for the players? The immediate goal is to lock down a network that will air the PLP; the former NXL. Once this is accomplished they will work on building legs for it to stand on. From that point, contracts will be created and hopefully professional paintball players will start making salaries. Along with this income, they hope to bring in outside sponsors, trading cards and open tryouts to start and grow from there.

Nothing is certain except for the fact that paintball is moving forward and the PSP and NXL are both moving with it in conjunction with Dick Clark Productions, Inc. Paintball on TV is a foreseeable future for this entity, where it goes from there is still unknown.

08-15-2003, 05:23 PM
Already been posted :)

08-15-2003, 05:25 PM
ya but that was when they didnt know for sure:)

08-15-2003, 05:33 PM
Actually, it was posted yesterday, when we did know for sure.

Link (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=97889)

08-15-2003, 05:41 PM
ya i know i saw it

08-15-2003, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by toolfan62
ya i know i saw it
Um, then why did you feel the need to make a thread on the exact same thing?

08-15-2003, 06:02 PM
because i saw it after i made the thread