View Full Version : Oldschool 99 shocker is screwed, Help!

08-15-2003, 09:18 PM
I know its not a mag, but i figure some people might know here. Ive had a post like this on pbnation and noboy has responded in 2 days!

I was playing around with timing my shocker, but I had trouble figuring out the right switch combinations from the shocker manual and since nobody from pbnation helped me out I just started fiddling with the switch combinations shown in the manual.

Well after a few minutes when I gassed the gun up i hear this pop and the gun started to leak down the barrel and from the tiny hole on the underside of the gun near the fill poppet.

I opened up the noids, checked them, opened up the poppet housing and everything was fine there too, no orings cut or out of place.

But when I opened the ram housing i couldnt even get the firing piston out! It was so jammed in there I had to pry the thing out! never the less I got the piston out and had a look at it everything was fine other than the white spacer. The firing piston guide was discolored and seemed to be jammed into the firing piston grooves. Anyways I got it off and checked the orings underneath and found nothing wrong with them either. But now I cant get the white spaced back on so that itll fit back into the firing piston housing!

has anyone seen this problem before? In the manual it says it has to do with the fill poppet but theres nothing wrong with that and now Im not sure if that was the only problem.

Anyways, some help would be greatly appreciated, also could someone tell me what they have their switch settings at on their circuit board?

08-16-2003, 06:05 PM
Contact these guys. If they can't help you put a chain on it and use it for an anchor.


10-12-2004, 07:53 PM
Does the gun cycle but not fire? If so it sounds alot like a problem i had, and i ended up sending it it cus i couldnt find the problem, but it turned out it needed a new poppet but i couldnt tell by looking at it.