View Full Version : Z-man ripping on the RT (Movies)

08-16-2003, 01:11 AM
Lets see how quickly my bandwidth gets chewed up. I should have these on an unlimited bandwidth server tomorrow, if they dont work just try em tomorrow.

Z-man on his RT on semiauto: warning 3 megs


Z-man sweet spotting on his RT: Warning 1.5 megs


Z-man is working on getting smaller files, but the lowered resolution prevents you from seeing his rugged and manly features.

UPDATE: smaller files now

08-16-2003, 01:15 AM
Hey thanx so much for getting that up for me. Man I was not expecting such fast work! I give free paint :D

the semi I clocked @15bps (and that's without andenaline), and the oh so nice speetspotting was capped at about 22bps because the stinking Halo B won't feed any faster.

Note: You PC guys may have to Right Click to download these files to your HDs.

08-16-2003, 01:17 AM
Is that even a Halo B? That looks more like your Halo TSA to me.

08-16-2003, 01:17 AM
damn, need quicktime, this better be worth it guys :)

08-16-2003, 01:17 AM
And Ill take you up on the free paint. I'm saving for a backup marker :D

08-16-2003, 01:18 AM
Its incredible.

08-16-2003, 01:19 AM
yes it is the elusive Halo B that I burned up the first day I used it FINALLY back from Odyssey.

Steelratt I tried the TSA but umm, the results were kinda sad.

I am a man of my word, free paint you shall have

08-16-2003, 01:21 AM
Hehe, only if you can spare the paint...

That backplate on the Halo threw me, mine does not have that nifty Halo logo on it. And since your TSA was clear also, I just kinda assumed...

BTW that was fanning, right?

08-16-2003, 01:24 AM
oh yeah fanning all over. if you watch the full sized video I have (or just watch me tomorrow hehe) I sorta "shake" in place because I tense up big time when I do that. So much easier to just turn up the input pressure... but that was 200rounds in less than 10 sec

08-16-2003, 01:26 AM
oh man, that was awesome

08-16-2003, 01:26 AM
Good god man you can really rip on that RT!

I can't even get my e-mag to go that fast which is why I got an Angel Speed, a monkey could do 16bps on an Angel Speed, lol

Maybe I should just try harder :D

08-16-2003, 01:36 AM
Smaller files linked now.

08-16-2003, 01:50 AM
Thats most likely in runaway mode right?

900 Psi?

08-16-2003, 01:55 AM
the 22Bps vid is sweet spotted aka "runaway" as some people call it. I am still not sure why it's called runaway though. All I do is pull in the trigger the rest of the way or let go and it stops every time. Heck if you play with it and have a soft touch you can even control how fast it rapidfires (but that is hard for me)

A harder pull will get it cycling at say 11-13 bps and a feather light hold could go as high as 25+ perhpas.

08-16-2003, 01:57 AM
but incase I misunderstood what you were asking. the "semiauto" video is NOT runaway. That's me fanning myself.

08-16-2003, 02:10 AM
Impressive. Most impressive. I kinda wish I could've measured my strings on my matrix... no real way how to though. :(

08-16-2003, 06:54 AM
Man, that looks cool. Good job.

Can't wait to get my RTP soon. Waiting for a barrel that I won't even use. Oh well.

08-16-2003, 11:34 AM
that is pretty nice

08-16-2003, 09:29 PM
well time to post about AO Day on the AO Meet and greet. MORE Rapidfire! (bump) ;)

08-16-2003, 09:39 PM
:( When i click on the link it comes up as a picture icon. Can you convert to media or somethin?

08-16-2003, 09:42 PM
Media! how evil! being a swine-like Mac user I tend to like QT. Media isn't as bad as REAL Player though... can't download QT from Apple's site? should be compatable back to QT 3 the way I encoded it...

08-16-2003, 09:43 PM
yes, macs are the goodness. now i only i could afford one... :(

08-16-2003, 11:56 PM
I blame mac users more than I blame linux users for MSBlaster! THEY WILL TRACK YOU DOWN Z-MAN!!! LoL, I wish I could afford a mac to. But now that I have the god of all PCs I cant. When you can actually build your own mac, I will proablby get one. Or I will get a G4 notebook after my impy setup.

That last vid is sick, I want you as my back man! Just be sure to give me the layout of the other team when your reloading!

I am new to mags, so, 900psi! OMG, doesn't that kick like a mother!?

Mag Master 04
08-17-2003, 12:00 AM
nice dude, mine will run w the best of em i just need video and sum one to hast after i get the video, haha:p

08-17-2003, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by Siress
That last vid is sick, I want you as my back man! Just be sure to give me the layout of the other team when your reloading!

I am new to mags, so, 900psi! OMG, doesn't that kick like a mother!?

I am flattered thanks! I have been playing for over 7 years now and (I know this is sad) NEVER EVEN SEEN A STINKING TOURNY. I thought it might be fun but sadly, I hear that wiping and dishonest play is the norm in addition to sponsorship being brutal. Hope that is resolved.

Nor have I played on a team, nor have I bought the flashy jerzy...

I guess it's more fun letting people think you are some newb dressed in a t-shirt and shorts with a crapy mechanical Mag.

and to answer your last question. its more of a constant push backwards, though if the video was better rez you can see that I sorta vibrate as I fire.

08-17-2003, 12:23 AM
I play on the second best sceniro team in Ga, where in the artical on bearclaw thats floating around somewhere this month. I also just started tournys. The reason that tourny players get bashed for this is because the big teams DO cheat only because they are getting PAID and they are on TV! If you just play regional tournys, you see as much cheating as you would during a sceniro. I would even say LESS cheating than a sceniro.

Speaking of the t-shirt thing, I like to get a old spyder and where some shorts and a t-shirt when I try out a new field. See how the locals treat "the n00b" befor we play. Then I break out the real stuff. lol

Recently at a place called Xtreme Paintball in Rome, Ga. I went in my shorts and T and bunkerd some "ex-pro player" who got pissed off at me. Did I mention I was shooting a spyder also, lol.

08-17-2003, 12:36 AM
heheeh right on man best to go i incognito so they don't put you with the "shiny people" group. I am glad to hear that cheating is not as bad for the lower level tournament play. I have always kept paintball a side sport so I am not really wining anything and calling myself out is not too bad. I had just been hearing that unless the hit is really obvious, players just don't go out in general unless the ref calls it on them.

Having refed for a few years with both renters and practicing teams I did see more "questionable" hit/spatter claims made but I can see that both sides are really pumped up and a slow ref call can ruin it for the other guy too. I dunno, I should go watch one and then I'll know better what I am talking about.

08-17-2003, 12:42 AM
In some sceniros its horrable. Mainly because there are more ways of cheating than just whiping. Having guys hiden at the mid point building that you need to gain controll of at the begining of the game, zeroing in on radio frequency or using scanners, reporting false things to the refs....it just gets worse.

09-15-2003, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by Z-man

I guess it's more fun letting people think you are some newb dressed in a t-shirt and shorts with a crapy mechanical Mag.

HAHHA, that's what I do. Then they see me play and KNOW I'm newb dressed in a t-shirt and shorts with a mechanical Mag. ;)

Sweet vids by the way, wish I could walk mine like that.

09-15-2003, 12:16 PM
The funny thing is, those are mechanical, and cant be walked. In the faster of the two, he is just sweetspotting the RT. The second one is him sort-of fanning the trigger. The reason I say sort-of is his method more closely resembles having some sort of seizure than traditional fanning.

09-15-2003, 12:21 PM
yes... (twitch) I know it (twitch)(twitch) seems that way but in reality (twitch) I am just using my whole forearm to (twitch) fire.

1). First touch your thumb and pointer finger together with the pointer finger out a bit further to hook the trigger (fully extended). (making a fist with the other 3 useless digits)

2). keeping your 2 fingers stiff and your wrist stiff, use your forearm and elbow as the point where you ratchet back and forth.

See now isn't that more comfortable :) ? I have to post I pict. I bet 50% of you think I am crazy.

09-15-2003, 12:34 PM
This is what happens when you have too much free time. OK first this is what you should have made:

09-15-2003, 12:36 PM
and here is what it looks like when used with the gun. Yes I am left handed but for some reason I can only shoot fast this way with my right...

Jack & Coke
09-15-2003, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by Z-man
the 22Bps vid is sweet spotted aka "runaway" as some people call it. I am still not sure why it's called runaway though. All I do is pull in the trigger the rest of the way or let go and it stops every time...

Z-man, you are correct!http://www.automags.org/forums/images/icons/icon14.gif

If the gun stops when you let go of the trigger, it is NOT runaway.

If the gun fires on it's own, without influence from it's user, then it is RUNAWAY... like a "runaway train".

This is runaway: http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=49258&highlight=runaway

You are "sweet-spotting" or "bouncing".

Poeple who incorrectly call it "runaway" (yes even AGD), are probably the same people who say "clip", when they are really refering to a "magazine".

If a term is incorrectly used and repeated enough times, the ignorance of it's misuse becomes blurred and forgotten.

who / whom
that / which
anxious / eager
magazine / clip
accept / except
affect / effect
your / you're
shall / will
i.e. / e.g.
sweet-spotting / runaway

The key to avoiding social blunders, such as these, is to really understand the meaning of the words.

BTW, sweet video clips!:)

09-15-2003, 12:47 PM
Z-man, I do not know if I told you, but last time I went to SCP, they added a new blurb in their safety talk about sweetspotting the trigger. They specifically mentioned mags, and they said "you know who we are talking about."

I wonder who they could be talking about? :)

09-15-2003, 12:51 PM

heheheheheehe.... sorry guys, I guess I'll be the only Mag to get away with it for a full game :-). You know at TAG they let me do it sometimes...

Jack & Coke. THANK YOU! I knew that I was not alone in this. bty great video, that guy was flippin out! hehe, time to add that to my movie collection.

09-15-2003, 12:56 PM
For real. Just ask Mighty Mike and Blennidae, they were there.

09-15-2003, 07:36 PM
yes, you successfully forced scp to cange their rules. congratulations. when the ref read that rule, all the ao guys just started to bust up laughing.

09-15-2003, 08:11 PM
the links no work :(

09-15-2003, 08:48 PM
You must right click and save them to your desktop

09-23-2003, 11:55 PM
Originally posted by Z-man
Yes I am left handed but for some reason I can only shoot fast this way with my right...

Me too, aint it a pain in the butt? But jeez even with my right i cant shoot that fast with my x valve, even sweet spotting.

BTW, are you interested in trading that pewter ULE for my black?

09-24-2003, 12:07 AM
BTW, are you interested in trading that pewter ULE for my black? [/B]

Don't know... If you bring yours and I can see how it looks and like it, then sure!

09-24-2003, 12:09 AM
unfortunately, eric is extending his streak of missing ao days to 3. sigh...

09-24-2003, 12:44 AM
z-man that was dope!!! So what you are doing is legal in tourneys? I hope I will able to do that when i get my x-valve and mow down people.

09-24-2003, 12:54 AM
Originally posted by ZAust
unfortunately, eric is extending his streak of missing ao days to 3. sigh...

Its true!!!

Well, 4 actually... this is number 4 isnt it. I definitely will hit that tourney that was supposed to be on the 5th. Speaking of which, would you please bring my farking gun oil to school Zach?!

09-24-2003, 12:58 AM
Yes, whatever happened to that tourney?

The REALLY fast shooting is illegal on most fields. The field we usually played at had to add a blurb to the safety talk specifically banning sweetspotting, and its because of Z-man :) In order to do it you will need an adjustable tank, as you need to get the input pressure up pretty high to get it reactive like that. Also, I have HEARD that x-valves arent as reactive as RT valves, but I have no proof of this. Heresay only.

The second video of him pseudo-fanning the trigger is perfectly legal.

09-24-2003, 01:01 AM
Correct. I too heard that certain components of the valving few fattened up to slow the recharge rate down so I like to think that my Classic RT is the fastest valve out there ;).

09-24-2003, 01:20 AM
do you have the ule trigger? If not how do have the strength to pull the trigger back the way you shoot?

09-24-2003, 01:30 AM
He does not have the ULE. The ULE trigger decreases reactivity. It really does not require much strength to hold the trigger back for sweetspotting. The fanning does take a bit out of you, however. If you are looking for sustained legal high-ROF fire, then you need to go electro.

09-24-2003, 01:32 AM
no I do not have the ULTrigger. I tried it out and did nto like it at all. See what people don't realize is that although the RT trigger is rather stiff, when you can adjust the input pressure you can raise it up so that the trigger is VERY sensative. you never really pull the trigger so much as tap it and it fires and jerks back on you. It's really hard to explain but easy to show you know ;)

12-06-2003, 09:51 PM
Wow, I must say, I'm finally glad to have found a fellow trigger twitcher.

I've rapid fired like that for a long time now. However, I've never tried it with my thumb behind the trigger, I bet I could rip even faster like that. I love the "whole arm" twitch because that's exactly what it is, the more you tense up the more you shake and you just rip the trigger. The best part is you get about the same ROF with any gun, whether it be a mech or electro, as long as the pull is semi short. I can even do it with slider cockers and spyders.

There is so much force twitching like that; that a lighter trigger almost makes no difference, but a trigger that springs back real fast definetly helps :)

Thanks, there are now 2 of us in the world. Keep on twitchin'


12-06-2003, 10:01 PM
That's awsomwe that you do that too! Now you have no choice but to fly out here to CA for this giant NorCal vs. SoCal game we have so we can show em how it's done!

12-06-2003, 10:08 PM
That would be fun as hell. When is the event? I'll really have to save, but I've always wanted to fly or drive somewhere really far for a paintball event. Driving may be impractical since gas would cost more than a plane ticket, and I'd rack up 2 oil changes by the time I got back to Minnesota, but I'll see what I can do. As of know I don't really have a marker, I buy and sell them A LOT, but the next marker coming in is a 2k1 black magic, maybe I'll sell that and buy an RT ULE from AGD and trade my tanks around so I end up with a very high flow adjustable tank.

I'll see what I can do, but just let me know when the event is. Also, by using your thumb behind the trigger, do you notice any more accuracy?

I first started the rapid fire on my classic standard feed mag, but no level 10 so it was a blender. Then I bought an impulse, also chopped like crazy. I recently owned an X valved Y gripped ULE mag with an Evolution and I twitched on it (for the first time in years) and no chops or anything. And my flatline was only set at around 800psi. I'm going to have to set myself up a nice mechanical x valve mag and practice my twitching.

So, when is the event?


12-06-2003, 10:16 PM
It's in my Sig but also here is the lnk to the thread (its a long 5 pages so far (the first post tells you 95% of what yoou need to know.


Also on a different topic but related to my twich you can see my official (and contraversial) "How To Rapidfire" lots of fun stuff there.


I am on IM as well if you care to find me


12-11-2003, 05:42 PM
how peeps going to see this on page 5, up

12-11-2003, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by Steelrat
The funny thing is, those are mechanical, and cant be walked.

Not true. I can walk an RT with a Benchmark frame. ;)

12-11-2003, 05:50 PM
thanks! (bty you should be coming to the AO Day in CA, you are only in AZ)

12-27-2003, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by Z-man
and here is what it looks like when used with the gun. Yes I am left handed but for some reason I can only shoot fast this way with my right... That Macroline on that gun is too short. Dangerous situation there....;)

12-27-2003, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by Z-man
and here is what it looks like when used with the gun. Yes I am left handed but for some reason I can only shoot fast this way with my right...
Wow, same here. :p
I can only fan with my right hand, but I can fan electros with my left. I guess right is my mechanical hand and left is my electro :p
ULT is great for fanning :D

12-27-2003, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by ZAust
yes, you successfully forced scp to cange their rules. congratulations. when the ref read that rule, all the ao guys just started to bust up laughing. what rule?!:confused:

Chojin Man
12-27-2003, 05:13 PM
so to sweet spot an rt all you have to do is jack up the air pressure? Do you have to modify your sear or trigger to sweet spot? The reason why i am asking is because i have a classic mag with a ReTro valve. Would it be possible to sweet spot that by just turning up my air pressure? Does turning up the air pressure have any adverse effects over time on your equipment?

Chojin Man

12-27-2003, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by xXhAppyAznXx
what rule?!:confused:

well, now they wont allow "sweet-spotting," at least not with mechanical guns. although im sure they look right past the timmys and trixes with crazy trigger bounce.

12-27-2003, 06:22 PM
eh i could do that on my emag before i made a little adjustment with just a preset PE tank i dont think adjustable is a requirement really its just finding how to do it (which people can only sorta show you)

12-27-2003, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by ZAust

well, now they wont allow "sweet-spotting," at least not with mechanical guns. although im sure they look right past the timmys and trixes with crazy trigger bounce. thanks for info, thats bs! o well

12-28-2003, 02:01 AM
nice vid Z-man!

I too have a classic RT w/Z grip that just lays them flat. Although I am stuck without a adjustable right now, but even with a preset I can empty a hopper faster than I can pay for it!

12-28-2003, 03:45 AM
Originally posted by sps16
damn, need quicktime, this better be worth it guys :)

Get Quicktime Alternative, the good part is its not made by an evil company... Man I hate Quicktime...

12-28-2003, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Tunaman
That Macroline on that gun is too short. Dangerous situation there....;)

Too short? for what? do they tend to burst when they are short? The idiot thing does leak though...

Originally posted by Chojin Man
so to sweet spot an rt all you have to do is jack up the air pressure? Do you have to modify your sear or trigger to sweet spot?

More or less that is it. You can still find my “How to Rapid-fire” post on the tech forum though it was mysteriously killed off by a Mod... too bad I was going to respond to that last post too...

here is the link http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=105646

Originally posted by FutureMagOwner
eh i could do that on my emag before i made a little adjustment with just a preset PE tank i dont think adjustable is a requirement really its just finding how to do it (which people can only sorta show you)

Yes but could you do it in mechanical mode or hybrid? You can pull off a 20 bps full auto with the hybrid mode on the Emags as there is no pressure like what you have in manual mode and only the bounce so its easy. You really do need an adjustable tank for a Mech. RT valved Mag (read the link I posted ;))

12-28-2003, 06:14 PM
ill do it if you want in manual mode on my emag :) (i just need a hook up for my digi cam and ill do it :) ) believe me i can do it with a preset

12-28-2003, 06:17 PM
hmmmm wonder if your sear pin is worn down then... typically they don't do that unless you either sand down the sear pin (big nono) or because of use it has just worn down. But I'll take your word for it; you might want to grab some calipers though...

02-09-2004, 03:04 PM
I got an XValve for my Classic Mag, and I was able to get various bounce affects just by changing the LvL10 carrier size. Sounds something similar, all I have to do is hold my arm stif and put enough pressure on the trigger to get it going, the the whole thing shakes back and forth at a fairly nice rate. Wish I could get it on film tho, but I don't have a way to tape it :( .

02-09-2004, 04:17 PM
your post on rapid firing seems to be gone as i had it bookmarked for reference and now it will not allow me access to it so you might want to check this out

02-09-2004, 04:23 PM
My "How to Rapid-fire" post was closed by a moderator. The reason is listed in the final post. I think it's still here but since it cannot be added to it will eventually die. I have it saved in Word though... it will never truly die!

EDIT: hmm I see it's completely gone now... that's a shame, nice post too.

02-09-2004, 04:49 PM
What was the reason... Briefly... Im curious...

02-09-2004, 04:54 PM
the reason given was that rapid-fire is a malfunction of the RT valve and causes premature wear on the valving. Thus, showing people how to do this is not apropriate.

02-09-2004, 05:24 PM
Not only that I think from what I recall there was a tremendous liability issue that rapid fire dealt with.

It was the way it was with the e-magnum and my retromag.

Thats why I chose to keep silent on the details of my retromag... It was cool to see and I worked great as long as you knew what you were doing.

But if some kid were to try and replicate this and he didnt know what he was doing he could have a REAL uncontrolable runaway problem... Sombody gets shot in the eye and AGD gets served with papers. Especialy since he got it from an AGD sponsored site.

Eventhough AGD could win in court the legal fees would be astronomical.

You cant idiot proof everything... I mean today it is all about litagation... Lawyers are getting fatter day by day...

We live in a time when a woman can sue Mc Donalds for burning herself while driving with coffee in her lap.

Gee really Coffee is HOT?!?! Why didnt you warn me about this I didnt know?!?!

You mean your not supposed to put the cup in between your legs and floor it?!?!?!

02-09-2004, 05:31 PM
I don't know about all that malfunction and wear stuff but I can understand the concern over everyone doing it with their Mag.

It only takes one idiot to ruin it for all of us.

02-09-2004, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by Z-man
I don't know about all that malfunction and wear stuff but I can understand the concern over everyone doing it with their Mag.

It only takes one idiot to ruin it for all of us.

What kind of trigger do you have on that gun? I havent h ad a chance to download it here at work but from what i remember it looked like you had a non stock trigger.

or i might be insane and thinking of another gun

02-09-2004, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by darwin

What kind of trigger do you have on that gun? I havent h ad a chance to download it here at work but from what i remember it looked like you had a non stock trigger.

or i might be insane and thinking of another gun

Yeah I'd go with option # 2 ;)

No in all seriousness I run an AGD Inteliiframe on all my Mags (ok except the SFL). No mods, all AGD parts, all in spec, good stuff.

02-09-2004, 09:32 PM
K, that works

02-09-2004, 09:51 PM
z man I have the identical mag other than the barrel and the tank. I use a 88/4500 air america raptor. I just got the air america and I am tring to find braided steel hose long enough for my needs. my question is have you ever had any problems putting that much pressure through macro line. I have heard horror storys about it blowing.

02-09-2004, 09:58 PM
I have heard that they blow (though it has not happened to me yet...) about 11-1200psi. Usually it happens when people turn up their input pressures to high though I hear that lots of sun does not help much ;). I have been considering changing over to SS Braided anyhow for other reasons.

See when you take macroline on and off a few times, it gets all screwed up and ugly and I guess it stops sealing very well. Mine started leaking so I replaced it all with some extra stuff but I dont want to keep buying macroline so Ill probably end up switching in the end.

02-09-2004, 10:03 PM
what kind of on/off are you running? x-valve, ult, old school, or rtp?

02-09-2004, 10:06 PM
RT Pro, though I have the X-Valve pin with me ;)

02-09-2004, 10:06 PM
Having you're macroline blow on you is a pretty hair raising experience. It basically sounds like a gun shot. You don't know what went boom until you look over your marker. A few people at the AO CA meet last January know what I'm talking about.

02-10-2004, 12:35 AM
i have seen brand new 32 degrees macro blow with input pressures of 850-900 psi. i compared some of it to my parker and it is about half the thickness. i am NEVER letting that stuff anyhere near the sXemag.