View Full Version : JT USA "Products by comittee" A really daft thing they've done.

08-16-2003, 01:23 AM
Yes, I'm venting, because this is probably the most daft thing I've seen a company do in a long while. I'm hoping someone from JT sees this, smacks thier head, and says "OH! Why didn't we think of this?" (Then again, they probably won't...)

Some background here. I just bought a Proteus mask for Shatnerball 2 (It's a costume thing, when you see the pictures, you'll understand. It all makes sense.) And I saw on the JT website they have an attachment for it called a "Sports Comm". You plug it into an FRS radio, and you have a hands-free radio. Ok, cool. I want to plug it into the Proteus I already have.

So I called JT in July, and was told that it wasn't 100% done yet. Ok, that's cool. But if I called back in August, I could get it. GREAT!

So today was the day. Well, Wed. was the day, because I called every warehouser I could find in APG and asked them if they had it. (And that's a lot of places, let me tell you...) So, finally, I call JT. I get a guy on the phone, and I get told this :

The "Sports Comm" is not available as a seperate unit. You can only purchase it pre-atteched to a goggle system. So if I wanted one, I would have to spend upwards of $130 to get it.

"But I just bought one!" I tell the guy. "Can't I just buy the earpiece and microphone?"

"Sorry. The only way you can get it is to buy a whole mask." Now they make another 'bolt on' style, which fits on every goggle they make EXCEPT the Proteus.

Now this is upsetting to me, because in MY mind it would make sense to offer the bit as an after-market add-on piece. I can see how to take the current ear-cup out without damaging the mask, and clamp in this com unit. But, no, I would need to purchase a whole NEW goggle to get the $25 piece I want.

On one hand, I can see it as a "factory install" issue. On the other, I see it as a money-grubbing way to soak me for money I don't have. I mean, wouldn't it make sense to sell it as aftermarket? I was ready to buy it, but I am not ready to plunk down another $130 for a second mask. And even then, they don't offer it in the color I need for Shatnerball.

IT just bugs me. Now I'm gonna go to Radio Shack, and see if I can find something there to work. I want a hands-free radio that won't press into my skull when I'm playing big games, and I don't want to spend a Jackson and a Benjamin to do it! If I can't get it those ways, I'll just do paintball the old fashoned way. Scream to the other guys on my team "MOVE UP!!!!!"

JT : Guys? I know you're in the buisness to make money, but come on. Can't someone on the 'new products' committee see that a lot of us have old products that wouldn't mind being upgraded? I mean, it's like buying new goggle systems every time you need a new lens! All I want is the radio headset, why can't I just buy that?

There. I said it. I feel better.


08-16-2003, 05:55 AM
Yeah, that's pretty dumb on JT's part. Good luck at Radio Shack, Rob.

08-16-2003, 06:06 AM
Owned by BE, 'nuff said.

08-16-2003, 06:17 AM
i want to see some pictures of this costume, anyone else?

08-16-2003, 06:56 AM
They probally just don't offer it as a "bolt-on" part right now. Release the new product, soak people for 6 months to a year, then release just the earpiece/radio part.

I've seen it done before, I will bet that's what JT is doing now.

If you can get your hands on one, check it out and see if you can take off the earpiece and put it on yours. Put your "old" piece on the new mask and sell it. Just a idea.

08-16-2003, 07:01 AM
Originally posted by f3rr3+
i want to see some pictures of this costume, anyone else?

I'm curious too. Man, talk about bad timing on buyin a mask.

08-16-2003, 07:51 AM
The good news is it is available as a stand-alone:


The bad news is this listing says it doesn't fit the Proteus.

08-16-2003, 11:29 AM
You didn't read a word he said did you?

08-16-2003, 12:02 PM
I just recieved a sportz comm for my pro-flex it fits good, but I haven't tested it out yet. 5 of my friends use The Proteus and are having a hard time trying to get the Proteus sportz comm seperatly...That's sucks! I feel your pain Tyger.

I think My godbrother is gonna buy another Proteus, but with the entire set up (waste of money). All of this for Splatt Attak and Chicago in September...good luck!

08-16-2003, 12:49 PM
Tyer, i'm with you on this. now i'm mad.
Couple months ago i bought one for my flex7, AND i prebought one for my proteus, WITH the intention of getting it soon. JT told them that they'd sell it sepertaly, they told me this. Now this?
i'm sure it wouldn't be IMPOSSIBLE to install it yourself.

08-16-2003, 02:22 PM
They probably discovered that it would be difficult to install in a proteus after researching it more. Maybe there needs to be some sort of mask alteration to make it fit. That would only make sense as it is available for every other JT mask. I extremely doubt they are holding it back for the proteus ONLY because they just felt like it, especially since they are offering it preinstalled. Just some unfortunate post-research disadvantages

08-16-2003, 02:28 PM
i'm sure it wouldn't be too hard. the speakers go in the ear piece of the protues, and those pop right out. if they simply sold it with it 'installed' onto those ear pieces, theres basically no isntallation to them.

08-16-2003, 02:41 PM
yet another reason i use a vforce. jt can kiss my

08-16-2003, 08:56 PM
Buy new mask, sell old mask?

- Chris

08-16-2003, 09:02 PM
some people dont want to do that, like me. we'd be spending more money that way.

08-16-2003, 11:32 PM
you could re-sell a proteus for a decent amount.

or you can buy a roll of duct tape

08-16-2003, 11:49 PM

I noticed today that CPX has Proteus masks with Sports Comm for $80. If you want to go the sell-your-mask-buy-new route, I'd be happy to pick one up and ship it out for you.

08-17-2003, 12:30 AM
Thanks, but I've got it. It's cool. The Pro I got is "all clear", and tey don't make the pro sports com in all clear (clear top, clear bottom)

Actually, I managed to 'solve' the problem by, well, ghetto-rig. I got a radio that is more powerful (7 mile max range. THAT'S too much power!), but more importantly it has a hands-free option that provides for a SEPERATE mic and earpiece, NOT a "Motorola" plug.

So I got out an old earpiece / microphone I used to use in my old motorola radio. With a little bit of work, I manated to "restring" it to the JT Pro goggle frame, and hte microphone is in about the right place.

I'll post pics later, but it took WAY Too much to get this one going.

On a related note... Anyone wanna buy an FRS radio that broadcass 7 miles, has 22 or so channels, full sidebands, and can take an earpiece / mic jack? The blisterpack came with two radios, and I only NEEDED the one...
