View Full Version : TV repair... no red!

08-16-2003, 02:23 AM
anyone know how to fix up a broken tv?

This expensive tv has lost its red color. I know of the cautions of capacitator shock, so i will let it discharge before opening up, but i'm guessing maybe just a component blew out? Is there a common one for this to happen? I know my brother's computer monitor did the same exact thing but he lives in Mass so i didn't get a chance to check it out.

Any components i should look for? I'm not too familiar with TV repair but i am very able with electronics and can learn and find things out quite easily on my own...

any help greatly appreciated. this tv is huge.

08-16-2003, 02:37 AM
Solution= Sledge hammer + Duct Tape.

08-16-2003, 03:07 AM
you might be waiting a long time to discharge that sucka

and from a tech point of view..if you dont know what your doin..dont try it

ive heard stories of very high shock that you can get into and not just comming from the capacitor

have a pro fix it...it might cost you money but it less expensive than at ER visit

08-16-2003, 07:29 AM
I have heard of this being done, but understand I have ZERO technical ability and am just trying to point in the right direction.

Something about lenses (this may only apply to projection style TVs??) getting dust on them and loosing color or clarity.

08-16-2003, 09:47 AM
Okay, i fix TVs so here are my questions. Is it a Projection TV or is it a Regular TV? Did it gradually fade to no red or suddenly just go without red? Does the TV make a kind of click sound when you cut it on? and what Brand/make of TV is it and what size?

08-16-2003, 01:22 PM
It is a magnevox big screen, model number RL8540-AK03.I am pretty sure it is not a projection tv due to the pronounced presence of a tube.

Judging by the menu options i would assume that this tv model year would be 90 and up. Also when searching for the model number i found the it was assembled in october of 1990.

I kinda found it in the dumpster behind wallmart but there is no real reason to throw it away other that the lack of red and loss of coax cable capabilities. Also due to the "outdated" nature and styleing of this television, i would guess that the store knew how to fix and that it could be fixed however would be unable to resell it.

The size of the tv on the diagonal is 45" on the horizontal is 36". The tv may have been hit by lightning and i have heard that the problem may be linked to a transistor.

08-16-2003, 01:49 PM
actually looking at the service manuals... it may be projection.

It has 3 projectors, red, yellow, blue. It makes a big click noise when you hit the power button to turn it on if thats what you mean.

How long am i looking at for these capacitators to discharge?

08-16-2003, 04:54 PM
ok, here's the deal.

The green projector appears to be "stealing" power from the others. I got the red back. I think may have been a bad connection.

What happens is, when the tv is powered up, the three projectors start to power up. the green however gets much brighter and after about 5 seconds 'pops' and they all go out.

I tried to phase out the green with the focus dials, but the green will not shut off. when i shot off both red and blue projectors, the green will only go a bit above minimal focus before popping.

I'm assuming its some sort of a regulator problem on the power board? Should i be looking for the CRT board? Which board is going to power the projector and which makes the picture? I think the CRT is the picture but i'm not sure...

any help greatly appreciated... i'm gettin close!

08-17-2003, 02:14 AM
Take it to a repair place. Without me being there with a volt metre i can't tell you exactly whats wrong with what you've told me. It could be anything from the Control board to the power unit to a simple regulator. Get an estimate from some of the repair shops and see what they can do. A TV that old something could have just worn out or broke completely.