View Full Version : Freddy Vs. Jason disccusion/spoilers

08-16-2003, 06:07 PM
well what did you think?, damn that brittnay murphy, i hope she gets hit by a truck. so i pressume by the ending that jason is the clearcut winner huh? after all he is holding freddy's head with no fingers, but then freddy isnt dead, that there is a problem....anyway how did jason grow if he died as a boy? the fight scenes were awsome though, "how sweet dark meat";)

08-16-2003, 07:24 PM
Yes i just got back from it, Wow

Great!!!!!!!!!!movie it is one of the best i have ever seen
The plot of the movie is just amazing
Its crazy howhe just keeps goign on killing and the end is cool too.
Yes i would pretty much say jason won.I mean Whats Freddy going to do to everyone???
I wish brittney murphry had her shirt off:D

" Welcome to my world now B****"

I think this is one of the best movies i have ever seen.

Lone Wolf2
08-16-2003, 10:49 PM
Eh from what lil bit i saw it wasnt all that good and my friends hated it soooooo much...they hated it..SOOOOO i went to see pirates of the carribean instead of freddy and jasonn wit my g/f

08-16-2003, 11:16 PM
wow that goalie is pissed about something.

its obviouse jason wins . jason has a kill count of 130 and freddy, and astonishing 30... i mean comon... anyones else see freddys face when he came out of dream land and figured out where he was... he was scared crapless!:D JASON!!!!!!! WOOO!

Will Wood
08-16-2003, 11:47 PM
Freddy winking ended the whole ending.

Jason .. of course he won..He's da man.

How did he age? I'm sorry.. but when your dealing with killing in nightmares, and a unkillable dude with a machette.. That question is kinda pointless. But I did think that too. Don't think too hard though. Guess you can take a new look in hell.

08-17-2003, 07:50 AM
You shouldent have listened to your freinds, That was one great movie.
HEhe Jason owns freddy :)

08-17-2003, 02:12 PM
well i thought the scariest part was when the girl was stipping. I was all like NOOOOO! j/k but did every one else see the preview for Texas Chainsaw Massacer (SWWWEEEETTT!) anyway I think the dude with no legs is the original leather-face.

P.S. When the Kid told off the black chick i was like "Take That Destinys Child!"

08-17-2003, 04:24 PM
no that was all bull man freddy was messin him up though, i liked the quote
"man the torpedos." when he dropped all those bars trhough him the movies was flippin awsome man, but at the end it was litteraly either way when freddy had jasons machete stuck in his heart and jasons little nub fingers stuck in freddys chest, then he tore off freddys arm, but jason got punked came up stabbed him and went back under the water freddy wasnt dead, not till that hoe chopped his head off, but it seems liek the whole time they are just teaming up against freddy, its bull man but teh most unbelivible thing was trying to get us to belive britnay is a virgin...now thats funny!

08-18-2003, 05:06 PM
DAmn, thats not brittney Murphey.....
Some other chikc....i forgot her name,

But shes still hott!:D

08-18-2003, 06:46 PM
What was with that blatant ripoff of Jay? That had to be a joke in itself, you couldn't try any harder to act like that.

08-18-2003, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by Benfica4ever
HEhe Jason owns freddy :)

No!!! Never!!! Your lyeing!! Please tell me your lyeing!!! Freddy no!!!!

Will Wood
08-18-2003, 11:58 PM
Originally posted by Flamebo
What was with that blatant ripoff of Jay? That had to be a joke in itself, you couldn't try any harder to act like that.
LOL I know! I was like woah It's Jay! But he had the best quote in the movie, "The hockey dudes pissed about something"

08-19-2003, 09:03 AM
that was funny as all, i love how random that guy is, you see like once before he gets randomly picked up by a group of close friends. anyway the tolken catipilar was freakin hilarious.

08-19-2003, 12:05 PM
Ya that was a great movie. And that chick doesnt look anything like Brittny Murphy(still hot). But i cant wait till Texas chainsaw massacre comes out! that'll be the one to see.

08-19-2003, 02:35 PM
dude it is too, its the same chick from 8mile, that was britnany murphy right?

08-19-2003, 02:44 PM
It's Monica Keena, she was on Undeclared and a few other things. She is not, and in my opinion looks nothing like Brittany Murphy.

08-19-2003, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by dansim
dude it is too, its the same chick from 8mile, that was britnany murphy right?
No man it isnt.. If you want you can go to the official sight and see if you see her. I also saw her in the movie "Orange County"..

08-19-2003, 05:29 PM
either way i want to see the boobies

08-19-2003, 11:00 PM
lol. ya i wanted to c the boobies too, im the one who told benfica4ever it wasn't and he argued wit me that it was till i showed him the site, it does resemble her but com on there is a big enough difference to know it wasn't her

08-20-2003, 10:26 AM
It was a good movie, but I guess I'm less tolerant of cheese, than I used to be. That pot head dude was rediculously to close to resembling Jay. I too questioned how Jason became so huge, even though he died as a kid. Its hollywood, but thats just odd.

Also, its retarded when Flaming Jason comes out of the corn feild, and it takes 20 minutes for people to run away. People scatter, and for some reason, there's still dudes sitting on their cars drinking beers. I mean come on! Hello? Undead Flaming guy with a machete....!! Run!?

Also, if we're to accept the fact that neither guy can die, and they're just gonna somehow come back for the next movie, can't they at least kill them off in the end of the movie. They have some cheesey ending which makes the whole movie seem pointless.

08-20-2003, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by JEDI

Also, if we're to accept the fact that neither guy can die, and they're just gonna somehow come back for the next movie, can't they at least kill them off in the end of the movie. They have some cheesey ending which makes the whole movie seem pointless.

thats the point, if they make it possible for a sequal so they make a possibility for more money, if they killed the killer after every movie then they need to come up with a new killer and lets face it, horor movie writers arnt exactly the best movie writers around.

08-20-2003, 01:08 PM
Well thats what I mean. They're just gonna find some rediuclous way to bring the dude back next time. We've accepted that. So why not just satisfy people and find some cool way to "kill him off" in this one. Jaws always seemed to die. That made it fun.

I say just kill off Freddy and Jason, and make it a cool ending. No cheesey seg-way into a future movie.

08-22-2003, 09:23 PM
Okay, for those of you who are arguing who is better, let's look at the facts.....

Case #1:Jason was a little boy who died in a terrible accident...
Freddy killed little kids

Jason wins

Case #2:Jason loves his mama....
Freddy loves prepubescent girls

Jason wins

Case #3:Jason doesn't play mind games....
Freddy probably haunted Freuds dreams

Freddy wins

Case #4:Jason wears tathered clothes....
Freddy wears a sweater and hat

Jason wins

Case #5:Jason has a thing for kids....
Freddy has a thing for kids...but not in a good way.

Jason wins

Case #6:Jason goes to hell....
Freddy lives in hell.


Case #7:Jason is demented....
Freddy is disgusting.

Jason wins

Case #8:Jason has a classic machete that never seems to get dull....
Freddy has fingernails

Jason wins

Case #9:Jason cannot be killed....
you can take a pill and Freddy won't bother you

Jason wins

Case #10:Jason has 130 confirmed kills....Freddy couldn't fill up Groundzeros roster with his kill count

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, Jason Vorhees owns

08-23-2003, 10:26 AM
jasons a hoe, end you should really reverse all your answers, i mean freddy kills kids, thats way scarier then drowning

08-23-2003, 11:45 AM
I think the facts speak for themselves....Freddy is weak and can only kill kids in their dreams, when they are the least capable of it btw. In fact, when Freddy attacks Jason in his dreams, he does very little in terms of physically touching him(because he's weak), all he does is bounce him around like a pinball machine. And ultimately, kids kill Freddy everytime. Some killer Freddy is. My grandmother would be a better killer.

Jason on the other hand doesn't need to wait untily you are weak. He just kills you WHAM BAM thank you MAM. No messing around. No teasing you. No messing with your head. No raping little girls. No nothing. He's a cold hearted awsomeness Killer who does his job effectively.

There is no arguing with me....because you know I'm right. Jason is the better man. And the facts speak for him.

08-23-2003, 01:34 PM
i stand corrected, jason is a pussy then

08-23-2003, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by dansim
jason is a pussy then

Pussy? Pussies pray on the weak and go for people who can't fight back, or won't. Freddy goes for kids in their sleep.

Jason goes for people who are awake/drunk/naked/driving/in the middle of sex/in the shower/running/sitting/standing/combing their hair/etc

08-23-2003, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by fcpchop
a big enough difference to know it wasn't her

Yea between the boobs i guess. but the face does resembal.

And guys seriously, you cant get rid of jason. He will just come back and kill everyone.

Jason owns.

08-23-2003, 10:23 PM
I would only watch this movie upon threat of death.

08-23-2003, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by dansim
i stand corrected, jason is a pussy then
How is jason a puss when he is the one throwing freddy across the scene and freddy can only kill in dreams and isnt phisically strong?

08-24-2003, 06:31 AM
dude freddy was ownin jason for liek 15 minutes strait not to mention that kelly rowlannd almost had to give that punk mouth to mouth cause teh poor baby was drownin

08-24-2003, 07:53 AM
yet notice the last scene....Jason walking out of the water, much alive...and freddy, a head that can wink.

Big deal that freddy was playing around in Jasons dreams. Jasons weakness is that more or less, he's a little kid inside...and in an exposed state, is liable to buckle in a few spots. Freddy however sucks at everything other than messing with peoples minds. Who cares if Freddy was winning for a little bit, Jason got the last shot in, by using Freddies own weapon against him. Wow, go freddy, you sure do rule at getting owned by your own arm.

08-24-2003, 08:02 AM
yeah but jason retreated back into the water, and teh girl killed him, jason had his own weapon turned on him for a while too

08-24-2003, 08:18 AM
yea, but even you included the word "while" in your response. "while" implies beginning and end. You can have your weapon turned on you for 10 days, but if in the end you kick some ***, and you don't die while your opponent get's decapitated by some hottie, by most rules, you have won. And secondly, when you walk out of the water, with your opponents head in your right hand and your weapon in your left, you are the winning party. I don't know about you, but usually the better man does not come out of the water strictly in head form, without a weapon, and in the right hand of his opponent. But maybe yall do things differently in your part of the country? :)

And also, how did she kill him? She "killed" Freddy(well, sorta)but he was already on the Highway back to Hell, it was just a matter of would he have his head or not. Heck, anyone can decapitate a dead body that is still making noises. I could give a knife to a kindergardener and tell him to cut off a dead guys head, but does that mean the Kindergardener is a murderer. No, it means he's just capable of cutting off a dead mans head, LIKE ANYONE! Regardless, Jason slipped back into the water, and she gave him back his Machete. Ya see, even the people who almost got killed by Jason had a preference for him. Now if people who almost died by his hand can prefer him over some sicko necropediophile who is incapable of murdering anyone outside the dreamworld(wow, lame), I fail to see a reason why the rest of the world cannot.

08-24-2003, 08:30 AM
yes but the kids helped jason pretty much teh whole movie, they were more scared of freddy than jason, allthough i still wouldnt even consider sedating jason and throwing him in a van with me:eek:

08-24-2003, 09:54 AM
no no the system works like this... you have a pit bull coming after you ( freddy) and a tiger coming after you (jason) you use the tiger to kill the pitbull, and now theres only one problem to deal with.

( yes i know im bad with analogys but they are so fun)

08-24-2003, 11:21 AM
He's right, they wee only using jason to kill off Freddy and save the hardest for last..:p

08-24-2003, 01:47 PM
Exactly. Like at the end of Jurrasic park, when the T-rex eats the Raptors. Does it make him weak because he stopped the raptors from eating Sam Neil? No, it makes him/her awsome for eating raptors....same applies to Jason. Jason rules.

08-24-2003, 05:45 PM
Okay, here's how it can all be summed up as to who won the battle in "evil vs. evil"

Towards the end when the hot chick with the big boobs has a stroke of genius, the question is answered.
"Jason was killed by water...Freddy was killed by fire". Water puts out fire hence Jason beats Freddy.

Will there be a "Freddy vs. Jason 2: The Rematch"? I hope so that way Freddy can win there, thus allowing "Freddy vs. Jason 3: Winner Takes All". Then we can all be hopeful that will the epic saga will eventually end.

08-25-2003, 07:31 AM
This is a lot of bickering about two fictional characters.

But anyways, my buddies and I thought the movie owned. We're all the age where we clearly remember seeing both of them on the big screen and we just had a great time watching the whole thing.

It was glorious.

08-25-2003, 05:03 PM
not sure if its true but i heard they really couldnt decide who they wanted to win in the filming so they filmed two endings.

so i cant wait for the DVD to come out, hopefully it will have both

08-26-2003, 09:24 AM
I saw this movie over the weekend and wasn't dissapointed. In fact, I think this movie ought to be required viewing for anyone who was a kid in the eighties. :p Anyway, I was glad to see Jason win because he is by far the badder of the two. Why? Here are some observations:

...Jason is a freakin' MACHINE...I mean, this guy just doesn't stop for anything. Hit him with an anti-tank missile? Oh, he's got that. Flamethrower? No problem. When you have a guy who's that strong and unstoppable in the REAL world and not the dreamland, that's hardcore. Plus, he takes pride in his work. He could just run around with the never dulling machete (I don't know which camp counselor originally bought that thing btw, but when they bought that one, they bought QUALITY) chopping people up. However, he finds new and creative ways to use both sharp and dull instruments for heinous death.

...Freddy's creative too, but it's only in the dreamworld so it doesn't hold as much weight. However, the point was made (and it's the most tell tale sign) for who's stronger...all you have to do is take a pill or forget about Freddy and he's done. He's KO'd by the fact nobody fears him and nobody cares. The only power he ever has is through others. Jason doesn't give a damn whether you fear him or not, all he's concerned with is killing, and following that "cha-cha-cha-kill-kill-kill" noise around. Jason doesn't have to rely on anyone else to hulk out and pummel somebody to death.

...Of course Jason's gonna whimper in his inner child form when put in water (other than his own lake apparently), but good 'ol Fred would do the same thing if you lit his butt on fire. One other thing to look at is Fred's always yapping about something. Making wisecracks, threatening this and that, yada, yada. Jason doesn't care about smalltalk...he's just there for the killing. He's focused on the job at hand.

...Both characters looked pimp too. Makeup and costuming had them dressed in their best.

...That last scene coming out of the lake was sweet.


Jason Owns!

08-26-2003, 01:26 PM
very well said.:D

08-26-2003, 03:57 PM
Thanks Hoppys...you know, at one point in that flick, Jason was "en fuego" too!


08-26-2003, 07:19 PM
ha ha ya he was i love the scene, all you see is this fat kid running zig zags and a fire ball chasing him

08-27-2003, 09:57 AM
heh, heh, heh...:D what I loved was when Jason steps out into the field after whacking the fat kid. Some of the other partygoers throw things at him and whatnot. Hello! He's on freaking fire people! Do you think throwing stuff, even more alcohol, is gonna do anything? :)