View Full Version : e-mag trigger pull???

mag hugger
08-16-2003, 08:24 PM
i havent got a chance to test an e-mag out in my area becuase no one really has one but im very intrested in getting one. all im woundering about is the trigger pull what is it like? is it similar to any other guns like timmies, angels, impy's etc? i have a minimag already so i know how reliable automags are and i like there design so this is all thats holden me back from the E-mag :D

08-16-2003, 10:54 PM
Well, if you've shot some of these other guns, you may feel a click behind the trigger. We don't have that. Since it's all magnetic, there are no springs or anything else.

Properly set up, it'll be an 8oz pull with very little travel. I like it better than most of the E-Guns I've shot.

08-16-2003, 11:29 PM
Hehe.... Tuna told me it was "like air" ... That convinced me to get one ;) ;) :D

08-17-2003, 12:16 AM
Ooo I want an emag now :)

08-17-2003, 12:38 AM
Heh, he also said there is nothing like it.

08-17-2003, 09:59 PM
what makes it rock is that it is so adjustable,

personally, i like mine with very little travel and no bounce. but my teammate likes to go 'hybrid' and get the RT bounce (pushes the trigger back into place after a shot), so he leaves a little bit more travel so he can find a nice sweet stroke and wail his xmag.

you can really fine tune your trigger, much love to the boys (and girls) at AGD.