View Full Version : Scuba Tank help

08-17-2003, 03:50 PM
I just got two scuba from my uncle. The problem is that they are "twin" tanks which means its two tank connected by a long metal valve that goes across. I don't know if they can be used as fills for my nitro tank, and I dont know what to do with them. I need to get them certified but they are in excellent condition though. So i know they will pass. Um I don't know if I can get them back to single tanks with valves or if i can trade them in. If any of you have any suggestions just respond soon since I'll be playing on saturday, and I need to use them.

08-17-2003, 05:31 PM
If you can grab a pic of the setup and we can go from there:)

08-17-2003, 06:02 PM
Assuming they have current Hydro (well will have you say) all you do is hook up your fill rig to the central on/off tap and then turn on the tank you want to fill from first.
If it is a fixed twin tank ...unlikely, you "may" have problems but as the air can be put into the tanks you can get it out as long as you have the correct adapters.
the pic below may be how you are currently configured but all you would do is blank off one of the outlets...you could of course have just a central outlet the rigs do vary.

08-17-2003, 08:38 PM
I have seen a picture of that but mine is back from 1990 which has no "knobs" (black things) it does have an on/ off (fill) knob thingy (yes, thingy is the technical term) so I might just go to the scuba place and find out what I can do tommorrow. Thanks for the help anyway.