View Full Version : ULE trigger - I need help!

08-17-2003, 07:00 PM
Blah! I got my ULE trigger in on Friday, and was hoping to have it workin' for Saturday. Anyhow, I threw it in there, aired my gun up, and tried to shoot. Pop, pop! The first two shots were nice and easy. Then, after that, the bolt would stick slightly forward. I'd have to put my finger in there and reset the bolt each shot after that.

I tried as many shim arrangments as I could, but none of them seemed to change the trigger at all. I've oiled it up, and tried everything I could think of. If anyone knows how to get this working, then please help me out!

-Tim the troubled.

08-17-2003, 09:15 PM

Anyone? PLEASE!

08-17-2003, 11:29 PM
Anyone? Suggestions?

From what I've read, this upgrade is AWSOME! But, I just can't get it to work. What am I doing wrong? =O

08-18-2003, 07:47 AM
Did you make sure that you had a valve with two on/off o-rings? I may be wrong but bolt stick isnt a ULT problem, it sounds more like a LX problem. Try adding a shim to your LX setup and see if that helps at all.

08-18-2003, 12:59 PM
Haha. Well at least I'm not the only one with this problem.

I hope to tinker around with mine more this Tuesday, see if I can find the problem.

08-18-2003, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by tmnothing
Did you make sure that you had a valve with two on/off o-rings? I may be wrong but bolt stick isnt a ULT problem, it sounds more like a LX problem. Try adding a shim to your LX setup and see if that helps at all.
Yup. It's an almsot brand new X-Valve, with 2 O-rings. I only get the bolt stick type problem when I put in the ULT.

I'll try adding another shim and then puttin' in the ULT. Maybe that will help... Also, when I put in the ULT, it sometimes leaks for a bit (sometimes more than 5 seconds) until it actually engages the sear and pushes the pin out to the trigger. Is that supposed to happen?

08-18-2003, 10:05 PM
Anyone found a solution? *sigh* :(

08-19-2003, 12:48 AM
need to know more specifics
what is your exact setup...
im still thinking it's some sort of flow or tank pressure issue...
it'd be nice to have a thread with everyone who is having problems post their info and try to find similarities in each case...
ie you're all using preset tanks...microline..a level 10 that isn't broken in much...etc

08-19-2003, 01:02 AM
Preset N2 (68/45k). Output pressure is at 800-850.
I'm running Macroline right now (NOT microline).

The LX works perfectly when I'm using my old on/off assy. I've switched back and forth between my on/off assy, yet not with my ULT. I havn't had any flow problems with my old on/off assy before, I very rarley short stroked (with my classic valve; I don't think I've ever short stroked with X). Hmmmmm... I'm flat out of ideas. Is there anything else you'd need to know to help me more?

08-19-2003, 01:09 AM
well i think it's more of an issue of pressure than flow
i have a theory that it might take a hair more pressure to run the ult
if you can get a hold of an adjustable tank and crank it up to about 900-1000
im not guaranteeing anything
but give it a try

and let me say that i dont think it ought to take that much to run it reliably but it might be some sort of break in period
also sometimes preset tanks that are supposed to be at 800-850 are closer to 600-750
which could pose a problem

and don't forget that most tank guages are pretty crappy...
they might give you a general idea but usually aren't very accurate(esp those mini guages...junk imo)

08-19-2003, 11:01 AM
I notice you mentioned adding more shims to the ULT. Have you tried removing shims. This would prevent air from flowing forward into the front chamber until after the sear has engaged the lip of the bolt.

Add a shim or two to the level 10 setup. This may help vent the excess chamber pressure to allow the bolt to properly reset.

08-19-2003, 05:39 PM
Now I've tried everything:
More shims in the LX, more shims in the ULT
Less shims in the LX, more shims in the ULT
More shims in the LX, less shims in the ULT
Less shims in the LX, less shims in the ULT

I've tried everything I could think of. I called up AGD, but the techs were stumped. So, I'm sending it in tommorrow. *sigh* I wish this was something that could have easily been fixed :(

Oohhhh well.

08-19-2003, 06:04 PM
well let us know what happens
im curious to see what it was....

08-19-2003, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by Jerhew
well let us know what happens
im curious to see what it was....
Will do. I'm still confused on what it is. Maybe just a bad ULT? Or something...?

Well, thanks for your help anyways, everyone! :)

08-19-2003, 09:38 PM
I think all of us "bolt stick with the ULT" AOers are getting to know each other pretty well. I too am a charter member of this club! I've tried all different set ups, just like you grasshopper. Still getting the bolt stick. So, please let me know how they fix yours.


I don't think its an air pressure problem. Its happened to me with newly filled tanks with my 3000 Flatline set anywhere from 900-1100 psi, running through SS hose. ULE Body, intelliframe, Xvalve etc. It does happen more when the pressure is low though. Go figure.

08-19-2003, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by trex
It does happen more when the pressure is low though. Go figure.

well that seemd to be a common trend so i was just exploring the idea...

not to rub it in or anything but i just used mine tonight for the first time in an actual game
definitely rips
no ball breaks and no bolt stick, i did however have a small leak that needs to be dealt with...

but back on topic...
ok we can pretty much rule out pressure...
the only thing it could possibly be is a bad ult or some other source of unusual friction or something
i trust you tried swapping the extra o-rings they give you into it...
other than that im pretty much out of ideas...

08-20-2003, 01:13 AM
Hey guys,

I played around with my ULT to get it to bolt stick like yours. So here is what I found. Lets say that a LX shim=1 and a ULT=.5.

At 0.0 thru 1,There is pressure against the trigger but my pin doesn't drop out of the on/off oring to charge the air chamber. 1.5 thru 2.5,It shoots cough cuff cuff then bolt stick. Insert finger to reset bolt and repeat. 3 LX shims and I have a super light trigger that I can walk WOOHOO. 3.5, Look out runnaway. 4 LX shims,IT fires once then there is pressure against the trigger the bolt is stuck and it will not reset. Degas and repeat same thing.

Well I hope that helps someone. Later

09-15-2003, 08:08 PM
Sorry, I havn't replied to this in a loooong time. But, I wasn't able to send in my gun 'till last week (had a game that I needed it for, so I wanted to make sure it'd still be back). Anyhow, after the game I sent it in, and I just got it back today. Let me tell you, the thing rips so bad. The trigger is light as a feather. Awsome upgrade, especially for $50.


Hmm, maybe the people at AGD are just lucky, because I tried that exact same set-up (yes, the tank was full. I tried mine and my bros, too). Anyhow, I'm just glad to have it back and working. They also gave me a new power feed plug (mine was from a Piranah, and it didn't really fit well =P). Thanks AGD!

09-16-2003, 05:12 PM
Had same problem. Oil everything really well. It seems the LX and ULT need extra lubing. Try this the next time you are having this problem.

09-17-2003, 04:47 PM
I used to have the same problems. I was running a centerflag preset @750 and macro, and I had lotsa bolt stick. I have since started using KC lube and I got a dynaflow and run it @ 1k and I haven't had it stick once since in 4 cases. That's good enough for me.:D

Oh, and I concur, these do rip.

09-18-2003, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by doubletap
Had same problem. Oil everything really well. It seems the LX and ULT need extra lubing. Try this the next time you are having this problem.
I tried that... I tried everything from no oil, to oil out the ying yang. But, it's workin' now, so I'm happy!