View Full Version : Where do u all get your money?

01-02-2001, 11:58 AM
ive noticed a lot of younger guys on this forum with very expensive guns. just curious where do u get all your money at ages from 12-17. that is one heck of a lot of money.

01-02-2001, 02:33 PM
I am 14. My mom and dad do give me some money but I earn almost all of it. I work at our barn for 5 dollars an hour. That includes feeding the barn full of horses, dragging hay bales around, shoveling the s**t, killing off the rats and the list goes on. I realize some people get all that they want and I can't stand people like that, but you will be surprised at the number of kids that actually have to work for their stuff.

01-02-2001, 03:01 PM
im 28 and a plumber so i can buy what i want.
sov i play eq also but with spring coming fast i gotta get my gun up to par and been playing ff9 a lot also

01-02-2001, 03:18 PM
I've had a job since I was 15 (now 19).

Young Padawan
01-02-2001, 03:31 PM
I am 15 i buy and sell guns. so basicly i invest money into guns and sell them.

01-02-2001, 04:08 PM
oops. i forgot to put my senario up. im 19 and have been working for 3 years for $12. payed for my first semester and baught all my stuff slowly over a few years.

01-02-2001, 04:48 PM
i'm 15, all i rely on is my birthday and christmas money, and everything else i work for at my grandpa's house. but this summer i'm hoping to get a job, at Giant Eagle, or sumthing.


01-02-2001, 05:19 PM
I've been employed for 25 years at one job or another. For the last 15, I get money from my Uncle Sam!

(well, only if my wife let's me have enough to buy something! http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

01-02-2001, 07:25 PM
I'm 27 and I sell my body to old rich women. My best client gave me the name Tiny.

01-02-2001, 07:25 PM
Just kidding. I'm an electrician.

01-02-2001, 09:11 PM
No I mean I play Everquest and use it as a source of income. I also work on my breaks from college and use to have a paper route. But Everquest is my main source of income http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif.


01-02-2001, 09:27 PM
im 15 and just bum money off my dad

01-02-2001, 10:56 PM
hey me too Lumps!! 'cept im 14

^^^^ GO THERE NOOOW!!!!^^^

[This message has been edited by Sarah (edited 01-02-2001).]

01-02-2001, 10:59 PM
Same deal as Lumps, my dad is my source of income.

01-03-2001, 12:01 AM
I'm 14, and I don't have that much money. I usually use Christmas money, birthday money, and then try to get a job in the summer. Most places don't hire 'till 16, so last summer I worked for my parents. This year I'm gonna get a job a grocery store.

Mag's Pics and Sounds (http://www.geocities.com/thundermag123/magspicsandsounds.html)

01-03-2001, 12:02 AM
you guys sicken me. i get about 200 a month from doing baby sitting for a lot of differnt people and laying carpet. i am 15 an can barly play paintball. i need to shoot very little no sprey and prey here only shoot 100-200 on speed ball games

in the biggining god created two gun and he said thuo automag shall be for the just and fair and the autococker for the evil and cheaters.

[This message has been edited by nastymag (edited 01-03-2001).]

01-03-2001, 12:05 AM
im 15 and i use birthday/christmas money. i turn 16 this summer so i can get a real job. but until then i just use mommy and daddy

01-03-2001, 12:11 AM
well im 17 and i work damn hard for my money so i can have a nice gun and car

[This message has been edited by mag-rebelution (edited 01-02-2001).]

01-03-2001, 12:21 AM
I busted my ass this summer working like 50 hours a week to get enough money for my guns and car. Woke up everyday at 4 am to go to work. All that hard work for my favorite thing: paintball.

I'm 19 and not really relying on mommy and daddy anymore, except a few bucks on Christmas and birthdays, but that's about all the support I get from them for paintball. Everything I buy is usually from my own money... takes away from the car too, need to get that fixed soon.

01-03-2001, 12:40 AM
I'm 27 years old and me and my wife both work. I have two step sons that both play paintball. We have spent a ton of money on paintball. I have a CO2 fill station and a scuba fill station for compressed air. If your going to play paintball for a long time, I would invest in getting the tanks and materials to fill your own bottles at home. My CO2 fill station has already paid for itself.

01-03-2001, 12:41 AM
I'm 17 and to get the money for my EMAG i am getting ready to purchase I had to work hard. $650 of the money I have for the gun I earned when I was 13. I had a paper route and I saved all my money from it and put it in a mutual fund for the two+ years I had the job. I decided that this was the time to take a little of it out to play with. The rest of my cash comes from a weekend job at officemax. My parents basically give me **** in terms of allowance and such. They give me a place to stay and food every day and I have to work hard in order to play paintball. One thing they did give me was a car so I will give them credit for that. Even if you are under 16 there is still stuff you can do to make cash. Be enterprising.

01-03-2001, 12:42 AM
I'm 16 and I sell my soul to the people here at DeHart's Red Apple Market so I can play. And I don't think you need to be bashing on people who's parents give them more money, just take pride in the fact that you work for your hard earned paintball (yeah right). But seriously if your parents did give you money to play paintball you would take it so don't be a hypocrite.

Cry Havoc, and let loose the dogs of War

pray you see me first
01-03-2001, 12:50 AM
i am 16 and i worked 12hours aday on sat and sun all fall to be able to buy my gun and fix it up like i wanted too....here is a pic.....i am trying to sell it on the classifieds if your interestd
www.geocities.com/paintballjunky2003/paintballjunky2003.html (http://www.geocities.com/paintballjunky2003/paintballjunky2003.html)

01-03-2001, 12:56 AM
I play Everquest http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

01-03-2001, 01:20 AM
Im 14, I have a paper route with 110 people, and I also cut grass in the summer and spring so I have alot of $$$$ but I work my @$$ off all the time.


PAINT TAGGED (http://www.angelfire.com/ky2/painttagged/index.html)

[email protected]

-Member of 'Team Wannabeez'

01-03-2001, 01:28 AM
you are right i should not bash them but it makes me mad that they take pride in it.

in the biggining god created two gun and he said thuo automag shall be for the just and fair and the autococker for the evil and cheaters.

01-03-2001, 02:24 AM
Im 16, I sell drugs.

Bradley James Nowell 2.22.68-5.25.96 "...when he starts to lie, when he makes you cry. You know i'll be there, my day will come. I know someday I'll be the only one."

01-03-2001, 02:43 AM
I know a guy, I'm sorry to say, who deals in weed to pay for paintball. Makes a pretty good business, I'm also sorry to say.

Me, I got lucky. Last summer, I got a job fixing computers and troubleshooting the network for a freight forwarding company (A major account of theirs was Dell, and the software wholesalers that work with them). $320 a week of "free" money (I had to pay for lunch every workday, and gas whenever I had the car and it was running low) is a lot to play with. That job paid for a new computer ($1000) that I took with me to college, as well as paintball twice a month (alone as well as with the company "team"; Ever gogg your company's executive VP, or nail the sales manager in her @$$?), a paintball setup with a Piranha, Flex-7, and harness, and over $1000 of spending money for college, which I'm more than halfway through already (shouldn't have gotten to like the buzz from ciggies). Anyway, I considered myself pretty well-off for an 18-year-old.

Wise man say, length of man's barrel inversely proportional to length of his &#%$. (And if he bought a 20" barrel, I'd wonder about the presence of his family jewels, too!)

01-03-2001, 03:00 AM
Been doing the same job since I was 17. I get yelled at by people with psychological problems and hormonal imbalances with alcohol in their bloodstreams. Some have threatened to inflict bodily harm upon me. They call me a liar, stupid, a cheat... although I'm quite the opposite. These people are often referred to as the general public... and my profession: sales rep/emergency tech at a computer shop. "Everything is my fault, the parts I sold them are $*&%, they're the experts - not me, I'm an idiot because I wear a name tag, I'm supposed to teach them for free, physical damage (teeth marks, and what have you) is covered under warranty everywhere else, they know everything and their buddies will vouch for them, their 'computer guy' said so..." The Brady Bill was created for people like me and my fellow co-workers. This is how I make my meagre income and pay for paintball.

Luckily, I have other stuff planned for myself. If everything goes through, I'll be maintaining a local agency's web stuff and I can quit my job. I also have been licensing out some of my software for point of sales systems at $200 a pop - once I completely out do the competitor's software, I'll publish it on the web. I actually made enough off of that last few months to pay for a semester of school.

I get shot out 10:1, but my gun is shiny!
68 PF - HyperFrame - 68 Flatline - SS BigShot - SP BigDaddy

[This message has been edited by Miscue (edited 01-03-2001).]

01-03-2001, 11:33 AM
I work at a field. Its pretty damn cool.

01-03-2001, 02:08 PM
hehe I work at a feild too http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif and get a small allowance(enough to pay for everything else besides paintball).

01-03-2001, 03:13 PM
I had a job at a fast food joint for a while, that was paying for my car. I then got hooked on paintball(Which none of you are familiar with http://www.automags.org/ubb/wink.gif )so I got a second job during the summer just to make enough money to get my equipment. Once you have all your stuff it isnt that expensive. Know I am a Post Commander and run the security at a International Companys headquarters, so I make enought to play now. I am 19 also, and love the tourney scene now that I can afford it.

SPLAT!!! I hate when that happens!

01-03-2001, 03:44 PM
Well, I'm 14 and my money is exclusively for pb. My dad owns a car lot, so when I get old enough I get one of his personal cars (76 vette, 64 vette, 76 chevy pickup, 4 camino, 96 lexus, I'm thinkin 76 vette http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif ) And I work fpr my aunt, and my dad, and at my field. So my money is kinda hard earned. But I get along

01-03-2001, 04:27 PM
I work at a field, and they don't pay me, but every third month, I either get 200-300 dollars worth of upgrades, or a new gun, and I haven't taken any for about 5 months, and I'm thinking about getting a Cocker, or a new Mag....Don't flame me for the Cocker issuse, I just want to try something new.

On the side in the winter I plow drives, and in the summer, mowing jobs :-D

01-03-2001, 07:31 PM
The serious way I made money for my minimag...
I used every cent of my Christmas money, I skipped our family ski trip for that money, I sold my piranha, and used some money straight out of my wallet.
I got a minimag, 68ci Crossfire stub, Flex-7 mask, 12v black revolution, and an elbow http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

It was hard to get this gun and now im broke so I have to use it vertical air! STOCK!!!

*Cereal Killer*

01-03-2001, 07:48 PM
people need to stop hatin on kids that get money from there parents. when you are under 16 it is hard to get a decent part time job. and plus you are considered a kid so parents are supposed to buy you stuff. are you trying to tell me that your parents never bought you something expensive when you were a kid? please stop flaming

01-03-2001, 08:40 PM
Yeah,my parents bought me a nes in 86' but thats way diffrent..I understand both sides,and dis-agree with both..
O.k.dont be mad because your underage and cant work,thats a excuse,and dont get mad because your job-less self has a sweet gun and others flame you for being spoiled...

I,personaly,got a job a wendys,bot my minimag,and quit..Did a hit and run,became a cook/bar-back full time,paid my restitution,
and bought mag #2 in parts

01-03-2001, 10:47 PM
tell you what... I didn't start playing paintball till I was old enough to have a job. Think my logic is strange?

Make something Ideot proof,
then someone will make a better Ideot.


01-04-2001, 12:00 AM
I played with no gun,and I dont mean I rented,but didnt own a gun..I played with no gun,just to learn how to move..I get upset when some one with a expensive gun says,"quit your whining,you would use a angel if you had one"..no,I wouldent,if i had that kind of money,id get a palmer painter,just because rof dosent mean ne thing to me

01-04-2001, 12:27 AM
Im 15 (as of dec 30th) and for about 7 months i had a job cleaning up construction sites. It got seriously annoying gettin up b4 7 a.m. and not knowing if i had to work till the night b4. And also after a while I went from 8-15 hours a week to 3. So needless to say, i quit. But Christmas and birthday took care of my upgrade to nitro/retro/evolution. And Some other goodies http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif But I get about 4 bux allowance after the money for my own phone line and my tithe. So I have no idea except that God provides as of how i get to play when 4 bux only covers air! (And how do people say that there is no God?) And I barely ever bum money off my mom for paintball. Except for the occasional loaning of the next weeks 4 bux. But yep. I am blessed. http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif and I also have 6 and a half guns (the half is a half rebuilt mag...well more than half.). YEp im livin the good life. Gonna play on saturday, have almost 2000 psi left in my tank, I get a free fill next time i fill up my tank, a full CO2 tank for when i run outta compressed air(ill use my spyder, or pop in the regular mag internals.), and i have about 800 rounds of paint. Life is sweet. =0)
Ok well adios muchachos! HOO HA! ENDO!

My Battle cry!
Spoon Spork Purple Monkey Dishwasher Hoo Ha!

01-04-2001, 12:27 AM
When I started playing at 16 none of the fields allowed players under 18, so I played pump and stock class at a friends house. I was fortunate to know someone with a healthy chunk of wooded land. We played paint limited games. Later when the fields, and insurance, became more lax on the age policy, I continued to play pump against people with semis. I always had a job, but the super-semis and rof fire hadn't yet dominated the sport at the time, so I was able to grow up with the sport. When the Angel came out I had already been using a mag with nitro for a couple years. In fact when I started nitro wasn't even an option. The 12oz C02 was the rage, and you watched your back when someone came on the field with a phantom or sterling pump. Now, I afford a half to full case every time I play, and can be choosy about what brand or size paint I use. I'm 23. I work with computers, and networks, and if I don't get an extra $10G raise every year I've probably been slacking off way to much. As soon as I got into college I started working for the campus tech support. A college degree has yet to play an issue in my career. That well chosen college job has paid it's dividend 100 fold.

01-04-2001, 08:57 PM
I have a paper route and get like $40 a week

01-07-2001, 04:06 PM
I'm 15 I caddie 10-50 and hour not bad eh. http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif But i can only work during the summer. http://www.automags.org/ubb/frown.gif

01-07-2001, 04:17 PM
Well, I never buy anything until I am sure it is worth it, my total spending in the past year is probably 30 bucks. I cut so many corners and squeeze every penny and I am 13. All the money is from Birthdays, Christmas and selling stuff I have no use for via ebay.

01-07-2001, 04:25 PM
I've had a job that pays me $6.50-8.50 an hour, depending on the time of day and date I work. And with that money I've paid for a 4-wheeler in under a year, bought several 'guns, and now I've bought a Dodge Stealth. Just gotta' remember not to buy stuff I won't use in 2 weeks (i.e. buying a new videogame every 2 days like some of my friends). Save! http://www.automags.org/ubb/wink.gif


01-07-2001, 04:26 PM
Oh, yeah! I almost forgot, I'm 15

01-07-2001, 06:21 PM
Squeeks, does that Dodge Stealth fit in your pocket and say "Hot Wheels" on the bottom?

Funny, not many kids these days get handouts from the parents... seems to me no one wants to fess up to it.

01-08-2001, 11:45 AM
Been working as a network engineer since I was 16, now am a MCSE and CCNA certified instructor. (Pays plenty enough to afford paintball). I'm 20 now and just pitched in some cash to help open a new field near where I live, and work there on the weekends. (Now being a field owner, I have a totally different view of paintball ;-) To all you younger guys, I feel your pain. Started working in computers 'cuz MickeyDees sucked. Good luck to everyone and hope to see y'all on the field

01-08-2001, 05:18 PM
im 14, my parents give it to me but if use more than 60 bux at the field they get pissed

01-08-2001, 05:44 PM

"Gosh darn it - don't you know better than to but blatent illegal spam on the board?

"Please dont do that again."
- The Webmaster

[This message has been edited by Webmaster (edited 01-09-2001).]

01-08-2001, 10:59 PM
THe best thing I have come up with is to sell crack! Just kidding, I am now busting my butt 40 hours a week at Food Lion and going to school. To all of those who remember my post about the seat belt ticket and running the stop sign, the seat belt was dropped and I got the latter reduced to improper equipment, I got out only paying $100. I'm keeping the mag and possible buying an emag so post good deals on them!!!!!

01-08-2001, 11:22 PM
When I lived at home, I started lifeguarding at 15 and then played paintball twice my junior and senior years of high school, but now that I've been in the Air Force for the last 3 1/2 years I make enough money to play twice a month (on the average) with my team and by myself. Oh, and I'm 21 now.

E-Mag vert feed
Warp Feed red
12v Rev red
68 cu in Crossfire 3K

01-09-2001, 01:30 AM
UPS gives me my money just for shipping all of yall guys packages all over the country. They dont give me enough though Im still aways away from an EMag

Evil, just frikkin evil
level 7 classic mag
14"j&j,12" CP 10" ???
47ci crossfire
and a mean streak

01-09-2001, 03:56 AM
i'm only 18 and i work for a semiconductor company and i make BIG money (for a kid that's 6 months out of high school that is)....that's how i get my money to support my paintball addiction http://www.automags.org/ubb/biggrin.gif

01-09-2001, 06:11 PM
well i get my money from odd jobs around the house and plus i ll get money from my parents. i was going to work for a store but they didnt like my work days so i said screw them

01-09-2001, 07:06 PM
I must say that I landed the perfect job by luck. I started working for an insurance company when I was 16 (17 now) and I get paid 11 bucks an hour. I take home about $800 a month. I basically spend it all on paintball, car insurance (I am on my 3rd car in a 6 month time span!), and I collect exotic weapons. I really like my job and don't plan on quiting any time soon.

Damn it! I shot myself in the foot again!

02-26-2002, 10:29 PM
This summer i will be working at a local computer store with my friend. we will go to peoples houses and fix computers, install networks (wired and wireless) and do all kinds of other stuff. we will each be getting paid like $22.50 an hour which really isnt bad for 2 16 year olds. but the problem is that until the summer starts i am flat broke.

02-26-2002, 11:06 PM
i work full time as a credit customer service rep.

02-26-2002, 11:35 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by nastymag
[B]you guys sicken me. i get about 200 a month from doing baby sitting for a lot of differnt people and laying carpet. i am 15 an can barly play paintball. i need to shoot very little no sprey and prey here only shoot 100-200 on speed ball games

hahah how much things can change ine one year.
since that post ive gone through three guns before gettin my LED Angel, i got a job at a movie theatre and such.
life is good

02-27-2002, 05:39 AM
Im 15, I make 60 a week by washing 2 cars, mowing 2 lawns, and doing alot of houselhold chores.

02-27-2002, 06:54 AM
My parents pay for just about everything. Skyball is all payed for by them and most of my equiptment had been payed for by them. I am not bragging I dont really care it's just how my parents are. I am 15 and there are no jobs around here. When i turn 16 i will get a job and pay for everything. But for now i will enjoy having everything handed to me. If you have a problem with that then dont talk to me, I work very hard to well, earn this stuff. I pay my parents back by showing them the trophies my team had won and how good i have gotten. I love my life and my equiptment.

02-27-2002, 09:32 AM
i'm 19 and i have worked my a$$ off at wally world for 2 years now as a manager(thats about 12-16 hours a day)

02-27-2002, 09:38 AM
Im 12, almost broke (will be owing my mom about 100$ after I get dis shocker) I get 100$ for christmas, and sometimes a little amount of money for my b-day. Otherwise I go to coin shows with my dad & get paid around 50-80$ depending on how much of a help I was, how many days the show is, ect. Otherwise I just dont buy anything. I let my mom buy the clothes... oh yea, I get 4$ a week for allowence :rolleyes:

02-27-2002, 11:32 AM
I work at Lowe's as a loader, moving stuff around, loading wood, fertilizer, bricks and whatnot into people's car. Sooner or later I'll get to drive a fork lift. And I'm 20.

02-27-2002, 11:55 AM
Likse if I wanted a new supercharger. No movies, no bars, nothing to eat for 6 moths except ramen noodles.

That type of stuff. I slowly buy and buy until I'm at a good level. I think I'm actually reaching my plateau where my rig should keep me playing for many years to come.

02-27-2002, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by Liko
I know a guy, I'm sorry to say, who deals in weed to pay for paintball. Makes a pretty good business, I'm also sorry to say.

Yeah, you can make a good business. I know people that do it, but not to play paintball, but to live.

I got hooked up with all my equipment. (mag, boomer, progressive, air tank) But I sold that equipment and bought a tribal off the same dude that hooked me up...

Navy Seal
02-27-2002, 11:34 PM
"I have a BIG family, so, i do the dirty work." - The Godfather or Mafia.

It's called blood work. You do what you HATE doing, and get payed more than that of which you would get payed by doing the work you love. Try it. Or not.