View Full Version : Teeth pulled

08-17-2003, 10:27 PM
Tomarrow I'm having a molar in the lower left corner of my mouth removed. They said I am getting anestetics and I will miss the whole day of school!

I was just wondering what it is like and stuff, and has anyone else gotten a tooth pulled.

08-17-2003, 11:01 PM
You wont remember a damn thing...and enjoy the meds...i took ONE pill before I went to sleep (I am far from being a lightweight). Well I proceeded to take what I thought was a nap...I feel asleep at 6 pm..and woke up at 8pm...the NEXT day. Nothing leaves you more confused than waking up after sleeping for 36 hours straight.

08-17-2003, 11:16 PM
I had my arm set once back a few years ago. They gave me anasthetics too. The only problem was, they didn't give me enough. I remember waking up during the operation (my arm was really screwed up.) The doctor said it was when the actual setting was done, the most painful part. I didn't feel anything though, and I soon was back to sleep.

The gas tastes nasty, kind of like when you wake up with a really, really dry mouth.

08-17-2003, 11:16 PM
Alright! I'm about 5'8", 135 lbs so I wonder what it'll do for ME!

Oh, I just read Minimag's post and now I'm kind of bummed.:(

08-17-2003, 11:35 PM
Don't worry man. Those anasthesioligists (sp?) have to be sooo precise it's crazy. I'm sure they'll do a fine job for something like a tooth removal. Don't fret it man. :)

e mag
08-18-2003, 12:28 AM
When I got my wisdom teeth removed they game me vicodin. Needless to say, after I took the first pill I don't remember anything that happened for the next few days, I think I remember watching a scooby doo movie that my brother rented, but that's about it. You probably won't get vicodin for just a molar, maybe codine. Also, be warned that supposedly a general anesthetic (effects whole body) also acts as a truth serum, so if your parents know this then try not to talk to much afterwards :).

Nick O time
08-18-2003, 12:47 AM
I have gotten like 4 to 5 teeth pulled, they didn't hurt at all. The shots they put in ur jaw to numb it hurts more than the yanking. I acually look forward to going to get my teeth rmoved cuz i get to watch tv and get out of shool:D . I also like the feeling of not being able to feel ur mouth.(did that last sentance make any sense?) IT doesn't hurt at all, the only down side is having ur gums bleeding and having to use the stupid gause pads. Another thing that sucks is for about 3 days to a week it hurts too eat hard stuff, if you accidentaly chew with that part of your gum or something.

08-18-2003, 06:01 AM
Heh, I had 9 teeth pulled because I had to get braces. :( The gave me a shot in the arm to put me "under" and I never felt a thing. Hurt like hell when I took the gauze out, but I guess one would expect that. Good luck with the removal! :D

08-18-2003, 07:04 AM
I had 4 healthy teeth removed for a brace years ago and all they did was the injections in the gums...didn't feel a thing only the pressure as they were levered out. I was "knocked" out for a medical procedure reasonably recently however although they call it a "knockout" injection you are actually awake the whole time! You just don't remember what is going on or what is happening...I do have hazy memories of saying things and being in a recovery room but I just went home and went to bed and about 5 hours later I was up and about and was then told I was talking quite normally and said this and said that but I don't remember a thing. Why they would knock you out for work on your teeth is a little difficult to understand as it is just one molar removal not root canal work...but maybe they can charge more for the "knockout" drop ;)

08-18-2003, 11:48 AM
I actually got put under for mine...but before they gave me the IV to give me the antisthetics...they gave me laughing gas (Why...i dont know) But that stuff was great. I felt like I was floating in midair I remember WATCHING them SLOOOOOWWWWWLLLLY put the huge arse needle into my vein, and I was like I didn't feel a darn thing. Then the last thing I remember was them saying count slowly from a hundred backwards. I got to 95 lol.

08-18-2003, 12:25 PM
I got my wisdom teeth removed... All i got was Novacane... No gas for me...:(

08-18-2003, 03:45 PM
I've had 4 teeth removed, in total.

It ain't so bad. The wisdoms supposedly suck. If it is just a random molar, I wouldn't sweat it.

08-18-2003, 03:49 PM
I got 3 baby teeth pulled about a year ago and all they did was rub some shiz on my gums, give me a shot in my gums, and pulled em out.. then again they were still baby teeth.. also I almosted passed out in the parking lot from blood loss :p

Big'n slo
08-18-2003, 04:04 PM
Had one tooth removed by a cinder block, surprisingly, the pain from the impact of the block to my forehead negated the pain of loosing the tooth. The second was taken by a hockey puck, hurt worse than a shot to the nads from a crazed ex with a golf club.

08-18-2003, 04:15 PM
What they should do is put some novacane on the gums before they give you the shot. I didn't even know that I had gotten a shot, because my vision was blurry from gas. The gas that they gave me was cool...as long as I didn't move, it felt like I could actaully feel the gas that I had inhaled slowly running down my body...Then it would start again at the top, over and over until I finaly hit looney point. :)

08-18-2003, 05:34 PM
When I was 17 I got my impacted wisdom teeth pulled. They gave me the IV and started working on me, but I woke up in the middle of the process, and I was so out of it I started to fight the doctor. They had to strap me down with these seat belt things, and the doctor was swearing and yelling at the nurses. Good times.

But I'm sure it will be easier for you...

08-18-2003, 05:41 PM
I got seven shots of anesthetics once because they couldnt get it to stop hurting. Eventually I just bit the wanky and let them pull it anyways

Ohhh what a feeling it was though to have so much of that crap in you... eesh. I am convinced I immune to anesthetic, cause the same happened to me (to a lesser extent) when I was getting stitches... sucked

08-18-2003, 10:32 PM
Hah...I just got my wisdom teeth pulled...the anasthesia IV was great. I woke up in the middle too, the guy asked if i was alright and he said i was like whatever man give me more haha. after it was done...ahh so cool. I could barely walk. The stitches sucked and I couldn't eat...but meh. Molar teeth coming out are nothin

08-18-2003, 10:59 PM
Why is getting your wisdom teeth pulled so painful? And why can;t you just let them grow out?

08-18-2003, 11:24 PM
They were impacted, which means they were growing into my back molar teeth, which would mess up my whole mouth even worse. And it sucks so much cuz they slice the gum on top open, and need to stitch it back up so you can't really eat for a week. Also, cysts could form, and thats not good. I'm only 15 and they were already coming in so he said I had to have them removed or I could really damage the rest of my teeth.

08-18-2003, 11:41 PM
If these teeth just screw things up why do we even have them?

08-18-2003, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by MiniMag84
If these teeth just screw things up why do we even have them?

To chew?:p

08-19-2003, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by MiniMag84
If these teeth just screw things up why do we even have them?

Not everyone has them mess things up...Some people they grow in fine. Dunno why

Hahah 845 that was funny

08-19-2003, 10:19 AM
It was totally cool. When I went into the room, the first thing the nurse did was put the laughing gas mask on my. That stuff is so totally execelent. I suggest if you ever have a choice, choose the gas. Then they put the IV in my and put me under. I woke up about an hour to an hour and a half later in the recovery room.

They did give me the codine, and I guess that was working as the truth serum because I just started telling my mom how much I liked the gas, and if they had it at our regular dentist.

My gums bled all yesterday, but when I woke up this morning it was better. All I can eat for a couple days are soft cold things, so I've been eating a lot of cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is so good!

08-19-2003, 11:00 AM
Was the gas pretty, uh, "nice" (if you know what I mean) for you too?:D

Nick O time
08-19-2003, 11:52 AM
i always choose the gas, but nothing ever happens to me:confused: that is kinda wierd.

08-19-2003, 11:52 AM
Hahahah...I couldn't read stuff when I was in the recovery room...I was trying to read the label on an oxygen tank but it just kept moving

08-19-2003, 01:56 PM
The nurse started talking to me about what she was doing when she put the mask on me, and in about 30 seconds I couldn't really register what she was saying. (and yes, Rather, that is what I mean by "nice:) )

Nick, tell them you're still feeling lots of pain. They should turn it up for you. :cool: