View Full Version : what is the best gun setup for a back player (hopper, barrel, everything)

08-18-2003, 10:26 PM
i just need to know a cheaper setup for back/mid player

08-18-2003, 10:32 PM
the age old question with the age old answer... the best gun is what fits you best. but as far as back player theres no specific gun, just a few general suggestions. a gun that has a high rof is ideal. also one with a large and or high psi tank because you will be shooting alot.

08-18-2003, 10:35 PM
barrel: boomstick/titanium or normal.....even a freak has good acciracy....just dont buy it if you dont like the sp thing going on.......and if a tippmann flatline of course

Hopper: standard 12v viewloader....you dont need that much rapid fire....just on the start/break of the game....

Gun:uh AGD ones....preferably rt pro vavle or higher... (8'D go AGD also tippmann with a flatline is good for distance.....

i'll postm ore later...im so tired...

08-18-2003, 10:39 PM
a 21 inch barrel and a scope cuz u can be a sniper:cool:

08-18-2003, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by SomebodySomeoneRTPcf
barrel: boomstick/titanium or normal.....even a freak has good acciracy....just dont buy it if you dont like the sp thing going on.......and if a tippmann flatline of course

All barrels in that price range will work fine.

Hopper: standard 12v viewloader....you dont need that much rapid fire....just on the start/break of the game....

Are you joking? If any players need fast hoppers, it's back players. They shoot longer and faster strings of paint than anyone else on the field.

Gun:uh AGD ones....preferably rt pro vavle or higher... (8'D go AGD also tippmann with a flatline is good for distance.....

Negatory. Just use whatever gun suites you best. Three traits I see most favorable among back players setups are speed, efficiency, and low kick.

i'll postm ore later...im so tired...

08-18-2003, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by toyotaboy12
a 21 inch barrel and a scope cuz u can be a sniper:cool:

i saw a guy do this and we had a amm player on our team that was talking abunch of crap and he got scopped out it was the funniest thing ever

08-18-2003, 11:14 PM
... wasnt nice... never mind

08-18-2003, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by elpimpo

i saw a guy do this and we had a amm player on our team that was talking abunch of crap and he got scopped out it was the funniest thing ever
ROFL, I would have loved to have seen that.

08-18-2003, 11:19 PM
I should slap you...NO 21inch anything more than 16 in ch MAX. is just slowing your paintball down but it does make it quieter.....DON'T EXCHANGE range/accuracy for sound.

No scope. No gun is sooo accurate that your scope will always be consistent ie. spikes, wind, ect. it just adds wieght.....wieght is bad :(

BACK PLAYERS DON"T NEED FAST HOPPERS well, more than 12v....cause if you use that much paint as a back player WILL WILL BE FILLING AND NOT LOOKING/COVERING YOUR TEAMATES.....jeez "mess with the best, DIE like the REST!"

08-18-2003, 11:25 PM

08-18-2003, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by SomebodySomeoneRTPcf
BACK PLAYERS DON"T NEED FAST HOPPERS well, more than 12v....cause if you use that much paint as a back player WILL WILL BE FILLING AND NOT LOOKING/COVERING YOUR TEAMATES.....jeez "mess with the best, DIE like the REST!"

Oh yeah, and your front players also wont have adequate cover, and will end up getting mowed by the other teams much more intelligent back players.

Oh yeah, and you'll want the speed on the break. Skipped shots and chopped balls do not make for an effective lane of paint.

It's not like you'll be filling your pods often enough to not pay attention to the game. A good back player can watch and shoot as he reloads also.

08-19-2003, 12:01 AM
Any fast gun with a bullhorn, that way you can direct your buddies without getting all hoarse at the end of the day:cool: It would be cool to if ya could jury rig a cd player, with which at the end of victorious game, you can bump "We Are The Champions"...

Seriously, anything electro that'll let ya do 10-13 bps without strain would work fine. The real issue is the reliabilty of your hopper's ability to feed your ROF.

08-19-2003, 12:06 AM
Let me be the first to say "Viking." That or its more expensive cousin, the Excalibur. Fast, efficient, VERY reliable, and little to no kick. Spend $20 for ACE, and you wont even have to worry about chopping balls. A little pricey, but you get what you pay for.

08-19-2003, 12:27 AM
This is the marker setup I would personally use, if I had the money, and if I got back into the sport (former back player)

NYX Matrix
CCM/works no-rise
Halo B with TE software
Powerlyte Scepter/Titanium Longbow
Freeflow Bolt
Leethal Mod
Oracle/G-force bolt stop
AKA Sidewinder (preferably broken in)
Evolve 90º frame
Shocktech Mini drop or equivalent
Macdev Conquest 68/4500
AKA sodacan

This is the ideal setup IMO... no kick, gas efficient, consistent, fast, and quiet. Also, pretty much no chops with a properly set LPR, the ACE, and the Halo.

But I see you want a "cheap" setup. You have some options:

1) Stock viking with a good barrel, eVolution II hopper, screw in tank.
2) LED matrix, any bolt kit, trinity, eVo II, good barrel, screw in tank.
3) If you're really out of dough... 2k3 Autococker, good barrel, good 3-way, delrin bolt, eVo II, screw in tank. This is extremely cheap, but it's pretty much bone stock.

I think the eVo II is a good investment, mainly because it's fast, has an easy-open lid, and is pretty inexpensive. For a good barrel, you can go as cheap as a Custom Products one-piece, or a DYE ultralight. As long as you have a consistent inline reg, a screw in tank should be acceptable.

08-19-2003, 03:36 AM
Originally posted by toyotaboy12
a 21 inch barrel and a scope cuz u can be a sniper:cool:

Don't forget an A stand, a gun stock to steady the shot and a lawn chair. Man has to be comfortable you know.

08-19-2003, 03:46 AM
Originally posted by darklord

This is the ideal setup IMO... no kick, gas efficient, consistent, fast, and quiet. Also, pretty much no chops with a properly set LPR, the ACE, and the Halo.

how many shots can you roughly get with a 68 3K?

08-27-2003, 10:03 AM
OK guys, im gonna have to go with the gen e matrix. I just love that gun. 88/45 tank, medium drop and a egg 2 hopper. (already have the hopper)

08-27-2003, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by magmasta1234
OK guys, im gonna have to go with the gen e matrix. I just love that gun. 88/45 tank, medium drop and a egg 2 hopper. (already have the hopper)

Just a note on the tank. I think that's a good sizae but make sure to get an 88 "stubby" not one of the long ones.

08-27-2003, 12:26 PM
For the best LCD matrix thats fully pimped out check out thematrixcenter.com.

No sKiLLz
08-27-2003, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by magmasta1234
OK guys, im gonna have to go with the gen e matrix. I just love that gun. 88/45 tank, medium drop and a egg 2 hopper. (already have the hopper)

If you have a little patience, wait a few weeks for DYE to introduce their LCD Trix. Pre order is already available at paintballgateway.com. Has eye, rocket lpr & inline (not the greatest, but anything is better than centerflag) and has a little weight milled off the back for $1050. If you have extra cash, try to get the new Evolve bolt kit ([email protected]). It's the only Delrin out right now for the Matrix and has similar efficiency to the FreeFlow, and if you have a little bit MORE money to spend, get the C4 mod which is a different type of Leethal mod but works on the same principle.

I like Darklords suggestions. It's nice to see people are starting to see what the NYX is all about. I'll have vids of AO guys shooting one after the 30th. I'll even take a vid of my GF walking the trigger, and she has never fired a paintball gun in her life.:D

08-27-2003, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by SomebodySomeoneRTPcf
I should slap you...NO 21inch anything more than 16 in ch MAX. is just slowing your paintball down but it does make it quieter.....DON'T EXCHANGE range/accuracy for sound.

No scope. No gun is sooo accurate that your scope will always be consistent ie. spikes, wind, ect. it just adds wieght.....wieght is bad :(

BACK PLAYERS DON"T NEED FAST HOPPERS well, more than 12v....cause if you use that much paint as a back player WILL WILL BE FILLING AND NOT LOOKING/COVERING YOUR TEAMATES.....jeez "mess with the best, DIE like the REST!"

You my friend our a idiot. Let me break down this losers post for you. "I should slap you...NO 21inch anything more than 16 in ch MAX. is just slowing your paintball down but it does make it quieter.....DON'T EXCHANGE range/accuracy for sound." IDIOT! Do you not understand sarcasm my friend? First off I would like the think that any self respecting player that has been playing the game for more the 6 months would know that anyone says a 21" barrel is a joke. Also what are you mumbleing about how quite it is? Wake up NO ONE CARES ABOUT HOW LOUD YOUR MARKER IS.

"No scope. No gun is sooo accurate that your scope will always be consistent ie. spikes, wind, ect. it just adds wieght.....wieght is bad :( "

You know to save my self from throwing up I'm not even gonna touch that comment.

BACK PLAYERS DON"T NEED FAST HOPPERS well, more than 12v....cause if you use that much paint as a back player WILL WILL BE FILLING AND NOT LOOKING/COVERING YOUR TEAMATES.....jeez "mess with the best, DIE like the REST!"

Wow you really are not that bright are you? Well sense in your opinion that back players dont need fast hoppers then why did they make Egg II and Halo Bs? Also I think in what you wrote up there in that fragment of a sentence says something like, "If your throwing alot of paint you want be covering your teammates." Let me get this straight if your holding your oppent down for your front guys to move thats not covering them? Oh, and to this "mess with the best, DIE like the REST!" Thats why you are a loser.

Now I will answer your questions.

Bob Long Intimidator with WAS (something with a clamshell)
Almost any type of good running matrix, I would say freeflow with eyes.

I would say Egg II with y board alot lighter then the halo B

88/45 Stubby.

08-27-2003, 01:51 PM
Still, no one ahs suggested the venerable e-mag

so i will :)

I would truthfully suggest a completely ULE e-mag, with
ULE body Vert
ule rail
ule frame

then you throw a nice crossfire 88 stubb on there, with what ever drop configuration you like

then you lighten ytour trigger just ho you like it, and you go to town

the matrix is a wonderful marker, so is the timmy, the viking, the angel, and the e-mag

we are all gunna tell you different things, so decide on the one you like the best and get it

08-27-2003, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by SpongeBobSquarePants
I would say Egg II with y board alot lighter then the halo B

This has already been discussed in the past. There have been tests about this and the lightest Egg II setup w/paint is just as "heavy" as the lightest Halo B setup w/paint.

Yes, they hold different amounts of paint, and yes they feed at different rates, but the weight of the hopper should not be an issue in deciding which hopper to get. The capacity and rate of feeding should be the deciding factor.

No sKiLLz
08-27-2003, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by Marek

This has already been discussed in the past. There have been tests about this and the lightest Egg II setup w/paint is just as "heavy" as the lightest Halo B setup w/paint.

Yes, they hold different amounts of paint, and yes they feed at different rates, but the weight of the hopper should not be an issue in deciding which hopper to get. The capacity and rate of feeding should be the deciding factor.

I agree, but as far as capacity goes, the Egg II and TSA Back player are almost useless till someone makes bigger pods. Even though it will take longer to empty the hopper from the whistle, you can't fill it more than 150 rounds at a time after that.

08-27-2003, 04:28 PM
14in CP 1 piece
Halo B
2k2 Timmy with WAS

08-27-2003, 04:28 PM
idk about an ideal setup...........but.....

Our backs shoot Matrix's with boomys, one with a Halo B and one with an Egg 2, both with 68/45 presets. And they lay enough paint to keep me happy, thats for sure.

08-27-2003, 04:39 PM
No-rise body
16" Ultralite or Boomy
Shocktech long drop
PMI 88/45 stubby

.....or, if you really want to sling more paint than that(but not as fast)

Shocktech SFL cocker w/ Turtle cocker milling
16" Boomy or Ultralite
Free-flow internals
Sidewinder Inline reg
Quick exhaust valves
Shocktech long drop
PMI 88/45 Stubby
HALO B or Eggy

The reason for the Turtle milling is because they use a delrin backblock, which is of course, much lighter than stock. This means the moving mass is much less and your gun will be steady. Also, the fact that SFL cockers are stupid light combined with even more lightening, makes for a gun that you could carry comfortably in one hand for hours and hours.

Now if PMI would make an 88/5000 system, back players around the world could really move some paint.

08-27-2003, 04:41 PM
I should slap you...NO 21inch anything more than 16 in ch MAX. is just slowing your paintball down but it does make it quieter.....DON'T EXCHANGE range/accuracy for sound.

dude, i was joking like haha;)

08-27-2003, 05:29 PM
Eh, even though it's all opinion, I'll put in my thoughts on the best back player guns:

Any upgraded/custom Matrix
Viking with WAS
Excalibur with WAS
E-Blade Cockers and Hybrids
Angel Speeds, IR3s, and LCDs

E-Mags are great, but back players need a gun with good efficiency. As good as an E-Mag is, there are characteristics that it lacks that backplayers find useful.

08-28-2003, 09:25 AM
I do like the egg 2 cus u can leave it open in the back for faster filling. It deos have a hella fast feed rate too. And personally i like the looks and how it sits back.

08-28-2003, 09:29 AM
idk about an ideal setup...........but.....

Our backs shoot Matrix's with boomys, one with a Halo B and one with an Egg 2, both with 68/45 presets. And they lay enough paint to keep me happy, thats for sureidk about an ideal setup...........but.....

OK, I'm not totally sure about the tank, so what does everyone think about a 68/45 or maybe a new 68/50

08-28-2003, 09:30 AM
haha the top is from torbo i dunno how to do that reply thing

08-28-2003, 11:00 AM
WOW.. there is alot of crap in here... but there is alot of "good" info too..

as far as gun, it depends on what your looking to do. You can get a Spyder base gun with elctro frame and do great in some local tournys... but if you are looking at jumping into the bigger tournys, the open tournys and such then you are going to need a much higher end gun... such as a Timmy, E-Mag, Xmag, Trix, and so on...

which ever way you go, you need a fast hopper. So you don't shoot 16bps, you shoot 10.... if you use a 12V Revy you might not have a problem, but what happens that one time you pull 12bps and the revy skips, you are then worthless b/c you just fill your barrel with paint.

This is my suggestion.. if you are running low end tournys..

Any basic gun (spyder, piranha, mag) with elctro frame, for Air ball 14-18" barrel *boomsticks shoot well, or you can get the empire kit and then you have it all*(they also cost bout the same)
tank, Nitro will be your best bet, but if you can't afford it then CO2 will work, being back you need a 20OZ.
Pack.. Any pack you like that carries more then 5 -for 3 man, and more then 7 for 5-man.
Mask is up to you..

For mid-range set up
Impulse, Bushmaster, classic timmys, Automag RTs, Emag, shocker *they are gas hoggs though, but shoot CO2 real well*
so your guns between $1,000 and $300
Barrel is the same, I highly recommend the Empire Kit.
Tanks... if you are stepping up in guns, you need to in tanks also, it's the life....

High Range...
you need a gun that can take a beating, one that can shoot fast, and not chop b/c the higher you go in the tournys, the faster everyone shoots.
Look to spend more then $1,000 on just the gun....
but your asking us this question, so I doubt your to this level yet =]

I hope I helped a bit...

good luck

08-28-2003, 02:29 PM
If you want a full setup for $1000:

Dark Viking un-milled-- $745
Evo-II----------------- $70
68/4500---------------- $180

WAS Eye Kit + Covers--- ~$40

The Viking is up there with the Excal as the most efficent markers in the market. You may be able to get (depending on paint/barrel match and velocity) well over 1600 shots off a 68/45. Plus the Dark Viking comes with 03 Stickes and the Razor trigger (best viking trigger).

08-28-2003, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by ZyperioN
If you want a full setup for $1000:

Dark Viking un-milled-- $745
Evo-II----------------- $70
Could you direct me to a place that sells them at this price?
68/4500---------------- $180
Again, where can I find this?

WAS Eye Kit + Covers--- ~$40

The Viking is up there with the Excal as the most efficent markers in the market. You may be able to get (depending on paint/barrel match and velocity) well over 1600 shots off a 68/45. Plus the Dark Viking comes with 03 Stickes and the Razor trigger (best viking trigger).
Actually most Vikings can get a whole case off of a 68/45. In general they are a tincy bit mroe efficienct than Excals, but not too much.

08-28-2003, 06:28 PM
yeah actually your right i just checked again and it's 1400-1600 for a 45/45. I had my figures wrong, my apologies. And with the viking a new barrel isnt needed, the javelin is a great barrel in itself.

As for those prices:

Evo-II: http://store.yahoo.com/actionvillage/014-9080.html (they are $73 now, i've seen them as low as $65 there on sale)

68/4500: http://store.yahoo.com/actionvillage/031-7000.html
(again, they are $185 now, as low as $180 on sale, just have to keep your eye on for PBgear's sale emails)