View Full Version : wuts so special...

08-20-2003, 06:56 PM
about a intimidator. i know there fast but they look big. why do so many pros use them. are they accurate and don t tell me that accuracy depends on paint to barrel match bc thats not true. i think a e orracle or e mag is better than the timmy. i ve just been wondering about that for a while and thought i would get some answers bc i never shot one before. thanx for any answers

also is a e orracle good? they seem really cool lmk if u have one and tell me how u like it

08-20-2003, 07:02 PM
personal preference, just because YOU think an e-orracle or e-mag is better doesn't mean other people think it's better.

if there was a definate "best" paintball marker everyone would have one.

WAS board is a little bonus.

EDIT: wait i just read this
You think an e-orracle is better than a timmy then you ask if an e-orracle is anygood?

08-20-2003, 07:04 PM
i didn t say they were better cause i never shot one

08-20-2003, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by Treefall25
...i think a e orracle or e mag is better than the timmy.

sure you didn't ;)

08-20-2003, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by Treefall25
are they accurate and don t tell me that accuracy depends on paint to barrel match bc thats not true.

BUAHAHAHA the funny thing is, that is true! combined with reg efficiency.... but dont let "them" know that...

08-20-2003, 07:22 PM
woops well just pretend i didn t say they were better

08-20-2003, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by Treefall25
i think a e orracle or e mag is better than the timmy.

also is a e orracle good? they seem really cool lmk if u have one and tell me how u like it

Kind of Ironic. Puttin down the Timmy saying how an E-orracle is better. Yet you don't even know how good an E-orracle is?

08-20-2003, 07:48 PM
i didn t put it down i was asking how it was and i said that about the e orracle cause i tested it and it seemed really nice but i only shot around 20 balls through it. and i didn t put down anything i just said that i was wondering wuts so good about them cause everyone has them. thats all sorry for wording my thread wrong

08-20-2003, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by Treefall25
are they accurate and don t tell me that accuracy depends on paint to barrel match bc thats not true.

... :rolleyes:
Paint to barrel match = most important
Consistant velocity exiting barrel = next important

Doesnt matter what gun it is

08-20-2003, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by Treefall25
i didn t say they were better cause i never shot one

i didnt read all the way through but didnt u say like 3 post later oyu shot twenty balls threw it, just keep your story strait that way less people will flame you

08-20-2003, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by FalconGuy016

... :rolleyes:
Paint to barrel match = most important
Consistant velocity exiting barrel = next important

Doesnt matter what gun it is

oh yeah guns with less kick are usually more accurate too because they are easier to control but i guess that kinda has to do with the person so you couldnt judge a gun on that unless you hold the gun really losely (like me)

08-20-2003, 08:37 PM
i said in the post that i never shot a timmy but i shot a orracle like i said a posts later

08-20-2003, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by Treefall25
are they accurate and don t tell me that accuracy depends on paint to barrel match bc thats not true.

I've got a great bridge for sale. It's in Broooklyn and I'll let it go pretty cheap.

08-20-2003, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by Treefall25
i said in the post that i never shot a timmy but i shot a orracle like i said a posts later

thats what i meant you said you never shot a e-oracle and then like a few posts later you said you did

08-20-2003, 08:44 PM
about a intimidator. i know there fast but they look big. why do so many pros use them. are they accurate and don t tell me that accuracy depends on paint to barrel match bc thats not true. i think a e orracle or e mag is better than the timmy. i ve just been wondering about that for a while and thought i would get some answers bc i never shot one before. thanx for any answers

also is a e orracle good? they seem really cool lmk if u have one and tell me how u like it

the post is pretty much about a timmy and u have to assume i never shot a timmy and i only mentioned the orracle and mag to see if they are better or not thats all

08-20-2003, 08:46 PM
Personally I rather like this one... Who me? Biased?...

08-20-2003, 08:50 PM
Whomever said it was because timmy users cheat hit the nail on the head. WAS boards have easily adjustable debounce settings, and the reason they're given the extremely good reputation for speed is that a low debounce would allow a retarded monkey to shoot extremely fast on a WASed timmy.

Basically, all high-end electros shoot well, more or less. Timmies have WAS boards, and good marketing, this sets them apart as faster, and more popular. They win.

08-20-2003, 08:52 PM
^^ bravo

08-20-2003, 08:53 PM
thanx sparks thats all i was looking for

08-20-2003, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by FalconGuy016

... :rolleyes:
Paint to barrel match = most important
Consistant velocity exiting barrel = next important

Doesnt matter what gun it is

Just being picky put paint to barrel match is HOW you get a consistant velocity exiting the barrel. They aren't two different things.

08-20-2003, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by AcemanPB

Just being picky put paint to barrel match is HOW you get a consistant velocity exiting the barrel. They aren't two different things.

Well, and a good consistant flow from the output of the gun itself, thats why I made it a second thing. Its still a 'cause' for accuracy, whether the other one effects it or not.

08-20-2003, 09:00 PM
then why is my brother s spyder shoot nothing like my omen with the same barrels and paint. i know everyone says its the paint to barrel match but i think its the gun mostly

08-20-2003, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by manike
Personally I rather like this one... Who me? Biased?...

have fun cleaning up that milling

08-20-2003, 09:05 PM
manike where did you get the fully clear halo!!! i must know! and you must tell me man!

08-20-2003, 09:57 PM
the reason timmy's are SOO popular = GREAT ADVERTISING! (and availability)

Bob has got SOO many teams shooting timmys that they're everywhere now! And when John Newbie sees everyone shooting timmys, he goes out and buys one too because it's cool (not knocking the guns performance they're great guns)

Also, like what was said in the other thread, they're VERY VERY easily procured. National makes it easy for even the smallest backwater stores to get them, so obviously the stores would rather push a gun that THEY can get easier than something that's a hassle to get.

Now, i am in NO WAY bashing people that own timmys, or the gun itself. Heck, i've got a black-blue Z timmy coming sunday!:D :eek: :cool:

08-20-2003, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by manike
Personally I rather like this one... Who me? Biased?...

You do good work, Manike.

No sKiLLz
08-20-2003, 11:58 PM
What should be interesting to see is if the Intimidator and the Matrix become like the Mags and the Cockers back in the nineties. Now that DYE has procured the rights to produce the Matrix, how does their marketing stack against National Paintball Supply? Both markers are very similar in performance, edging each other out in different categories. Bob Long has had the stage for some time now, but come September Dave DeHaan is going to unzip his fly...:D

08-21-2003, 01:31 AM
Originally posted by Treefall25
then why is my brother s spyder shoot nothing like my omen with the same barrels and paint. i know everyone says its the paint to barrel match but i think its the gun mostly
Because your Omen has less kick and a regulator (helps with verticle accuracy due to consistancy).

Keep in mind, a lot of it is also "percieved" accuracy as well. The height of the gun, type of recoil, and other factors can make it appear to be more accurate to the shooter.

08-21-2003, 09:06 AM
Timmy's are sweet because you can set the debounce to 1 and kill people :-) They also have very little kick. It's cool to shoot a million darts per second!

08-21-2003, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by Treefall25
are they accurate and don t tell me that accuracy depends on paint to barrel match bc thats not true.

How is that not true?

Explain to me how one gun can be more accurate than another besides paint/barrel match and consistency in velocity??:confused:

08-21-2003, 10:53 AM
I think the thread starter just proves why education in this country is horrible. I mean his grammar and spelling aside he has no idea how to convey a message. When challenged he gets all defensive about simple criticisms. Plus his information is wrong. I am a teacher and this is exactly what I try to dispell in my students, this ignorance if you will. Well we all know ignorance is applauded in this country, look at every moron who gets on TV and gives thier opinion. If you can't convey a message, you are almost useless. My old 8th grade teacher used to day, "put your mind in gear before your mouth in motion." Hmmmm, now I'm depressed, must go drink :)

No sKiLLz
08-21-2003, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by WilliamEric
Timmy's are sweet because you can set the debounce to 1 and kill people :-) They also have very little kick. It's cool to shoot a million darts per second!

This is the kind of thing we don't need in our sport. Keep doing that and you will never get any better at paintball, and you certainly won't survive a tournament when a ref won't let you play until you reset your debounce.

08-21-2003, 01:21 PM
If you do a decent search on most forums. Or, better yet. Check out warpig, they use bench vices to lock the marker down during their paint to barrel test. Why? So that you can eliminate the "kick" that a marker has. One less variable to mess with.

I used to shoot a shocker on a 68 cu. in. CO2 tank. Was it heavy? Yup, and that helped to minimize the kick from the bolt cycling, paintball flying, elves dancing, etc. On the other hand my Angel LED would consistantly pull upwards during firing. Yes, paint to barrel match is critical if you can keep your marker stable. If you have difficulty holding your marker stable, of course it'll affect accuracy. :D

Try stabilizing both markers when you fire. Using the same barrel and paint. With good regulation of air to the marker, and both markers set at the same fps. I can almost guarantee that if you shoot slowly, you'll notice very little difference between markers, if any difference at all.

Edit to fix typos and to add last paragraph.

08-21-2003, 02:19 PM
Hey mr.teacher i happen to get all A's and a one b so if u want i can e mail u some of my essays to prove that i am not a dumbass. i got a 1350 on my sats but when it comes to writing a thread i could really care less about my grammar. i am on my way to being a pharmacist so go and teach other kids bc i think my teachers did a fine job. ohh and u taught me something worthwhile: go and drink when u have problems. good work

also i think that my reg on my omen is really good which is the cause of the better accuracy but i still think some guns are more accurate than others no matter wut ppl say

08-21-2003, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by Treefall25


08-21-2003, 03:43 PM
if we re gonna get picky "thier" wow i never knew that word existed we learn something new everyday.

my 8th grade teacher used to day stuff all the time too.

08-21-2003, 03:55 PM
not to become one of those "flaming" threads that the mods have to close...but I have a really hard time understanding what your typing about.

It would help to get your point accross if you DID care. I mean obviously you care enough about your opinions on accuracy and your omen...so why not "care" when talking about them.

08-21-2003, 04:38 PM
yeah i know thanx for being nice about it its just that i had work 8-5 football 6-9 then a little fun after that so when i came home i was little out of it so all i wanted to know was why everyone uses timmys bc i never shot one before and wanted to know if they were really that good. thats all and my question was answered so everyone thanx for ur criticism and next time i ll think before i write.

08-21-2003, 05:03 PM
people use timmy's cus their good guns, i have one and its a good gun, not quite my style but a good gun nonetheless. btw its for sale if you wants it :D

08-21-2003, 06:19 PM
yeah thanx but i think i m gonna get a e mag hehehe

08-21-2003, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by madmatt151
I think the thread starter just proves why education in this country is horrible. I mean his grammar and spelling aside he has no idea how to convey a message. When challenged he gets all defensive about simple criticisms. Plus his information is wrong. I am a teacher and this is exactly what I try to dispell in my students, this ignorance if you will. Well we all know ignorance is applauded in this country, look at every moron who gets on TV and gives thier opinion. If you can't convey a message, you are almost useless. My old 8th grade teacher used to day, "put your mind in gear before your mouth in motion." Hmmmm, now I'm depressed, must go drink :)

Originally posted by Treefall25
Hey mr.teacher i happen to get all A's and a one b so if u want i can e mail u some of my essays to prove that i am not a dumbass. i got a 1350 on my sats but when it comes to writing a thread i could really care less about my grammar. i am on my way to being a pharmacist so go and teach other kids bc i think my teachers did a fine job. ohh and u taught me something worthwhile: go and drink when u have problems. good work

also i think that my reg on my omen is really good which is the cause of the better accuracy but i still think some guns are more accurate than others no matter wut ppl say

Treefall, I sincerely doubt that Matt was insulting your intelligence in a demeaning way on purpose, just that you perceived it to be in such a way. He stated something many believe to be true. While education in this country is at a higher average(in some areas), it is still well below what we could be achieving.

Now to get back to my point. My point is that what you say about an SAT score of 1300, and all A's except a B does not mean anything. This is the internet. People lie and decieve others every day. For all we know you could be a 300-pound thirteen year old who sits on his A** all day in a windowless room getting a CRT tan. Or, you could a a rich kid going to a boarding school in Sweden. Just like I could say I am Bill Gates, or even god.

While I know I am not Bill Gates, or god for that matter, I can still say that I am. Granted, no one would believe me, but it still proves my point. Very few people on the internet are as how you perceive them to be.

are they accurate and don t tell me that accuracy depends on paint to barrel match bc thats not true.

Now this is quite scary. You feel that you are able to argue with the likes of Tom Kaye, and the majority of the paintball industry on what is a known fact? Paint to barrel match is written in stone. Black and White. There is no debating this fact. Unless, this is just another damn marketing scheme in an effort to fool us all into buying their products. Hmmm, smells like Roswell to me. Maybe the government is behind this...

Ok, now my rant is over, and I thank you for being patient. Now that the rant is all over, I have some advice which I feel may be helpful to you. People would be less likely to insult your intelligence if you took the time to reread your posts, and check for spelling and grammatical errors.

08-21-2003, 11:35 PM
trust me i know about the nation s education. i mean i live in NJ where education is above normal but also drugs are very attainable which clogs the minds of these young adolescents. which in turn makes them lazy and such. i would bet my life if we solved the drug problem then the kids would be motivated to actually do work. Also i understand that i can very well be a fat rich kid but i m not. and finally maybe its in my mind but i shot my brother s spyder then my omen with the same barrel and paint and u couldn t compare the accuracy cause the spyder sukked. ohh well i m not gonna try and defend that but i guess i m wrong. And i only go on the computer if i m looking to buy something or posted something or talking to sum ppl on aim