View Full Version : An Effective Protest Against SP

08-21-2003, 11:43 AM
Is it just me or does the original SP Patent thread take forever to open or return server errors? That's why I started a new thread.

Boycotting SP is a good idea if you previously bought products on a regular basis from them. In my case however, it’s pointless. I’ve never been interested in purchasing anything from them. From the first day they claimed that spiral port holes spun the paintball to make more accurate shots they’ve been at the bottom of my list of respectable paintball companies.

To make them really listen, the protest has to cost them time and money so that they will take notice.

I suggest that the AO army be mobilized. Some one should write a polite and to the point complaint each and every time SP does something we all disagree with. Once it is written, each person willing to participate should:
1 - Print out a copy, sign it (with name, address, and phone number for authentication) and snail mail it to SP. If there are multiple addresses we could send to send a copy to each. (This action will cost us each money, but real mail is an effective tool)
2 - E-mail a copy to every available SP contact address.
3 - Phone every 1-800/888 number that SP uses and read the complaint to whomever answers. At all times remain cool and polite. (It would be best if the same author created a phone conversation script to follow).
4 - Phone any other SP phone numbers with the same complaint. (Anyone know the Gardner’s cell and home phone numbers?)

To ensure effectiveness of the phone call campaign, times to call could be scheduled based on first letter of our family names. Each group of letters given a time frame during which to call. That way the effort would be spread out during the day and protesters would have less risk of wasting their time with busy signals.

The effect on SP would be the cost of:
1- time and energy to open all the mail.
2- time and energy to deal with the E-mail.
3- time, energy, phone bills to deal with the 1-800/888 calls and the sales lost due to the lines being tied up.
4- time, energy, sales lost, effect of worsened customer service due to the regular phone lines being tied up.

In addition money, time and resources devoted to answering/dealing with the complaints removes time and resources from pursuing the lawsuits.

I will admit the 1-800/888 calling idea is not my own. I once heard that a major political party campaign was decimated because their 1-800/888 number had been deliberately published by someone as a free phone-sex number. The subsequent deluge of calls swamped their call center and used up their communications budget (1-800/888 is like calling collect. The recipient has to bear the costs of the call.).

I'll have alook at the anti-SP website. Guess it would be best to organise from there wiht a periodic update to AO.

Just a thought or two.

No sKiLLz
08-21-2003, 11:57 AM
I'll do it. I can send my mail from work for free. Best thing to do since I ran out of C-4...