View Full Version : Dry firing and saving gas..

08-21-2003, 03:45 PM
Ok so the markers generally use up more gas if you fire them without any paint right?

well what could i do to get the same efficiency as if i were shooting paint, without shooting paint? I want to do a few "how fast can i pull the trigger" tests but i need to conserve my air until next weekend.

edit: forgot to mention this is on my emag w/level 10 so just sticking a squeegy in there will cause the level 10 to vent slowly which would not give me accurate cps....i think :P

08-21-2003, 03:55 PM
Tballs! :)

08-21-2003, 03:58 PM
have none :(

the local shop has something they have labeled "nerf balls". look foam/rubberish but the things are pretty haggard, excess chunks of foam hanging off the side and/or missing out of the ball...

And they wanted 2 for $1....

08-21-2003, 04:23 PM
Why would dryfiring use more air? Not saying your wrong or anything I've just never heard that before.

When the air chamber emptys it emptys, it doesn't matter if something is in the barrel right?

08-21-2003, 04:39 PM
With a paintball in the barrel, the air pressure can't instantly dissipate because the ball is in the way, so when the bolt resets , there is still some pressure in the dump chamber.

Without a paintball, there isn't any obstruction and more air can escape before the bolt resets.

Hope that makes sense.

08-21-2003, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by speeddemon
With a paintball in the barrel, the air pressure can't instantly dissipate because the ball is in the way, so when the bolt resets , there is still some pressure in the dump chamber.

Without a paintball, there isn't any obstruction and more air can escape before the bolt resets.

Hope that makes sense.

But wouldnt it just come out the feed?

08-21-2003, 06:53 PM
Guys, the perfect solution to this problem is a product that Centerflag Paintball now makes. I think it's called the Ninja but they don't have it listed on their site. What it is, is a muffler built onto the end of the barrel and vents the gas through covered holes. The result is a very quiet sound and probably better gas efficiency. You can take an old barrel and do this by putting a battleswab in your barrel and taping it up so it doens't shoot out. Centerflag just makes a barrel that does specifically that. It's not up on thier website, you'd have to call them at 630-553-2611.

08-21-2003, 09:24 PM
interesting....sounds like an idea.

08-22-2003, 07:38 AM
Guys, Effiency is only bad dryfireing in the stacked tube type guns (cocker, angel, timmy, viking, etc...). Think about it, when you fire a mag, the air source is CUT OFF while the dump chamber is released, meaning that only the set amount of air can be released before its done cycling.

For the stacked tube type guns, just take the bolt and turn it upside down. Air will still get out, but not nearly as much.

You could also turn your velocity down alot too...

08-22-2003, 09:52 AM
seriously tho how much gas do you think your going to save? i wouldnt think much...

08-22-2003, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by xmetal2001
Why would dryfiring use more air? Not saying your wrong or anything I've just never heard that before.

When the air chamber emptys it emptys, it doesn't matter if something is in the barrel right?

yeah.. it wouldn'e seal around the paint as well...

and damn i gotta get some tballs, i wanna play bb's vs tballs hehehehehe!

08-22-2003, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by TheFlamingKoosh
Guys, Effiency is only bad dryfireing in the stacked tube type guns (cocker, angel, timmy, viking, etc...). Think about it, when you fire a mag, the air source is CUT OFF while the dump chamber is released, meaning that only the set amount of air can be released before its done cycling.

For the stacked tube type guns, just take the bolt and turn it upside down. Air will still get out, but not nearly as much.

You could also turn your velocity down alot too...

When firing a mag without paint, your shot count will drop. The dump chamber does not reach ambient due to the spring returning the bolt.

08-22-2003, 11:29 AM
I HIGHLY doubt that a mag with no paint will get worse efficiency than a mag with paint. Just doesn't make sense to me, sorry. Maybe if the ball took 3 seconds to get out the barrel and it formed a perfect seal, and the feed tube was somehow sealed while it was firing. I aint no expert and I never claimed to be intellimigent but I'd put money down that there would be a sub 1% difference either way, and even if there was a sub 1% change i doubt it would probably be a different factor that made that happen too :)

anyhow, when I wanna dry fire for long strings I just toss a barrel swab in the barrel, turn the other end on the outside of the barrel and put a barrel condom on there tight. Nice and quiet. :)

08-22-2003, 04:44 PM
I know it sounds stupid, and I have no idea why/ how it happens, but the efficency seems NOTICABLY worst when I dry-fire. I never said anything because it didn't make sense, I thought I just notice it differently or something

08-22-2003, 05:44 PM
you do get worse efficiency while firing without paint, even on a mag.

the difference is backpressure. without a ball, there is no backpressure, so air will escape as fast as it can. (no, the feed tube has nothing to do with it, the bolt is past the feedtube when it fires, remember?) when you have paint in the gun the backpressure will hold back a small % of air. it is not alot, but over 500-1000 shots, you will see a difference.