View Full Version : Tom. Reg seats. NOW!

08-21-2003, 04:12 PM
Or else I send in The Specialist.


08-21-2003, 04:49 PM

08-21-2003, 05:18 PM
sorry but the hair and little toys and what not in the background made it go from a bad arse to flaming homoerotic male dancer like that *snaps fingers*:eek: ;)

08-21-2003, 05:28 PM
dansim, that was kinda the whole joke, lol

This guy has a long history on the www.ar15.com forums. They call him the "Mall Ninja", he is a mall security guard and came onto ar15.com asking what kind of vest will stop a .308 round and "for now" he is duct taping a trauma plate to his back, LOL. When they asked why he needed it he said he wanted his "partner" (which later we found out was his wife) would be using him as cover as she traded shots with the opposing force. Basicly he wanted the best vest to cover his back so he could have his back to "the shooter" and hand his wife magazines as she used him for cover...

It all went down hill from there, that photo above has been photoshopped so many times you wouldn't believe it. Even us NRA members laughed at this guy... I swear I wanna make a movie about the Mall Ninja, lol

08-21-2003, 07:55 PM
That's the most hilarious thing I've seen in quite some time.

08-21-2003, 11:45 PM
I knew there was a reason I quit going to AR15.com

08-21-2003, 11:48 PM
An assasination threat on Tom? ban him!:D

08-22-2003, 12:19 AM
AO members at IAO held an XMAG for ransom and we didn't get the seats... So nice try but it's been done.

08-22-2003, 07:57 AM
Is it just me or is he wearing a mitten on his left (knife) hand.

A to the G-Dizzle
08-22-2003, 01:56 PM
He's definatly a rebel with a cause.

08-22-2003, 02:42 PM
Thats part of his ninja outfit.

It's better than his other one...


08-22-2003, 02:48 PM
omg:confused: im not gunna say nothing:eek:

08-22-2003, 03:17 PM
