View Full Version : Spplat Attack Ii

08-22-2003, 12:46 AM
Well besides the fact that my Roster thread was usurped by Jon this year (I forgive you) - I am really psyched about this game for two reasons. 1 - I have not picked up my paintball gun since the LAST Spplat Attack and 2 - I get to see all your ugly mugs again!

Anyone who is mulling over this truly unique experience, should head straight to SPPLAT.com and sign up! (OK, So I haven't yet - but I am broke.) Not only will you get a fabulous weekend of play in, you will meet a FABULOUS crew of people in AOers! Hell, you can hang out with Tom and Shatner, that should be enough for anyone!

Anyway, can't wait to see you all again this year! I miss AO - can't get on enough working 10 hour days away from a computer :( I'll make up for it this weekend though!

AKA Doggie Wang

sleep need....no proofread.