View Full Version : Angel 4 *pics*

08-22-2003, 08:53 AM
Well i just got the e-mail from action-village and it says to pre-order your ANGEL 4. here are some pics for all of you who dident see it.

08-22-2003, 08:59 AM
WEll the picture dont work but it looks like it suppost to be really nice. 25% lighter than the ir3 its the lowest pressure angel ever,31 bps capible.

08-22-2003, 09:21 AM
31 bps, mmhmm, ill believe it when i see it. :rolleyes:

08-22-2003, 09:26 AM
heres one,and im sorry to say,but that trigger looks like crap.

08-22-2003, 09:28 AM
Yes the trigger does look really bad.

08-22-2003, 09:31 AM
it doesnt matter if the trigger looks bad as long as it is sweet. i believe that it looks like that so that you can have the roller adjusters on the side to make adjusting your trigger quick and easy.

Deep Sixx
08-22-2003, 09:40 AM
The trigger feels like crap too. I played around with one on the weekend. The trigger pull is very stiff and spongy and it's set a weird angle which I found very hard to walk. The space frame is designed to put your wrist at a comfortable angle, but you've got to bend it weird 'cause the trigger is angled back so it's kind of a mess.

And, I'll say it again... that gauge is FUGLY! It looks even worse in person and it's next to impossible to read.

It is small.

The bolt is kinda cheezy too. It's not exactly "soft faced" as the say. It's a regular bolt with a thin little rubber piece sticking out the front... it's not gonna stay stuck there for long.


08-22-2003, 09:44 AM
Originally posted by Benfica4ever
WEll the picture dont work but it looks like it suppost to be really nice. 25% lighter than the ir3 its the lowest pressure anel ever,31 bps capible.

lowest pressure anel? lol... lowest anel pressure... hehehe

i got that email too.. and damn it was huge.. i wonder how much wpd had to pay actionvillage.. but maybe actionvillage did it themselves to make more money? who knows... and same here i'll believe it when it shoots 31...

08-22-2003, 09:49 AM
Am I the only person who thinks LCDs are the best Angels ever?

I find the gun rather ugly, haven't shot one yet which is what matters though.

08-22-2003, 09:53 AM
two things.....

The space frame is a really good idea, but you still have to bend your wrist around an airsystem and/or bottle.

The Angels still chop paint.


08-22-2003, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by irbodden
Am I the only person who thinks LCDs are the best Angels ever?

I find the gun rather ugly, haven't shot one yet which is what matters though.

I love my lcd. I like the ir3s trigger frame, Wasnt to impressed with the speed. And the a4 look like poo.

08-22-2003, 10:12 AM
Dude, I'm sorry to break the news, but those A4 pics in the E-Mail have been out for awhile. This is all kind of old news.

Personally, I'm also a fan of the LCD. I think WDP never quite got it right with COPS or Sensi, neither have been as successful as your standard break beam eye. The Speed had potential, but unfortunately it still has too many bugs (to the point where I will not buy one). I'd like to buy an Angel someday, it'd be most likely I'd buy a used LCD and have it sent away to get the works (dissassembly, reanno, complete servicing/cleaning and o-ring/seal replacement). If possible, I'd also like to outfit it with a Space Frame.

Deep Sixx
08-22-2003, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by Bolter

The Angels still chop paint.


Mine doesn't. Ever. Thanks to COPS2, I can shoot 14bps with a 12v Rev.


08-22-2003, 10:56 AM
After handling the IR4 and most other Angel markers, I can say that ..I dun like it. It is a pretty balanced marker, and the weight is very nice but it is just weird now. The cut back is something I really dont like, y? I dont know, lol. And the bolt reminds me of some kinda Airgun bolt that ive seen before...the guy at the WDP tent said it works like a foamie bolt on an Automag, so i nodded my head. :D Its too bad WDP is also selling this marker for over a thousand, I thought it was a good trend of starting a marker under 1k. And as for the Speed, while it does have a few bugs, they really did hit what they want with the marker. It is a low pressure angel, they reduced kick, and the trigger is very nice IMO. I would take a Speed over this anyday, the IR4 is really just a bells and whistles version of the Speed actually (the gated feed neck when turned on actually reads what kind of loader you have, or how fast your feeding and caps the marker, apparently, hows that for bells?) and also has a big ugly volumizer IMO. Well.thats it for me, and as for the picture, they prolly didnt pay or anything, Paintballgear just wants to sell the marker. :D

08-22-2003, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by wobbles82
..the guy at the WDP tent said it works like a foamie bolt on an Automag,

????? Man, whats next? It feels wierd when WDP is talking about us in a sales pitch...


08-22-2003, 11:19 AM
That's both awesome and funny at the same time! Glad to see somebody in the paintball world finally admits how much they pay attention to Airgun's technology. That was the first thing I thought though when I saw the 4...was that they copied a foamie bolt.

08-22-2003, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by ZAust
31 bps, mmhmm, ill believe it when i see it. :rolleyes:

I second this. If it really can do this, then they can prove it with a vid.

08-22-2003, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by Bolter

The Angels still chop paint.

So do mags? MY speed has never chopped with sensi on or off. It pinches.

As per the 31bps issue: Frazer himself has told me it's possible, but who can shoot that fast?
Here's how the 31bps cap works: With sensi off, the maximum rate of fire is capped at 22. When you turn Sensi on, the ROF automatically is 31 with the a4, 30 with the speed. This is a great marker, it has the famous "debounce" settings, similar to a timmy, and has an anti=chop system that works. I wouldn't get one, because my speed is the same thing internally :)

08-22-2003, 11:59 AM
Um, but that doesn't prove anything. Just because someone told you that that was true, that doesn't mean it is. Are there vids of it at least cycling 31 cps?

As per the 31bps issue: Frazer himself has told me it's possible, but who can shoot that fast?

What can feed this fast? It's not a matter of who can shoot this fast, but claiming that it can shoot 31 BPS for the A4 and 30 BPS for the Speed. It just seems that it's hype, with nothing to back it up.

08-22-2003, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by Deep Sixx

Mine doesn't. Ever. Thanks to COPS2, I can shoot 14bps with a 12v Rev.

Since when does COPS make your hopper feed faster...

Deep Sixx
08-22-2003, 01:21 PM
Ok... thanks to COPS2 I can shoot 14bps with a 12v Rev without chopping.


08-22-2003, 01:38 PM
I feel they skelotonized the body too much...... looks ugly now..... I would rather get a Speed if funds were avail.

08-22-2003, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by Marek

What can feed this fast?
Q loader...
ANd don't even bother with the "what's the point that it can cycle that fast" because the automag recharge rate videos are the same thing.

08-23-2003, 05:15 AM
Originally posted by SkeL

Q loader...
ANd don't even bother with the "what's the point that it can cycle that fast" because the automag recharge rate videos are the same thing.

So putting words in my mouth now? I see the point to having tests to find out the speed of a gun. I would appreciate that we keep the conversation to things that I say, and not what you guess that people will answer.

So, there is a hopper out there can feed that many (have there been any tests done to confirm that it feeds that fast?) balls, now lets see a vid. Had a friend say the same thing, the Angel is the fastest gun out there, and it can shoot 30 bps and blah blah. So, if that's true, lets see a vid.

08-23-2003, 01:50 PM
Sure the board can tell the gun to cycle 31 times a second, but I'm doubtfull the gun can actually keep up. I don't ever see myself legally pulling more than 20bps in game anyways so it's all just one big pissing contest IMO.

The Speed, when it came out, was claimed to be the fastest marker @ 30bps, now the A4 is said to shoot at 31bps? Whatever sells more guns I guess.... :rolleyes:

08-23-2003, 02:37 PM
Well, I'm not the owner of WDP, so I don't have the ability to make a custom board with full auto at 31bps. You really think a major company would mis-advertise and risk losing everything they have built up over the years? Possible, but not PROBABLE. I'm confident that my speed could shoot 30bps if my loader and fingers could keep up.

08-23-2003, 02:46 PM
Most horrible trigger I've ever had the displeasure of touching. I still don't understand why the came out with it SO close to the speed, someone wanna clue me in here?

08-23-2003, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by SkeL
Well, I'm not the owner of WDP, so I don't have the ability to make a custom board with full auto at 31bps. You really think a major company would mis-advertise and risk losing everything they have built up over the years? Possible, but not PROBABLE. I'm confident that my speed could shoot 30bps if my loader and fingers could keep up.

Mis-advertise? I think the word you are looking for is marketing... I really DO think a company would bend the truth to sell more stuff. You make it sound like this kind of stuff never happens.

08-23-2003, 03:44 PM
when did I say this "stuff" never happens? I said it could be possible they are "bending the truth" but not probable. Too much risk. Here is an email we got from Frazer.

"Another misunderstanding is the true meaning of the 30BPS we are achieving with the Speed. Due to the redesign of the Angels internals we are now achieving 30 full mechanical cycles per second, including ball feed time. This means that there are actually 30 windows of opportunity for a ball to enter the Speed and be fired every second. This should not be confused with markers that can have their MROF turned up to 30+ and in the case of some Intimidators etc. 66.6 MROF. BPS and MROF should not be confused, as they are not the same thing. When other markers have their MROF turned up above their

Maximum mechanical capabilities (usually no more than 20 BPS) the window of opportunity for a ball to drop in is actually being shortened. In extreme cases the bolt will not even travel far enough back to allow any balls to drop in. Therefore, although other markers can activate above 20 BPS when dry firing they cannot achieve this with paint present.

Another serious advantage of achieving 30 full windows of opportunity every second (30 BPS) is that the player is far more likely to achieve higher rates of fire as the chance of the user hitting a window of opportunity are 50% higher. "

Wow, he's such a liar :rolleyes:

08-23-2003, 03:59 PM
Give me an ole' FLY IR3 that I can trade for an X-mag anyday, that's what I say.

08-23-2003, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by SkeL
when did I say this "stuff" never happens? I said it could be possible they are "bending the truth" but not probable. Too much risk. Here is an email we got from Frazer.

"Another misunderstanding is the true meaning of the 30BPS we are achieving with the Speed. Due to the redesign of the Angels internals we are now achieving 30 full mechanical cycles per second, including ball feed time. This means that there are actually 30 windows of opportunity for a ball to enter the Speed and be fired every second. This should not be confused with markers that can have their MROF turned up to 30+ and in the case of some Intimidators etc. 66.6 MROF. BPS and MROF should not be confused, as they are not the same thing. When other markers have their MROF turned up above their

Maximum mechanical capabilities (usually no more than 20 BPS) the window of opportunity for a ball to drop in is actually being shortened. In extreme cases the bolt will not even travel far enough back to allow any balls to drop in. Therefore, although other markers can activate above 20 BPS when dry firing they cannot achieve this with paint present.

Another serious advantage of achieving 30 full windows of opportunity every second (30 BPS) is that the player is far more likely to achieve higher rates of fire as the chance of the user hitting a window of opportunity are 50% higher. "

Wow, he's such a liar :rolleyes:

I already know WDP said the gun can cycle 31 times a seccon (and note that their is a difference between CPS and BPS) but I have yet to see PROOF. You think if WDP is sitting around testing $1300++ markers they could atleast set up a simple video camera to hush people like me.

08-23-2003, 05:56 PM
and when they set thier gun down for a second, behind thier back bend a staple through 2 porting holes in the barrel, then you have a "30bps" expensive spray painter :D

ANgels are really expensive, and im sure im never gonna get the funds to think about geting one any time soon

08-23-2003, 06:54 PM

08-23-2003, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by SkeL
when did I say this "stuff" never happens? I said it could be possible they are "bending the truth" but not probable. Too much risk. Here is an email we got from Frazer.

"Another misunderstanding is the true meaning of the 30BPS we are achieving with the Speed. Due to the redesign of the Angels internals we are now achieving 30 full mechanical cycles per second, including ball feed time. This means that there are actually 30 windows of opportunity for a ball to enter the Speed and be fired every second. This should not be confused with markers that can have their MROF turned up to 30+ and in the case of some Intimidators etc. 66.6 MROF. BPS and MROF should not be confused, as they are not the same thing. When other markers have their MROF turned up above their

Maximum mechanical capabilities (usually no more than 20 BPS) the window of opportunity for a ball to drop in is actually being shortened. In extreme cases the bolt will not even travel far enough back to allow any balls to drop in. Therefore, although other markers can activate above 20 BPS when dry firing they cannot achieve this with paint present.

Another serious advantage of achieving 30 full windows of opportunity every second (30 BPS) is that the player is far more likely to achieve higher rates of fire as the chance of the user hitting a window of opportunity are 50% higher. "

Wow, he's such a liar :rolleyes:

Yes, I think they would. They did it with the Speed.

Here is the thing that I get from that. They advertise 31 bps. Not 31 cps, or 31 windows of possibilities to shoot, nope 31 bps. I don't see that there is much interpretation either, since 31 bps means that 31 balls can be shot at one second. To me, it creates people that say that the Angel is the fastest gun out there, cuz it can shoot 31 bps. Of course when asked for a vid, "Well, you can't cuz it doesn't have full-auto." Then how can a compnay claim that then? Because they say so. Because they guess so? They guess they can shoot 31 bps.

I am sorry, but I do not know who this guy Fraiser is. If you could enlighten me, I would appreciate that.

Now, if this is the case, then there are 31 windows to shoot, and the max that any person can do is 20 bps. (physically possible) I would think that there would be a better chance of catching a window in that second if there were more windows than just 31. I.E. 66.6 windows would be a lot easier to hit in a second than 31 windows.

Now here is another question I have. Sensi, it's a pressure sensitive detection system, right? Why don't they use ACE and get it over with. With ACE, I've never had to calibrate the sensor (is this everyime you turn it on? Im referring to the ball test) or change settings of sensitivity. Not to say that ACE isn't perfect, but that would be along the same lines as saying a marker was perfect. Which of course, there is no perfect marker.

08-23-2003, 07:26 PM
thats a nice IR3

08-23-2003, 08:17 PM
well it looks nice anyway :rolleyes:

08-23-2003, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by Deep Sixx
Ok... thanks to COPS2 I can shoot 14bps with a 12v Rev without chopping.


so u can shoot faster than your revy can feed, how exactly is that possible.

P.S revies feed 11 bps


paint magnet
08-23-2003, 08:30 PM
Maybe he has a WAS boarded revvie?

Anyway, this debate over who's gun can shoot the fastest is getting really old. First of all no one can shoot a gun that fast, and if they could that would be just plain dangerous.

08-23-2003, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by paint magnet
Maybe he has a WAS boarded revvie?

Anyway, this debate over who's gun can shoot the fastest is getting really old. First of all no one can shoot a gun that fast, and if they could that would be just plain dangerous.

I don't think anyone has mentioned anything about another gun being faster, or if the Speed is the fastest out there. The only question is the claim on the advertisement that says that Speeds shoot 30 bps and the A4 31 bps.

People take that as truth and spew it without even thinking about what that really means. Yes, it's faster than human possibility, but that is not the point of the discussion.

08-23-2003, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by paint magnet
Maybe he has a WAS boarded revvie?

Anyway, this debate over who's gun can shoot the fastest is getting really old. First of all no one can shoot a gun that fast, and if they could that would be just plain dangerous.

since when are there was boards for revvies arent those for timmies

08-23-2003, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by MayAMonkeyBeYourPinata

since when are there was boards for revvies arent those for timmies

He means the Turborev, which is made from WAS.

And there are WAS boards for other markers than just Timmys, such as Vikings and Impulses.

08-23-2003, 09:55 PM
How bout they advertise a gun that if you were to pull the trigger, (for any reason at all, including normal play) a ball will come out of the other end. And you can pull the trigger as many times as you like, and a ball will always come out of the other end.

For real, WDP makes some of the nicest guns, with some of the most mindless features. Who cares if it can shoot 30, or 31 balls a second? I want a ball to come out of the barrel when I pull the trigger, no matter how many times I pull it. What makes me mad is the fact that if I were to buy an Angel, I'd be paying over $1k for a really expenive thermometer.

08-23-2003, 11:30 PM
shot one of these things at the CFOA today

the trigger is nice, but really goofy. Feels fairly similar to a IR3 with a shortened back and a twister feed

they had the debounce setting REALLY low (first shot i took was like 4 shots per trigger pull)

i think they did that so that everyone who shot it was like " oh fizzle this thing is the pimp shizzle" and want to buy one.....

i saw the guy incharge of refilling the air so people could shoot it hold the grip in one hand, and toss the gun like 2-3 inches in the air, catch it and the force would make the gun fire like 10 times....it was insane

i say, for the $ just get a nice IR3 or Speed and pimp it out

Nick O time
08-24-2003, 12:13 AM
It sounds cool and all, but just look at it. Yuck:eek: . To me that is really ugly.

08-24-2003, 12:49 AM
www.wdp-paintball.com or www.wdp.tv, click the tech center button, or here's a link. http://www.wdp-paintball.co.uk/ontech.htm

Frazer is their top tech, not some nobody.

Please ENLIGHTEN me on how they lied about the speed.
This BPS thing is really old, I think the only thing it matters to are the newbies ;) 25bps is plenty fast for me, and warpedRT's idea is great:D I'm too tired to argue over childish things :rolleyes:

08-24-2003, 01:41 AM
Thanks for the info. You keep referring to this guy like everyone should know him. Man, it's very apparent that you like to put words in ppl's mouths or get meanings from nothing. I never said he was a nobody, but if I were to go to the Intimidators Owners Group and keep saying Curtis said this, and he said that, they wouldn't know who the hell that is.

If they put 31 bps, that means it can shoot 31 balls in a one second time frame. With me so far? That's it, nothing more, nothing less. There is no interpretation needed. Not that it is a confusion and that they are windows.

Does it do that?

Now if it doesn't matter to you, fine, then ignore it. But it bugs the hell outta me if they claim something and can't back it up.

So again, unless you have a vid proving what they claim is true, nothing you say will or can change my mind. Have fun with your Angel and have a good night.

08-24-2003, 02:30 AM
Originally posted by Marek

Now if it doesn't matter to you, fine, then ignore it. But it bugs the hell outta me if they claim something and can't back it up.
Well, they most likely aren't going to "back it up" because the probably don't feel the need. Prepare to be bugged to hell!

08-24-2003, 03:10 AM
Originally posted by SkeL
Well, they most likely aren't going to "back it up" because the probably don't feel the need. Prepare to be bugged to hell!

I think that it is more that they can't back it up than "feel the need" to. Or maybe because they don't have to because people like you will believe everything that they are told.

If you have anything more to say, pm me and we can talk some more. I sure that the others could care less of our views.

08-24-2003, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by SpongeBobSquarePants
