View Full Version : NPS bows to SP

08-22-2003, 04:08 PM
From Force of Nature

August 22, 2003

Smart Parts Website:

National Paintball Supply Website:

National Paintball Supply and Smart Parts Sign Patent License Agreement
August 22, 2003

Smart Parts, Inc. and National Paintball Supply, Inc. today announced the
signing of a Patent License Agreement giving National Paintball Supply
rights to make, sell, offer for sale, and distribute products covered by
Smart Partsą electronic paintball gun patents.

Smart Parts owns several issued patents and pending patent applications
related to the use of electronics in the control and operation of paintball
guns. These include, for instance, U.S. Patent Nos. 5,881,707; 5,967,133;
6,035,843; and 6,474,326 B1

When talking to a representative from Smart Parts today, this does mean that National will have the freedom to operate withing the milits of the patent. It is not just a deal for them to sell Smart Parts products.

08-22-2003, 04:18 PM
I thought they would be the last to do that

No sKiLLz
08-22-2003, 04:21 PM
Not good. Now that NPS has acknowledged Smart Parts as the rightful inventor of the electro paintball marker, the smaller companies who won't be able to pay licensing fees are going to get crushed. For all those who doubted Smart Parts would take it to this level, welcome to reality.

..i.. smart parts.

08-22-2003, 04:52 PM
LOve people selling rights and patents that have yet to be established

**** SP

08-22-2003, 05:39 PM
its really simple........if people stop buying smart parts stuff, then they wont make any money and they will drop this. but if people just keep complaining and buying stuff from SP, it wont do any good.

STOP BUYING SP. once they are out of business, their patents are null and void!

08-22-2003, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by xen_100
STOP BUYING SP. once they are out of business, their patents are null and void!

For me, done and done.

08-22-2003, 06:12 PM
I said scew SP the first time I picked up a shocker. I was going to get an AI, but I changed my mind after the they announced the lawsuit.

Angry Man
08-22-2003, 06:13 PM
You two REALLY don't get it. Most paintballers don't go online to paintball sites that often and will never read any anti-SP threads, let alone stop buying from SP. I wonder how much national paid, though....

08-22-2003, 06:13 PM
I just saw this and was about to post it. This is not good, the paintball industry is going to have a hard time now. Damn Smart Parts and their patents. I hope someone can put up a good fight against them and stop this.

08-22-2003, 07:15 PM
I doubt NPS paid much, if you were SP and could get one big company to start with, you would. This will make all the smaller companies feel they are on shakier ground. Basically SP needs to look at the most able to defend themselves (NPS for one) and take them out of the game first. If SP can get BE and Kingman to follow suit (understand that I do not know any companies financial well being and this next remark may be wrong) few companies would have the financial (see above disclaimer) ability to fight them in court. Anyways, at this point I am just hoping someone will stand up, and that the patent will be nullified (regardless of how much I think this would happen due to preexisting technology, I am not a lawyer so can only hope).

08-22-2003, 07:29 PM
ironic really
to think that NPS sells knee guards only to use if for themselves when their on their knees...

lol....SP does SUCK

08-22-2003, 07:43 PM
its the beginning of the end sadly:(

08-22-2003, 07:51 PM
If you don't want anyone else bowing to or getting killed by sp, go here


50 cal
08-22-2003, 09:40 PM
I honestly think this is just part of SP's end game. P-ball is flooded with parts and guns that are pretty much alike. Get a hold of some of this money out there by bringing law suits and retire.

Just one guys take on all this.

08-22-2003, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by 50 cal
I honestly think this is just part of SP's end game. P-ball is flooded with parts and guns that are pretty much alike. Get a hold of some of this money out there by bringing law suits and retire.

Just one guys take on all this.
For the sport's sake, and for my wallet's sake... I really hope you're right.

08-23-2003, 05:36 AM
I take back any good things I ever said about NPS. They just rolled over. Spineless...

08-23-2003, 08:22 AM
Illuminati = Smart Parts!

A to the G-Dizzle
08-23-2003, 08:29 AM
I guess sometimes, they gotta do what they gotta do:(

08-23-2003, 09:50 AM
NPS isnt this Bob's shop?

I cant imgine why he we buy into the SP copyright? Maybe to make a little money? Start to connect the dots and you begin to understand how deep the rabbit hole goes.

08-23-2003, 10:32 AM
SP served Bob Long with some papers at the PSP, didn't take too long before NPS bowed down to SP. Sad thing is NPS is one of the big boys...

08-23-2003, 10:40 AM
To the best of my knowledge, NPS is actually Gino Postorivo (sp?). Bob Long, Empire, 32 Degrees, Draxxus, VForce, Halo and more are all either owned by NPS or heavily involved with NPS and Gino.

08-23-2003, 10:55 AM
As has been pointed out to me, NPS is a big distributor of SP products, so there may have been a mutual agreement without NPS giving too much up. I don't know if they exactly rolled over, as much as said "If you screw us, we can screw you back. How about you leave us alone and keep us out of your pithy legal battles and we'll let you do whatever the hell you want"

In the end, what it means is that SP no longer has to fight NPS, whether they rolled over or not, and it's VERY bad news for any smaller company, AGD included, that may not have the deep pockets to stand up to SP. NPS probably had the best chance of beating SP, from a financial standppoint.


08-23-2003, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by xen_100
its really simple........if people stop buying smart parts stuff, then they wont make any money and they will drop this. but if people just keep complaining and buying stuff from SP, it wont do any good.

STOP BUYING SP. once they are out of business, their patents are null and void!

your wrong. if the patent does go through, they'll make enough money from the lisence fees and such, where even if we didn't buy anything from them, they'd still be rich.

08-23-2003, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by rikkter

your wrong. if the patent does go through, they'll make enough money from the lisence fees and such, where even if we didn't buy anything from them, they'd still be rich.

Many millions of dollars :( putting smaller developmental paintball companies that are exploring the edges of paintball technology out of buisness

AgentOrange 88
08-23-2003, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by rikkter

your wrong. if the patent does go through, they'll make enough money from the lisence fees and such, where even if we didn't buy anything from them, they'd still be rich.

Than if worst comes to worst I say we all just buy mechanical guns and no electros. That way SP wouldnt make any money.

08-23-2003, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by AgentOrange 88

Than if worst comes to worst I say we all just buy mechanical guns and no electros. That way SP wouldnt make any money.

That is probably what will happen.

Tom created a thread about ALL mechanical tournamnets...and our participation in them and whether or not we would dump our electros for mech for all mech tourneys.....

This is probably what will happen. All mech fields (maybe) and all mech tournaments.

Maybe AGD will soar if this happens nationally...

Does this mean that if this patent does go through, and I successful get my Xmag...That the value would go up and I could sell it for more than I bought it for? ????

08-23-2003, 12:46 PM
Not good. Gino owns or has controlling interest in 32 degrees, Rebel, Empire, BLAST (Bob Longs company) and quite a few more. Gino must have cut a sweet backroom deal. He is too cheap and shrewd to let SP roll over him. Their agreement could simply have been, SP don't sue us and we will continue to distribute your products nationwide. Mess with us and We will bury you, i.e. good luck being your own distributor!

I always thought Gino was Italian. Little did we know he was French!:(

Angry Man
08-23-2003, 12:47 PM
Dream on. It means more expensive electros, more smart parts electros, lower profit margins for everyone but smart parts and nothing else.

08-23-2003, 01:19 PM
You guys do realize that the professional tourney scene will still be dominated by electros, right?

It'll just turn itself into more factory teams, and those who can afford to buy electros as long as they are legal.

08-23-2003, 01:26 PM
Just because thats what they have in their hands doesn't mean THAT'S what makes them good players... I would go out on a limb and say they could do equaly well with a good fast mechanical marker... Maybe better!

Saying an electonic marker equiped team won is like saying a Firestone tire is more likely to be the tire that explodes on an Explorer. Heck I would think so since thats all the used to put on them!

The results do not overshadow the person behind the marker. All it takes is one burst of three shots and the right moves to get the angles. And laying down cover can be effectivly done at 12 BPS... heck a Spyder can do that...

You should also note that far more teams with electronic markers Lose than win. There can only be one winning team. So should you conclude that statisticaly Electronic markers cause teams to lose? I don't think you should. Same error as concluding it makes them win.

People put far too much emphasis on the marker and not enough on the players. I would rather have ANY marker that functions on the field with me than a useless hunk of Aluminum that doesn't.

08-23-2003, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
And laying down cover can be effectivly done at 12 BPS...

If you're shooting where you're supposed to be, it can be done effectivley with 5 bps, as Frank Connell shows us (Philly A's)

08-23-2003, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by xen_100
its really simple........if people stop buying smart parts stuff, then they wont make any money and they will drop this. but if people just keep complaining and buying stuff from SP, it wont do any good.

STOP BUYING SP. once they are out of business, their patents are null and void!

No it won't make them go out of business, becasuse all the other big companies will be paying a royalty on any electro gun. So lets say, Bob Long pays the lisencing rights for his Intimidator. So, you buy one, money goes to SP.
So, if you boycott SP, you'll need to boycott every other company that makes an electro and has paid for rights to use the SP patent. So, I guess you only want to play mechanical(not really a bad thing mind you), you'd be ok. But if you want to play in the big leauges, where firepower and speed does matter, you can't because your boycotting SP, which technically by law will be every electro gun!


08-23-2003, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by SyntaxError

If you're shooting where you're supposed to be, it can be done effectivley with 5 bps, as Frank Connell shows us (Philly A's)

Amen Brother! I agree!

08-23-2003, 02:49 PM
Sorry had to fix my goof on your post and return my reply here....

...But if you want to play in the big leauges, where firepower and speed does matter, you can't because your boycotting SP, which technically by law will be every electro gun!

I reject that as on the whole a falsehood. Speed on foot and speed in thought count WAY more than any small degree of difference in BPS. Blaming the Marker is a cheap way out. You either got it or you don't. Many a poor player is still a poor player after purchasing a Electronic marker feeling it was going to make him better. He is not one iota better. And all he ended up was poorer in the wallet...

Angry Man
08-23-2003, 04:51 PM
While this is true, not-very-good players like me can REALLY be helped by a few extra BPS...if you find yourself in a position where you and someone else are shooting at each other, both with about as good a shot, accuracy and accuracy by volume are what's gonna make the biggest difference. If you're really good, however, you can shoot slow and still do very well.

No sKiLLz
08-23-2003, 04:52 PM
Well. There are a few months before the trial. Shouldn't we campaign against Smart Parts?

08-23-2003, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by No sKiLLz
Well. There are a few months before the trial. Shouldn't we campaign against Smart Parts? No. It won't make 1 bit of difference at all.

08-23-2003, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by WARPED1
No. It won't make 1 bit of difference at all.

quite the fatalist aren't we warped? BIG stone have been turned by SMALL people. So lets be optimistic.

Angry Man
08-23-2003, 08:32 PM
Be optomistic if you want, you'll just be more dissapointed when you fail.

If you want to do something, you'd better hope you either have 1. tons of money and 2. training as a patent lawyer. A few people not buying smart parts stuff will make next to no difference, even if it did...SP would make less money, meaning they'd need to win the lawsuit more. But since it won't affect them one bit no one cares.

08-23-2003, 10:53 PM
"electro ready" mech markers, as soon as you get it home you have to drop in after market electronics made by someone not involved with any maker. very quickly it would become well known that if you wanna E out your mechanical xmag you have to go purchase model xm101 water proof light switch control system and reprogram the basic stamp.

Angry Man
08-23-2003, 10:59 PM
I'm sure the average paintballer would love to custom build his own electro....oh wait, I'm not because no one would.

But I am sure that even if that happened (which it wouldn't) smart parts would sue in that case as well....you can't sell 1/2 of the code for adobe photoshop and then the other half seperately and say you aren't pirating software....all the code is owned by the company, not just the total complimation.

08-24-2003, 02:31 PM

08-24-2003, 02:48 PM
Agreed the whole patent thing is stupid...

But honestly consider the real outcome, maybe SP will be the SOBs who got the patent but there is going some EVEN MORE smart SOB who is going to work around them in less than a month.

Think of this like the whole Microsoft case, they hold alot of the market but no matter how hard they enforce their copyrights apple is still around, unix is still being used and linux is developing a huge fan base (and alot of server-based versions). Microsoft is bloated no matter how much they try to change their whole system they can't gain more popularity anymore, their only solution would be to start a new OS from scratch and you know how likely this is to happen.

IMO SP is running straight into a wall with this patent case... Don't get me wrong I'm boycotting them too but I'm not selling my impulse, just not buying sp stuff anymore (NDZ and Evil make cooler products ;))

08-24-2003, 07:48 PM
i say we go to sp headquarters and burn it to the ground...im sick of these people. they're going to ruin the sport for butt wipe money.

08-24-2003, 10:07 PM
Boy, NationPS sure is going to feel stupid if this patent crap is tossed out in court.

08-24-2003, 11:16 PM
Smart Parts can blow me, them and their BS patent and them stomping on companies that produce guns that are so incredibly better than theres its like comparing a 12 guage shotgun to a Pop gun. I personally think that the products they make are BS and there products are fricken nazi.

Hmmmm......Smart Parts is gonna end up like the fat guy that took to many jellybeans out of the jar and ate them all, and died of starvation. It is going to be up to the paintball comunity to *****slap SP for taking to many jellybeans, i hope when it comes time when SP eats the AGD jellybean its Vomit Flavered:D

08-24-2003, 11:35 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye

I always thought Gino was Italian. Little did we know he was French!:(


08-25-2003, 12:25 AM
i came up with a logo for them :P

08-25-2003, 01:12 AM

This situation worries me more every day. And yet, there's still people who insist that SP won't do anything "immoral" and that we're jumping the gun with our assertions. It blows my mind. I'd personally like to get Tom's opinion on this.

08-25-2003, 07:23 AM
Eight years ago when i started playing i used a tracer pump, then a prolite semi, now an RT mag, I don't see the need for electro's, i think a better player will be found holding a mech.

of course all my angst could stem from all the twelve year olds that play once and then go get their hands on ir3's and have no concept on how to play the game.

but i agree that SP winning a patent lawsuit such as this means stagnation of the sport for twenty years, fortunatly for me i'll still be using a mech.

Ronin 23
08-25-2003, 08:19 AM
Originally posted by kenndogg
SP served Bob Long with some papers at the PSP, didn't take too long before NPS bowed down to SP. Sad thing is NPS is one of the big boys...

Seems to me like THEATRICS at its shallowest. Hummmm, let's see: could Dye/E-Gen be next?

Ronin 23
08-25-2003, 08:30 AM
Originally posted by cphilip
I reject that as on the whole a falsehood. Speed on foot and speed in thought count WAY more than any small degree of difference in BPS. Blaming the Marker is a cheap way out. You either got it or you don't. Many a poor player is still a poor player after purchasing a Electronic marker feeling it was going to make him better. He is not one iota better. And all he ended up was poorer in the wallet...

It's not the Arrow, it's the Indian.....this ROF superiority thing that people keep on bring up is a prime example of "herd mentality propagated through extensive marketing" and more people than not are buying into lock, stock and barrel.

08-25-2003, 09:25 AM
Originally posted by Ronin 23
Seems to me like THEATRICS at its shallowest. Hummmm, let's see: could Dye/E-Gen be next?

Dye/Gen E are rumoured to have come to an agreement with SP, to the effect of not sueing each other. Based on the fact that the 03 Shocker is very much like a matrix...

There were no theatrics at PSP Philly. Bob and the Assassins were very much pissed off by being served by the Gardners just prior to playing.

Ronin 23
08-25-2003, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by manike
Dye/Gen E are rumoured to have come to an agreement with SP, to the effect of not sueing each other. Based on the fact that the 03 Shocker is very much like a matrix...


Originally posted by manike
There were no theatrics at PSP Philly. Bob and the Assassins were very much pissed off by being served by the Gardners just prior to playing.

Nonetheless, it was certainly done for maximum effect. But are you sure that Bobby wasn't doing the 'wink-wink' as the Gardners were walking away?....lol:D

Evil Bob
08-25-2003, 10:17 AM
If SP does in any shape actually "win" the rights to follow suit on their patent claims, would you not think that those who actually own the tournies would simply outlaw the use of electros?

Just think about the poll here that Tom posted, he mentions a hypothetical case with mech only tournies and everyone else having only mech markers. The day of the electro may have simply come and gone and ended prematurely by the greed of the Gardners and their bogus patents and quest for money and market share. Do you not think that if all the industry giants got together and voiced their outrage at SP that things would not happen with the tournament organizers themselves? We're at a crossroads here...

I for one could easily live without my electro and go back to using an RT.

-Evil Bob

08-25-2003, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by Ronin 23
Nonetheless, it was certainly done for maximum effect.

Yes for SP to get the most out of it, and for it to possibly help them in the NXL also.

Originally posted by Ronin 23
But are you sure that Bobby wasn't doing the 'wink-wink' as the Gardners were walking away?....lol:D

Yes VERY. Having spoken to Bob, his chief tech and others about it, I'm very certain that wasn't the case.

Evil Bob, SP own a huge part of the tournies. They are one of the partners in the PSP AND they are extremely instrumental in the Dick Clark and Hollywood part of the NXL, as well owning one of the top teams and franchises in the NXL.

You could say that without the Gardners the whole Hollywood thing wouldn't have been coming about. They have been working on and with the Hollywood people for years and were a major factor in brokering this whole deal.

The possible future because of TV might be why SP are doing what they are doing... and it might also be why some of the bigger players are not getting as angry with SP as they might otherwise...

08-25-2003, 12:05 PM
Bah, quit the SP bashing. Every company out there would do this if they had the chance. They are trying to make a living and this kind of thing has been done before, and will be done again.

08-25-2003, 12:27 PM

08-25-2003, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by manike

Yes for SP to get the most out of it, and for it to possibly help them in the NXL also.

Yes VERY. Having spoken to Bob, his chief tech and others about it, I'm very certain that wasn't the case.

Evil Bob, SP own a huge part of the tournies. They are one of the partners in the PSP AND they are extremely instrumental in the Dick Clark and Hollywood part of the NXL, as well owning one of the top teams and franchises in the NXL.

You could say that without the Gardners the whole Hollywood thing wouldn't have been coming about. They have been working on and with the Hollywood people for years and were a major factor in brokering this whole deal.

The possible future because of TV might be why SP are doing what they are doing... and it might also be why some of the bigger players are not getting as angry with SP as they might otherwise... I always new I liked manike!

Originally posted by Evil Bob
If SP does in any shape actually "win" the rights to follow suit on their patent claims, would you not think that those who actually own the tournies would simply outlaw the use of electros?

Just think about the poll here that Tom posted, he mentions a hypothetical case with mech only tournies and everyone else having only mech markers. The day of the electro may have simply come and gone and ended prematurely by the greed of the Gardners and their bogus patents and quest for money and market share. Do you not think that if all the industry giants got together and voiced their outrage at SP that things would not happen with the tournament organizers themselves? We're at a crossroads here...

I for one could easily live without my electro and go back to using an RT.

-Evil Bob You, my friend, are an idiot.

08-25-2003, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by CobraC
Bah, quit the SP bashing. Every company out there would do this if they had the chance. They are trying to make a living and this kind of thing has been done before, and will be done again.

Right. As has been demonstrated numerous times by Worr, AGD, and countless other companies.

Oh, wait, no it hasn't.

Do a little research before saying something like that. Bud only patented the bodies of the autocockers. Tom left many of AGD's designs open to tinkering from other companies. SP is the only one who has really gone on a rampage over stuff like this, and they didn't even invent any of it in the first place.

08-25-2003, 01:00 PM
Before all of this crap started happining I was planing on gettin the new 03 shocker, but now I have decide to get a 68 classic and trick it out. Screw sp. Ohh yeah i deffintly agree with the idea about burning down the SP HQ.

08-25-2003, 01:25 PM
Originally posted by Warewolf50
Before all of this crap started happining I was planing on gettin the new 03 shocker, but now I have decide to get a 68 classic and trick it out. Screw sp. Ohh yeah i deffintly agree with the idea about burning down the SP HQ. Another unintelliget post............

Evil Bob
08-25-2003, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by WARPED1
You, my friend, are an idiot.

How so WARPED1? Please explain why I am an idiot?

-Evil Bob

08-25-2003, 02:52 PM
For agreeing to burn down a building, idiotic for this trivial matter. Why commit a felony for a lawsuit SP won't win? And stop bashing them, they're just excersising thier freedom. If you want everyone to work the same and do the same thing, try communism. America is about making money and freedom.

Evil Bob
08-25-2003, 03:03 PM
Yes, SP is deep in the PSP, but the PSP is not the only tourny series out there, but it could possibly end up being the only tourny series with electronic markers. We'll see in the next couple of months as everyone plays the cards they were dealt.

Here and now, yes, the Gardners were extremely influential on DC buying the NXL, and yes I know that they have been working at it for the past few years. If the Gardners hadn't done it, I fully believe that someone else would have as there are many people working on getting paintball onto TV and into the mainstream. It may not necessarily be now or anytime soon, more realisticly 3-5 years down the road as the NXL becomes more popular and gains more main stream attention and sponsors.

With all his evil actions and sinister machinations, even Hitler did some good for Germany before the war started...

-Evil Bob

Evil Bob
08-25-2003, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by WARPED1
For agreeing to burn down a building, idiotic for this trivial matter. Why commit a felony for a lawsuit SP won't win? And stop bashing them, they're just excersising thier freedom. If you want everyone to work the same and do the same thing, try communism. America is about making money and freedom.

What building do you perceive me as agreeing to burn down? I see no where in my earlier hypothetical post where I agreed to commit a felony of any sort.

Yes, freedom, we all have it, freedom of speech is a great thing, yes I have the freedom to bash SP all I want, and you have the freedom to call me, or anyone else whom you don't agree with, an idiot. Enjoy your freedoms. But I find it a terrible shame that you seem incapable of grasping the fact that you *can* have an inteligent conversion and a difference of opinion without resorting to personal insults.

-Evil Bob

Ronin 23
08-25-2003, 07:21 PM
[i].........And stop bashing them, they're just excersising thier freedom. If you want everyone to work the same and do the same thing, try communism. America is about making money and freedom. [/B]

Dude if you only knew how SP got a hold of the PVI Shocker, you wouldn't be feeling the same way.

08-25-2003, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by Ronin 23

Dude if you only knew how SP got a hold of the PVI Shocker, you wouldn't be feeling the same way.

Stupid question, but if the originator of the patent is unhappy with or was cheated by Smart Parts, why doesn't he testify at the trial as to the intent and content of the original patent? I mean Smart Parts can own the patent, but if the original filer for the patent never inteded it to be so broad, would that not destroy SP's case?

Ronin 23
08-26-2003, 01:10 AM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye

Stupid question, but if the originator of the patent is unhappy with or was cheated by Smart Parts, why doesn't he testify at the trial as to the intent and content of the original patent? I mean Smart Parts can own the patent, but if the original filer for the patent never inteded it to be so broad, would that not destroy SP's case?

SP did FILE the first patent before the actual creators of the first Shockers. I believe after all the hoopla and BS, the actual principals of the orginal creator of the Shockers (PVI) were..... shall we say no longer in a position to be in the picture.

08-26-2003, 02:19 PM
Makes me wonder why they served Bob Long with papers before he took the field in the last X-Ball series....

**sigh** Welcome to the world of paintball, where everyone wants to control the whole game...


Tom Sparkman
08-26-2003, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by manike

(snip)... AND they are extremely instrumental in the Dick Clark and Hollywood part of the NXL, as well owning one of the top teams and franchises in the NXL.

You could say that without the Gardners the whole Hollywood thing wouldn't have been coming about. They have been working on and with the Hollywood people for years and were a major factor in brokering this whole deal.

The possible future because of TV might be why SP are doing what they are doing... and it might also be why some of the bigger players are not getting as angry with SP as they might otherwise...

I can vouch for some of this. One of our locals is the producer of America's Funniest Videos and the Gardners have been buddying up to him for the last 6 months. All new Impulses (gratis) for him and his friends (and more). He was supposed to show up with an 03 Shocker last week - we didn't connect Saturday so I'm not sure if he got it yet. He was also hinting at more things to come...

I've told him how I feel about it, but business is business.


08-26-2003, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by mrhooie
From Force of Nature

Smart Parts, Inc. and National Paintball Supply, Inc. today announced the
signing of a Patent License Agreement giving National Paintball Supply
rights to make, sell, offer for sale, and distribute products covered by
Smart Partsą electronic paintball gun patents.

Just a thought.

Call me a "Conspiracy theorist", but is it a little odd to anyone else that NPS agreed with SP over this?

Let's think about this.

The Gardners were called "instrumental" in getting Dick Clark Productions into negotiations with the NXL league. In fact, what Tom said got me thinking about this one.

The Gardners PLAY in the same league they negotiated with DCP. Along wiht several "National" sponsored leagues.

NPS owns Draxxus, Richmond Italia "invented" X-Ball, and runs Draxxus (or is at least involved).

Oh, and don't they use V-force masks?

It just seems fishy to me, that's all.


08-26-2003, 04:07 PM
The whole tourney scene smells like the river trip in Deliverance. Too many tourney sponsors own the companies that run the teams that win by questionable means.

Dum de dum dee dum de dum (banjo)

08-26-2003, 04:48 PM
Tyger you are definitely a "Conspiracy theorist" :)

NPS doesn't own Draxxus in the slightest. They do own Diablo though.

08-26-2003, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by manike
Tyger you are definitely a "Conspiracy theorist" :)

NPS doesn't own Draxxus in the slightest. They do own Diablo though.

But isn't "Diablo" and "Draxxus" the same company / thing?

At least that's what I thought....


Edit add : Or was that more of the dry "Brit wit" I keep hearing about? :)

08-26-2003, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by Tyger
But isn't "Diablo" and "Draxxus" the same company / thing?

At least that's what I thought....

Not in the slightest. How could you be so wrong? I thought conspiracy theorists never had flaws to their ideas... ;)

Both Draxxus and Diablo paint is made by Pro Caps, but Draxxus and Diablo are different brands owned and operated by different companies.

There is a huge overlap in the USA where NPS has exclusive rights to Pro Caps paint so you get NPS selling both brands in effect, but in the rest of the World if you are buying Draxxus Richmond gets all your money, but if you buy Diablo, Gino gets some of your money and Richmond gets some of your money.

Not the same thing, all though the product is made by the same company originally.

08-26-2003, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by manike

Not in the slightest. How could you be so wrong? I thought conspiracy theorists never had flaws to their ideas... ;)

Well, that's why I'm not a true "Conspircy theorist"!

But their web site (diablodirect.com) is registered to National Paintball Supply (http://www.betterwhois.com/complete.cgi?domain=diablodirect.com&regwhois=whois.networksolutions.com&key=581323). And I thought that Diablo was sued over the use of the name "Diablo" (IE THe "Diablo" pump gun NPS had out.) And they turned the keys over as it were in settlement.

Ahh, either way, it still stinks IMHO. Smells a lot like good 'ol "Home Cookin'"...


08-26-2003, 08:27 PM
Tyger, I have a feeling that although the tourny scene may have played a large factor in NPS's decision, it was based more on financals of the timmy/32* line. NPS has always been the one to challenge the game and make the fiscally smart decision as opposed to the 'kind' decision. Im sure that they are NOT paying $75 per electro made and are NOT paying $1 million up front. However, if they hop on it helps SP and they have a working agreement with SP to continue at their discounted rate even while the smaller companies are demolished by the (proposed) fees. Plus, I think that Gino likes selling SP equipment/stuff in general :)

08-26-2003, 08:30 PM
i'm so selli the freak and getting a evil pipe

08-27-2003, 12:06 AM
SP= stupid pricks

08-27-2003, 01:50 PM
Bypassing NPS is a brillant move by smartparts. I'm starting to think they might actually pull this lawsuit off...

I say we all go back to pumps only.

Eatem Alive
08-27-2003, 10:53 PM
From a very good friend of mine who is an "upper employee" at NPS...

...Smart parts was awarded 4 patents that cover most all electronic gun configurations. To avoid infringement, National Paintball Supply recognizes these patents and has paid for a licensing agreement to produce electronic guns which may or may not contain components or systems covered by these patents...

Take it for what it's worth. I think it is a pretty crappy lawsuit which will end up alienating some people and putting up walls in a sport, of what i think, has the most close knit participants of any sport.

08-29-2003, 05:38 PM