View Full Version : Pro-connect orientation and question

08-23-2003, 11:02 PM
Alright, so I want to intstall my pro connect this way, with the male end down towards the asa and the female end pointing up towards the valve. But I'm guessing I can't.

When you press the button on these things, does it release all the air in the line? or does one end still hold air?

I think I read somewhere that the male end is drained and the female end is still pressurized. If so, how do you release the pressure in the female end after disconnect?

Here's a pic that kind of shows how I want it oriented.

08-24-2003, 01:04 AM
Just trade for a dynaflow.

I love mine, when you turn it off it bleeds the WHOLE line.

Plan to have it on my black xmag ;)

08-24-2003, 01:57 PM
You can't install it that way because the air will stay in the valve and there's no way to bleed it from the female end.

What you should do is just get a regular QD and put that down where you want the PC. Just unscrew your on/off knob, fire out the last couple shots and then pop the QD. It will bleed air from both sides and you can then take your valve out.

I recommend getting an AGD QD. They're as hard as they can be made and will last a lifetime.

Nice gun. :)

08-24-2003, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by BlackVCG
You can't install it that way because the air will stay in the valve and there's no way to bleed it from the female end.

not to mention you wont have the line holding the air pressure from the tank. you will have to make sure you turn your tank off from the ASA. i have the male end on my valve and female on the hose from the ASA.

like this

10-20-2003, 09:44 PM
hate to bring back an old post but I got this question too.

So i got the flatline. I need to drain the air from the x-valve but if i do this, i got my flatline off and still air in the hose.

Is this ok? I would have just stuck with my slide check and quick disconnect, but it always would break..

and if i do what Black suggests, what does "unscrew your on/off" mean.. that just mean turn it off, shoot the remaining air and pop it out? I thought doing that was bad for the internals?


10-21-2003, 01:29 AM
If you have a Flatline, you just need some good hose with a high quality quick disconnect. No pro-connect is needed. Shoot out the remaining air after turning off the tank and then pop the QD off to bleed the rest of the pressure.

10-21-2003, 10:07 AM
The "pop" is ok?

I know you just told me use a good QD, but i wanna be sure as I have been on this "you must bleed all air slowly" tangent for a long time now..

sorry to keep bringing this up

10-21-2003, 11:18 AM
I have my gun set up the same way as jayel579. If you want to bleed the air from the female end of a pro-connect (the female end does hold the line pressure, male bleeds), turn off the tank, shoot out what air you can, pop the pro-connect, then reattach/pop the pro-connect a few more times to drain out what remianing air is left. Each time that it is reconnected the pressure left in the line will be lower and lower.

With mine I have several inches of hose to de-pressurize and I normally have to pop/reconnect maybe two or three times and then the valve will piss the rest of the pressure down the barrel.

Bulldog, if you set-up your line as you have shown you would probably only have to pop/reconnect once due to less air being held by the pro-connect and more area for the gas to expand to.

10-21-2003, 11:27 AM
Bulldog, actually now that I looked at your post again, the pic and the description of what you want to do are reversed. The female end is the end with the button on it and the orinataion (sp?) in the pic posted has the female end facing down toward the ASA and male end attached to the ASA and facing up to the valve.

10-21-2003, 09:51 PM
Ya, I wanted to do it backwards, for ergonomic purposes.
But I just went for BlackVCG's suggestion. The AGD QD is awesome, 1 shot and pop it off. I can unscrew my tank or whatever.