View Full Version : PGP Question

Nick O time
08-24-2003, 02:13 AM
Ok I searched, but probably not hard enough and someone will find the post but here is my question.

I found a picture of a PGP with either a cocker slider or hinge trigger on it, but I can't find the post. What I wanted to know was how the person did it. Is it hard?


08-24-2003, 02:34 AM
actually, the PGP trigger system is VERY simple. It's actually pretty comon to see PGP's with a MAg frame since they are very similar. I put a composite frame from a mag on one just for kicks and it worked great!

Nick O time
08-24-2003, 02:43 AM
so do you need to do anything to do this or you just put the frame on and it fits fine and functions.

08-24-2003, 03:39 AM
I used a dremel to cut widen the slot a little..

08-24-2003, 08:21 AM
cehck my sig, it might have been my PGPs you saw. One has a mag frame the other a cocker.

Well the ghetto way is to just take off the old PGP frame and install a mag/cocker frame as the screw holes line up perfectly. However you will notice that the frame is flat on top whereas the PGP has a round bottom. Therefore all of the torque between the frame and the body will placed upon the screws and their holes. To prevent this you can either dremel mill out the grip frame (never tried it). Leave it be (on my black one) or get an adaptor plate (on the brass one.)

The problem I found with the plate is that it gives just a hair too much room and the sear might not catch the hammer... so setting one up is not always a simple bolt on.

Palmers makes a frame that you can use also.

Oh yeah and I just remembered, if you use a mag frame you have to transfer the PGP grip frame sear, trigger, spring assembly out of the PGP grip and install it into the mag grip. Once again, is a simple job as the pins line up.

Hope this helps and feel free to ask more questions. And lets see some pictures of that marker when its done :)