View Full Version : how to stick it to SP

adam shannon
08-24-2003, 02:18 AM
ive been reading alot from people who are anti SP because of all the rukus going on with the patent deal. everybody has anti SP sigs and are bashing away. what is this going to do to SP...nothing.

we here at AO, and some of the other boards are well aware of whats happening. the other 99% of paintballers in the world have no clue whats going on. at my field none of the kids know whats going on and whats soon to happen to the industry.

posting comments on a pro agd board is only preaching to the choir. there are some things you can actually do to make people aware and maybe do your part to stick it to SP.

1) educate people who are in the dark whats going on.

2) writing SP is kinda like telling a klansman "cant we all just get along". they think they have the high ground and everybody will thank them in the end for stifeling competition. let them know what you think be writing/e-mailing everyone they do business with...shops, magazines their ads appear in, nppl/psp, and fields. when you write a magazine and cancel your subscription because they have SP ads you will make your point with dollar bills to the folks that do business with SP.

3) and do what i did....sell or toss out everything you own that is SP. in one week i sold all my SP jerseys, freak kits (3 of them), hats, barrel condoms, lanyards, etc. flooding the market with used SP products will stop them from selling new ones hurting them in the wallet...then use the $ to buy their competitors gear boosting the oppositions income and helping them fight SP.

4) dont dis anybody who is using SP products, its not their fault...but do your part to disuade anybody you know from buying new SP stuff by telling them the truth (that they are in leauge with satan if they do...lol).

5) and last but not least...write those immediately affected by the case, let them know you support them...and if your shopping for new stuff...buy it from them.