View Full Version : One of those funny field stories

08-24-2003, 08:45 PM
First of all i know there is one of these threads every week. It's just my week i guess.

So today i'm at the field playing. Between games i'm trying to get this kid to let me play a game with his speed, while he shoots my E-mag. He says "no" because he doesn't like mags. So i ask him what he doesn't like about them. Well he's kinda dumbfounded at the question, and can't really figure out a reason. Lucky for him those one of his friends comes to the rescue. With the best reason not to likea mag. "The sound" the kid says "yeah i don't like the way they sound" then he comes out with all the other common reasons, they are blenders, they are to slow, etc.

Well anyway a little later, he's shooting his speed over in the test range. Ripping it pretty good. So i load up a hopper and start walking over there. He gives me the how fast can you shoot your gun question. Well the same time this is happening one of my teammates who was playing with my backup RTP. Is shooting it at the test range, probably pulling around 8 -10 bps. The kid looks at me and says "Is that as fast as they go?" I say "No, that is my backup, it's mechanical". Then i proceed to dump a hopper out of the E-mag. Probably about as fast as i have ever shot it. The kid says it's pretty quick, close to as fast as my speed, this is with his pride hurt just a little. Well at that time one of my other teammates that knows him, looks at him and says "That was faster than you". Kid is speechless. So later on in the day he asks me if he can shoot it a little, to see what it feels like.

Well that is my first story, my second is a little more funny.

I'm talking to this guy, and he's asking about the E-mag, like how much paint i break and so on. Then he tells me that he used to have a retro-mag with a Z-Body. He said "It almost shot as far as a cocker, or shocker, with that Z-body." I tried to think of something to say, but i just went with "really?"

Well thats a pretty good rant looking back at it.

Spartan X
08-24-2003, 09:00 PM
Now I remember a rumor back from when I was a newb, it is believe in the smart newb world that z-grips put a spin on the ball~~~~err in my reasearch of mags I have not heard one single thing about the z-grip putting back spin on the ball...it's just a grip frame....

08-24-2003, 09:01 PM
first story- man that kid felt stupid, its always great to see people come around to the light (realize that mags do rule)

second story- wow, i'm speechless, just dont know what else you could've said (without murduring that guy)

anyways, i enjoyed readin em quite a bit


08-24-2003, 09:16 PM
Word. Hey how old was that kid with the Angel? Its funny i never have cool stories like that. Its funny how people let their guns be their "representative". Anyway...

Although, I did lend a buddy of mine my Mag, mid game cause he was outta paint. He had never shot a classic mag before (angel/cocker dude}, he said he was diggin' the mag pretty well.

I always gotta deal with the lousy sandbagger/ringer that come on noob/first timer day. And hes alway the one screaming, "check yer hopper" or "your out, your out, your out". Chicken-hawks.

08-24-2003, 09:40 PM
I may be dumping the ole workhorse angel and getting a ULE mag...just not sure.

08-24-2003, 10:02 PM
I may be spitting out a bit of my newbism here But I was under the assumption that z-bodies did cause backspin.
I had heard, never tried, that Galactic Z-BODIES had somesort or adjustable screw or something on the top that would adjust the backspin put on the ball.

Guess I might be wrong but thats what I allways heard

50 cal
08-24-2003, 10:07 PM
Yeah, the Galactic-Z could put a back spin on the ball. You just needed a large bore barrel for it to work half way decent.

08-24-2003, 10:14 PM
yes, z bodies add range, but the guy implied that cockers/shockers have more range than most other guns.

08-24-2003, 10:17 PM
yup the zbody and a large bore barrel with small bore paint will work as well as a flatline barrel system :)

08-24-2003, 10:26 PM
Galactic Systemz Z-Body & backspin

check those out

08-24-2003, 10:43 PM
like squid said, he was, and still is under the impression that cockers and shockers have more range than any other gun. He shoots an impulse so his whole method of thinking doesn't make much sense.

08-24-2003, 11:37 PM
Very nice, and funny stories, lol. Speeds aren't bad markers, I have an Angel and I think its a great design. But it cannot beat my mag! :D More and more people at Del Hobbies (my home field) are starting to realize why I use the mag and not the random guns I can use. The mag doesnt break paint, my RTPX is light as a feather, and boyyyyy it rips. Most haters now at the place are just kiddind around, although some Korean kid with a Speed said I dont like mags, they are too heavy, so I said just said yea, I guess its heavy. :rolleyes: But A LOT of people always come up and ask if I have a "YOULL" body and that "X-Retro" sometimes in variances, and I say yes, they are very nice. Although it took me a bit to get used to not saying ULE. Lol cmon people its three letters. :D

08-24-2003, 11:41 PM
just to clear the air. I do like the speed, and was thinking of getting one. I just want to play with one first.

I never knock the gun, just the person holding it.

08-25-2003, 12:00 AM
How old was the kid with the angel?

08-25-2003, 12:13 AM
oh i'd say 16 or 17. I'm only 22 but everyone younger than me is a kid.

08-25-2003, 02:17 AM
Yeah Scott, when Emag pride is on the line you can really shoot fast. Now if only you could do that in a game...

Seriously though, you were moving. I think you're right, that was the fastest I've ever seen you shoot.

I was pretty happy with how fast I could get your RT going although playing right handed took a little getting used to.

I think I'll start pronouncing U.L.E. as "Ula" like the Spanish "Ole." That way, It'll be that much more confusing for everyone.

08-25-2003, 03:26 AM
Is it just me or is most kids that age give the most krap. I mean i was a teen once, as we all were, but i always thought variety and being "open minded" is one of the things being a teen is all about. Oh well, hell i would've been stoke to shoot a cocker at that age. Oh yeah was that kid any good on the field?

08-25-2003, 09:58 AM
The kid wasn't bad on the field. Although it was pretty funny when he tried to make a move, and was gogged by the tiny little kid playing for the first time. Little guy couldn't be more than 10.

08-30-2003, 01:24 AM
Maybe you made him too sad, cause he's selling the Angel now. "a mag outshot my brand new angel speed" BooHoo. He's even selling off his eggo2 too. halo>egg2?

I was thinking about annodizing my trigger... do you think it'll shoot faster if I do this? Maybe an Olé body would make it shoot even faster.

08-30-2003, 09:52 AM
Yeah dude, I hear if you anodize your trigger you can shoot faster, farther, and more accurately. And, it'll get you chicks while it does your taxes. George Bush anodized his trigger in 1999, and look where he is now! Twelve out of fifteen lottery winners anodized their triggers before they won( The other three anodized them after winning)

08-30-2003, 08:33 PM
nah man...chrome your trigger and double your bps :)

08-30-2003, 08:38 PM
I dont know where "Wynken" gets his facts, but thats just wrong. George Bush got his trigger anodized in 2000, during the election.

08-30-2003, 08:40 PM
funny, i thought it was clinton that got his trigger annodized by that chubby chick. what year was that?