View Full Version : The Family Guy **Official Thread*

08-24-2003, 09:34 PM
The Family Guy = teh awsome!!

Stewie is soo funny....wait....everyone in the show is soo funny...I can't wait to get season 3 on dvd! Anyone else love this cartoon?! I saw a few sigs with the characters in them.

08-24-2003, 09:37 PM
I concurr.

08-24-2003, 09:42 PM
yes, family guy is teh sweetness, as you can see by my sig.
the problem is if i buy the dvds, that would mean i would have to wait for my ule.

08-24-2003, 09:43 PM
Deffintly one of the best shows ever, but lois and meg get on my nerves. Yes and stewie deffintly makes the show. Whats is your guys favorite episode? Mine is either Thin white line, or the one with the leafers.

08-24-2003, 09:44 PM
Did you say WAIT for a ule body???

08-24-2003, 09:45 PM
yeah, i got limited funds, cant afford to buy everything at once.

08-24-2003, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
Did you say WAIT for a ule body???
He means he wouldnt have enough money to buy it anymore and he would have to earn more = wait

Edit: he got to it first ;)

but yeah family guy r0x0rz mah b0x0rz, and yes stewie is teh shiz

08-24-2003, 09:51 PM
What I meant was, why get anything INSTEAD of the ULE body.

08-24-2003, 09:53 PM
I've been a family guy fan since it was first shown after the superbowl so many years ago :)

08-24-2003, 09:55 PM
I love it! Great show.

08-24-2003, 10:23 PM
I think it should be illegal for anything to be that funny...

Sooo many of the family guy quotes have made it into mine and my friends every day speech its amazing...

Heh-heh... ALL RIGHT! from Quagmire is classic... to the Stewies "Blast woman" or "What the deuce" I'm a big fan of "Play Wheels on the bus and get the hell out of my sight!"...

Sad its gone, but hey... it was good while it lasted!

08-24-2003, 10:47 PM
The Y2K epsisode is soo funny.

Those one guys stop them and are like
"to pass you must awnser one question....What do you bring to a picnic"

Stewie - "a dead Lois?"
Lois - "Patato Salad?"
(I can't remmeber what everyone else says)

Peter is like, I'll go with patato salad..
The other guys are like, "show me patato salad!!"
and just look in the sky.

So random lol, I love it.

And then the one where Peter gets the scroll to take the tour of the beer factory...and the chumbawumba's kick him in the knee and hes like ccccchhhhhh ahh for a long time.

08-24-2003, 10:51 PM
I don't take coupons from chickens... not after last time.

*Cue 10 minute long fight scene with giant chicken*

Its classic!

(Woo! Post 900!)

08-24-2003, 10:53 PM
there are some interested rumors going around about a family guy movie.. so keep an eye out for that. my favorite quotes.. lets see.. where to begin..

cleveland: thats almost as crazy as ridiculous days down at the deli.. when prices were so low, they were ridiculous.

quagmire: giggity giggity GIGGITY!!!

stewie: damn you, damn the broccoli, and DAMN THE WRIGHT BROTHERS!!!

peter: but the mystery box could be anything. it could even be a boat!!!


hey lois,remember when i was the third hardy boy LOIS: peter, there was no third hardy boy. PETER: just like there was no apocalypse? HE SHOOTS HE SCORES!!!

08-24-2003, 11:11 PM
*ERut motions to sig*

I had a friend in jr. high who's dad looked just like peter. It was awesome!

My all time favorite family guy moment:

Adam West: I love my job almost as much as I like taffy... and I'm a man who enjoys his taffy...

Gitaroo Man
08-24-2003, 11:23 PM
I used to play with that bike so much...

/flashback "more tea mr.bike?" /endflashback


08-24-2003, 11:43 PM
LOl, what about when peter goes to the irs or something like that, and they lady is like I'm sorry sir, you don't get any money back.

peter : ahhhhhhh!! what did you say?
lady : I'm sorry sir, you don't get any money back. What as that for?
peter : ahhhhhhh!! Party of five, what did you say?
lady : I'm sorry sir, you don't get any money back.
peter : ahhhhhhh!!
lady : was that for party of five?
peter : no that was for my tax return, what the hell is party of five?

(I know :( I butchered that segment...lol you get the point though)

08-24-2003, 11:59 PM
For every sprikle I find, I shall kill you

if there ever was a show greater then the simpsons, this would be it

08-25-2003, 12:53 AM
The Simpsons doesn't even compare to Family Guy! The next dvd set comes out in September (with an unaired episode "wish upon a weinstein" or something) - I can't wait!

IRS lady: "You smell nice"
Peter: "No I think thats you"
IRS Lady: "Oh, it couldn't be me... I just farted"

Adam West: In fact, your property isn't even a part of the United States! So that makes you.... A COMMUNIST!!!

08-25-2003, 01:13 AM
My favorite characters are the weight lifter guys Barnaby & Finneous
Barnaby: I do say Finneous theres a baby in that refuse bin
Finneous: Oh, don't touch it Barnaby or the mother won't take it back.
Barnaby & Finneous: Ally-oopp
*They jump on their huge old timey bicycle*

Barnaby: I do say Finneous its a great day to be lifting our huge triangliar weights/
Finneous & Barnaby: makes lifting weight sounds (unable to describe in words ;) )

08-25-2003, 02:27 AM
My Fave:

Peter: Of course a man made it, it's a commercial Louis, not a delicious Thanksgiving dinner.

Peter: Ok ok... Here's what I am thinking.... I'll be Charlie and you can all be my angels... except for you... You can be Bosley.

Peter and company singing: Anna Rules, cuz I kicked all the bad guys in the jewels..

Doctor: Mayor West, you have Lymphoba and it was probably from rolling around in that Toxic Waste.

Peter: Oh my god, it's a beautiful baby girl, but it has a penis.... We will have to cut it off!

Chris: But I don't want to go to my room, there is an evil monkey in my closet

Random Jewish boy: Papa, he killed Morikai, the dancing Yiddish clown. (after Peter runs him over with a boat)

or something like that.. hehehehe

08-25-2003, 07:47 AM
Peter : Doctor, whats the growth down there?

Doctor : Thats not a growth, thats your penis.

Peter : And.....

Doctor : Those would be your balls.


When Stewie goes to the doctor.

Stewie : Yes! I have been dying to know when my other testical shall be descending.

08-25-2003, 09:35 AM
i say you he dead.
at first i didnt know what chris and zach were talking about, but then i saw the episode.

08-25-2003, 09:36 AM
my favorite episode is the christmas one were peter gives the presents away and the to kids think the vcr is a sex box and lois goes insane and stewie wants to kill santa.

08-25-2003, 09:55 AM
Ahhh... the greatest show in the world

08-25-2003, 10:26 AM
Family guy is fing hilarious(but simpsons are great too). There is one episode that i saw that i never see anymore. Stuie is like on this sesamee street phone and cookie monster tells him to count to three. Stuie stands up and yells i'll count to three for you! he pulls out a 9mm and shoots the toy three times yelling one two three. That episode was great.

Quotes from the show

Ramdom kid: My dad always says measure twice, cut once.

Clevend JR: My dad always says "Clevend Jr Stop jumping on the bed!" ah hahahaha


peter: Well Lois you were pretty bad in bed thursday night too.
[flashback to thursday] god lois you can at least move alittle its like doing it with a pillow [unflashback]

lois: peter i slept at my sisters thursday night

08-25-2003, 11:16 AM
No second thought here, Family Guy = sweet, and to whomever said it, i agree, Stewie makes the show.

"Victory is Mine!"
"DAMN you woman!"

and of course that episode where Stewie has a flashback to where he plays basketball with a few guys and uses his ghetto language "Bring it on homes, you ain't got no J!"


one more quote from the Episode where Lois makes a theatre production:

Peter finding his talent:
*Painting class*
Uhh.. Do I have to paint the penis?
*Sculpting class*
Uhh.. Do I have to sculpt the penis?
*Conducting class*
Uhh.. Do I have to conduct with my penis?

08-25-2003, 11:54 AM
its still on adult swim on cartoon network stuie rizocks

08-25-2003, 12:06 PM
The worst thing they have in England is drive by arguements. "Oh Reginald... I disagree!"

08-25-2003, 02:43 PM
its on the super station also at like 1 30 central time

08-25-2003, 02:45 PM
I love Family Guy.

08-25-2003, 03:33 PM
After he says the whole penis thing that traxer put he goes what am i supposed to do with all my ideas, put them in a tub and wash myself with them (gets defensive) cuz thats what soaps for lois.

when all the different nationality kids are makin fun of each other the kid goes atleast i dont drive 20 miles under the speed limit with my left blinker on, go back to ur rice paddy mulan! lol and when he is like o and fonzy u were with alot of girls did u ever get any diseases?fonzy pauses...herpes twice...crabs once..frowns

o and ultimatepaintballer thats not some random kid in ur quote thats joes son, the guy in the wheelchair

08-25-2003, 03:37 PM
"Maybe you should go back down there and have them suck the fat outta your HEAD."

"Maybe I will. And then I'll stick it on my feet and skate around on Paul Bunyan's skillet to cook his flapjacks!"

Eric Cartman
08-25-2003, 03:46 PM
God I love that show! I just finished watching the first and second seasons (got the DVDs for my birthday!) and I'm dyin' for the third season to come out. I just can't believe how far they push the envelope. I guess that's what killed the show in the end.:mad:
Someone mentioned the possibility of a movie earlier in this thread. I hope they do it right, make it restricted and just try to offend everyone!

Brian: "Whose leg do I have to hump to get a dry martini around here?"

08-25-2003, 04:23 PM
i love it, i remember watching the pilot. meg pisses me off, kinda like lisa in some episodes of the simpsons, but peter, stewey, and brian are my absolute favorites. one of my favorite episodes is when lois takes up karate and in the end its peter and lois fighting, meg and chris, and brian and stewey and stewey's riding brian like a horse, pullin his ears, then brian runs under the coffee table and stewey gets clipped by it, its hilarious. lmfao

08-25-2003, 04:38 PM
"mom tell chris to stop drawing my face on pigs bodies!"

"DONT CENSOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

08-25-2003, 06:35 PM
peter as a kid: why did the dynosaurs all die out?
tour guide: because you touch your self at night!!!

08-25-2003, 06:38 PM
guy:Son Im gonna need those hams from under your shirt.

chris: I dont have any hams.

Guy: Lift up your shirt please.

Chris: I need an adult! I need an adult!

guy: hey, you dont have any hams. your just a fat kid. Thats right just a big old fat kid. Hey Tom it was just a big old fat kid. Arnt ya fat boy fatty mcfat fat, here have some more chocolate fat boy!

chris: Thank you!

best lines ever

08-25-2003, 07:03 PM
i like that one, lolol

08-25-2003, 07:08 PM
That show owned.

08-25-2003, 08:29 PM
some of the greates lines in my opionion

Pool guy:sir u cant park your van here

Peter:Thats my kid

Pool guy: hey u are right it is just some fat kid


Chris: God watches me take a poo, I'm a sinner and gods a pervert.


Stewie: Everybody meet bobby, the newest member of the club of forgotten children.

U gotta love the umpa lumpa song theat they sing to joe when he is at the beer factory, u have to imagine this all in the umpa lumpa singing voice tone.
"what do u think about this one u call god"
"Isnt his adsence slight ly odd"
in the low umpa voice" maybe he has forgotten u"

08-25-2003, 09:15 PM
Uh people who say the show was great its still on tv its on adult swim on cartoon network. On a lighter note iw ould have to say my favorite line is the following

Lois: Peter are you drunk?

Peter: No im just exhausted cuz ive been up all night drinkin.

08-25-2003, 09:46 PM
Stewie: click click bloody click pancakes!!!

joe's son: my dad always says measure twice and cut once

clevland jr. : my dad always says "clevland jr. stop jumping on the bed" hahahahahah *saws wood*

joes son: we didn't measure, we didn't measure!!!

Nick O time
08-26-2003, 12:50 AM
It's on at 1 on TBS, then on at 11 on Cartoon Network Adult Swim. It's only on Cart Net on Mon.-Thurs.

I hate Meg, I don't care what you say. Stewie is the best!!!

Yeah JesseB that is my favorite line too. LMAO that is so good.

Chris:"Got your nose."
Peter:"O yeah, well I got your Face!!!(rips off Chris' face)"
Chris:"Ahh Ahh Ahh!!!"
Lois:(not looking to see whats going on)"It's just a joke Chris."

Eric Cartman
08-26-2003, 10:11 AM
Peter: We're looking for a book on potty training
Store Clerk: Well there's the very popular "Everybody Poops", the not so popular "Nobody Poops But You"...
Peter: Ah well we're Catholic...
Store Clerk: Oh well then you'll want "You're a naughty boy and that's pure concentrated evil coming out of the back end of you"
Peter: Great we'll take it!

08-26-2003, 10:31 AM
Peter: Hey is my fort ready yet?
Airline attendent: Yes Mr. Griffin` even though no one else has any pillows, your fort is ready.

Then he puts the NO GIRLS ALLOWED sign up thats hilarious.

And then in that episode when they get stranded in Cuba and they find the black market and peter's like: "Do you except bits of string?" and the Cuban is like: "sorry store policy"

08-26-2003, 12:11 PM
Lois: Oh my god, my babies drunk!
Peter:No Im not!... Oh yeah him, well hes kind of a light weight.


Chris: Meg, guess the word Im thinking of, its definitely not kitty.

Meg: Is it kitty?


08-26-2003, 12:22 PM
i love this show, i just watched it yesterday, i remember one show where they were having a party in there basement and lois is like stewie y dont u go up stairs and then stewie is like y dont u go to hell, i dont know but it was great

Nick O time
08-26-2003, 01:18 PM
he says that in like every episode:D . are you talking about the one where lois peter opens a bar in his basement and lois dances and all of peters friends are eye humping his wife. lol

08-26-2003, 01:26 PM
i like that one, lol stewey's time machine takes them back in time and saves the day!:D

08-26-2003, 03:24 PM
yup thats the one:D

Nick O time
01-02-2004, 02:11 AM
HOLY CRAP that is so mcfriggen awsome.
This news is freakin sweet.:p (in the Peter Griffen Voice when he is singing about getting the mansion)

Chojin Man
01-02-2004, 02:34 AM
cool. lets just hope that it stays on the air this time:D

01-02-2004, 02:56 AM
Lets hope that it airs at a consistent time and not jump from tuesdays to sundays to who-the-heck-knows-days.

"although new episodes could end up going directly to Cartoon Network. "
That would suck. I would have to shell out extra for that channel. Keep it on FOX!

01-02-2004, 10:58 AM
best. show. ever.


01-02-2004, 12:37 PM
I get it at 8:30 weekday nights:D

01-02-2004, 01:29 PM
It fries me that Fox got rid of the Family Guy (poor ratings because it's time-slot changed every week) but continues to air crap like King of the Hill and the long-toothed Simpsons.

01-02-2004, 01:54 PM
I heard that it was coming back a while ago. because I am special:D . I also have some other info about family guy and the simpsons(but you can't know).

Chojin Man
01-02-2004, 03:11 PM
awww come on Gin you can spill the beans we wont tell we promise!

01-02-2004, 03:42 PM

01-02-2004, 09:06 PM
that show is the best thing since snausages...

01-02-2004, 09:25 PM
and snausages are the best thing since snauzberries

01-03-2004, 01:15 AM
I will never spill the beans, The beans will never be spilled hahahahahahaha.

01-03-2004, 01:17 PM
Optimus Prime... your a jew too!!?!?

Oh my gosh, wish upon a weinstein.. FUNNIEST episode ever. I think it's on the 3rd season DVD only though. It was never on TV.

01-03-2004, 01:39 PM
I like the laser eye surgery scene.

01-03-2004, 01:41 PM
Anyone notice that lately southpark is not censoring bad words on comedy central? The F bombs and everything are never bleeped out...

01-03-2004, 01:43 PM
I remember the first episope where they said **** unconsored. the episode was "It hits the fan"

01-03-2004, 04:02 PM
ya they had that episode where they were able to say $hit. and they ended up saying it like 200 times :)

01-03-2004, 04:29 PM
"you know why women have boobs, so you have somethin to look at will your talkin to them" Peter

"the man in white has come to take me back to the womb" stewie

the evil monkey is funny and a good episode is the one where nobody can die with death and wish upon a wienstein
did air on cartoon network about a month ago and it was so funny:p

01-03-2004, 05:47 PM
my fav:
Peter: awww son, your not fat
Pool Guy: ummm excuse me sir, your not alowed to park your car on the diving board
Peter: thats not a va, thats my son!

LOL and then sometime later peter licks his own nipple to draw the attenion away from chris
LMFAO thats the best


01-06-2004, 11:50 AM
lol i got seasons 1,2, and 3 on DVD for X-mas. My favorites are the ones where Death is in it, there's like 4-5 of those episodes, but there's one where he breaks his ankle and he can't kill anyone so everyone is jumping off buildings and shooting each other and nothing happens, lmao. Then peter has to kill the actors from Dawson's Creek. GREAT episode.

01-06-2004, 04:17 PM
"Emission Impossible" and "He's too sexy for his fat" are the best episodes.:)

01-06-2004, 04:46 PM
i think that,"to live and die in dixie" or "petoria"
or the one where they tour pawtucket pat brewry, or once upon a weintein, or ahhhhhh i cant decide they are all so funny.

what the duece

01-06-2004, 10:15 PM
the "fiften minutes of shame" is a good one

Stewie: "It's not that I want to kill her, it just that I would like it if, if...she was not alive...anymore. Sometimes I wonder if all women are like that, then i think to myself, Why, wouldn't it be marvelous if i was a homosexual!"

01-06-2004, 10:18 PM
that is a great quote, i love it. i want to buy the season on dvd but they r pretty expensive