View Full Version : Velocity Issue at My Speedball Field!!!

08-24-2003, 10:16 PM
I played at my speedball field i built on private property a couple days ago and two players i was playing with, one had a 98 Custom and a Tippmann A-5, both had there velocity's cranked to such a high rate that when i was shot in the mask my mask almost blew off my head, the mask was halfway off. The welts people got from these guns were hugh and blood red and people were bleeding, i have countered by buying a chronograph.

I have a question, how high was the velocity set to on these guns, i know the standard limit is below 300 FPS, so i mean these guns had to be cranked way much higher than that.

08-24-2003, 10:20 PM
first of all, that is just dangerous and irresponsible that you let those people play there with such hot markers.

if you even have to ask this question, you already know the answer :)

08-24-2003, 10:22 PM
they were probably at 330-350, but thats just a guess from peoples tippmanns that ive cronoed, and remember that when they go to turn them down IN (as in turning the screw to the right) is the correct way to turn down a tippmanns velocity, all my friends get that confused. i remember the first time that me and my friends went to a real field with a crono, one kids cocker was above 400, and the rest of us with spiders had to have our springs cut

adam shannon
08-24-2003, 10:29 PM
the answer to your question is too damn high. there are relatively inexpensive hand held chronos around $100 that will keep you safe.

i have seen tippmanns clock in the high 300's if turned all te way up. when i got my m98 4 years ago it was shooting in the 300's out of the box...i blew holes in an old plastic shower stall. they are not set below 300 from the factory....you need to chrono them in before use.

i have also seen a highly defective classic mag valve that was waaay out of specs with aftermarket parts a friend was trying to diagnose and fix for a kid who showed up with it that shot in the 450's over the chrono...one reason to never try to basement modify anything, the manufacturer knows best dont mess with it yourself if you dont know what your doing.

08-24-2003, 10:39 PM
You must take care to check continuously, also. Back around 94, I had gotten a little dirt in my reg on my old mag, and halfway through a game, before which I chronoed just fine, my velocity spiked to between 350 to 400, depending on how long I took between shots. I didn't want to hurt anyone, so I quickly left the field after I realized what was happening. That is where I chronoed and found what was happening. Fortunately all I had to do was clean it out and re-lubricate it. So, it goes to show that frequent checks are a good idea, also.

08-25-2003, 12:18 AM
My guess is the combination of:

A) Nimrods wanting to shoot "harder" and "farther", whom crank it to 11 on the-dial-welt.

B) Recball/cheaper type paint with thick(er) shells.

C) Close range shooting.

D) CO2 induction into the gun.

E) Temperature extremes.

I hope for your sakes the folks playing on your private land are your friends. God forbid some fella/parent(s) might hold ya accountable for injury. If yer gonna allow random Joes play on yer property, i suggest you make them some kinda relase form or waiver.

Stacktubes, as fars as springs getting cut ya dont really have to. Either play without the velocity plug, or if that doesn't work, remove the spring guide. Or both. This is a common and basic remedy at the field i reff on, mind you we shoot 240 outdoors.

And as far as Tippmans go, they are by far the easiest to chrono up/down. I dont think ive seen a M98 unable to pass chrono.

08-25-2003, 02:20 AM
Yes they are my friends

08-25-2003, 05:13 AM
300, thats it? there was this father and his son who had these tippmanns, and no one really liked them, they always cheated and such, and ALWAYS shot hot(rec backyard type field), so no matter how much we told them to turn it down, they didn't.
but one time i got shot out so i grabbed a ref jersey, chrono, and found them on the field, the son clocked in at OVER 400, all 3 TIMES
then i went to his dad, he was shooting 350+, when i told him about his son shooting that hot, he just laughed and said 'thats my boyy'
i was disgusted and called the game to an end, then we approached the father and son, but they jumped in the truck and left, and we haven't seen them since

08-25-2003, 07:44 AM
At the IAO scenario game I saw a guy chrono over 500!!!

I didn't even know it was possible. I forget what he was using, at the time the 500 number had me too stunned to think :)

08-25-2003, 08:53 AM
i have chrono'd 600+

granted, this was running unregulated air into my 'mag.

As in, 800 psi in the dump chamber.. :-)

EDIT: this was at home, just seeing how high it would go.

08-25-2003, 09:04 AM
I won a bet with my mag one day. Had a cocker guy say he'd give the first person that could crono in at over 400fps with out breaking paint a 10$ bill. A full turn of the allen wrench and I crono'd in at 460.

08-25-2003, 01:45 PM
on the fps deal here.. I've never shot my marker over 310 fps...

another thing,

your MASK are only rated at 300fps, so if you have people who are shoothing 320, 350 and what not, if it hits you in the lense it very well could go through the mask and into your eyes.

An easy way to crono without a crono is mark off 150 feet from a tree and then shoot at the tree.. turn all the guns down so you have to lob the paint to hit the tree. That should put you around 220-270fps..
but the best thing to do is get a crono, or GO to a local field and use their's before you play.

good luck

08-25-2003, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by boomerfoxtrot

your MASK are only rated at 300fps, so if you have people who are shoothing 320, 350 and what not, if it hits you in the lense it very well could go through the mask and into your eyes.

but the ball slowls down as soon as it reaches the end of the barrel, you'd have to have it point blank with the mask

08-25-2003, 02:38 PM
Yeah, that 300 fps is the muzzle velocity.

08-25-2003, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by boomerfoxtrot
.....your MASK are only rated at 300fps, so if you have people who are shoothing 320, 350 and what not, if it hits you in the lense it very well could go through the mask and into your eyes.......

Actually, the lenses are tested to 600fps. I still wouldn't want to take the chance with some hot shot busting thru my goggles.

08-25-2003, 06:07 PM
Ive been shot at 380, that hurt. Ive heard that a cocker got up to 700, but the ball burst in mid air.

08-25-2003, 07:15 PM
Ohmigawd :eek:

If you insist on playing in a backyard, buy a chrono, and test every gun! People like that are the reason I don't play outlaw ball.

And if you know someone is a cheater and a hot-shooter, why would you ever play with them? :confused:

You are better to play 1-on-1 than to play with people who don't care about your safety.